View Full Version : 310 Die Help

Michael J. Spangler
02-11-2020, 09:40 PM
Hi Guys

I have a couple dies I can't ID

One is labeled 15 on the body and the seating seem is 278
Is this for the 30/40 Krag?
Also another one that's labeled 308W but has a 366 seating stem on it. Is this a .308 WIN with an 8MM stem?

I'm new to 310 tools so I'm guessing that people swapped around seating stems to fit their bullet nose shape?

02-11-2020, 10:57 PM
Your 15 die is for the 30-40, and I looked at a chart I have, and the 278 stem fits five different bullets,31112, 311278, 311279, 311280, and 311333. I don't think I've ever seen any of those moulds, must be very old designs.

Your 366 seating stem was used on several .323 dia bullets, but probably would fit sharp pointed jacketed bullets well, like a 168 BTHP.

Michael J. Spangler
02-11-2020, 11:12 PM
Thank you!!
Do you have any links to reference for the tools and seating stems? The one I keep pulling up online doesn’t seem too in depth.
Thank you again!

Green Frog
02-12-2020, 11:15 AM
Michael, Many many moons ago I assembled a "Master List" of the 310 Die Codes. It is not complete as some of the calibers were so obscure and made for such short runs that they don't appear in many of the lists in the Ideal Manuals. It has been posted in several places, but I don't know which are still active. if you can't find it, let me know and I'll send you a copy. Meanwhile, top punches are something I've never studied personally, but I think somewhere there is a list by code number of the bullet moulds that gives a suggested top punch number for each. Look for Lyman mould numbers chart.


Michael J. Spangler
02-12-2020, 11:37 AM
Hi Froggie. I would love to see that list.
I recently lucked into a whole bunch of dies and handles. One special handle being the all steel with interchangeable adapters. That one is staying home with for the rest of its life.
Most of the dies I have no use for and never will. I’ll be posting them for sale soon. I can’t see myself needing 6.5 Jap or 43 Spanish in my lifetime.
Would you be able to email the list to me if I PM my email?
Thanks again!

Green Frog
02-12-2020, 12:05 PM
I'd be glad to. In fact, I have an article I did for one of the collector's association journals... I'll send it to you via e-mail if you send me your address in a PM. I looked for the top punch list, but no joy so far. :(


PS I've got 1 each, large and small of those universal steel handles. They were only made for a short time and I treasure my pair as you do your new one! When I found them, I just about tripped over them and got them at about the same prices as plain aluminum alloy examples. What a deal!

02-12-2020, 03:13 PM
If you type in Ideal 310 Tool Quick Reference, you should be able to find the chart I have, and I had my wife print several pages for me to keep for a handy reference.

Michael J. Spangler
02-12-2020, 04:47 PM
PM on the way.
Yeah I scored a ton of stuff and it was like Christmas opening the boxes hoping one would have a steel interchangeable handle.

Green Frog
02-12-2020, 10:04 PM
Be sure and post here on Swapping and Selling when you figure which dies and die sets are surplus to your needs. I'm still looking for a few more dies myself to finish sets. I sent an e-copy of the Fouling Shot article as requested to your e-mail address. :coffeecom


Michael J. Spangler
02-12-2020, 10:25 PM
Thank you Froggie
I will post here first for sure. I would rather see them sell to some 310 junkies that I "know" vs some random people on eBay

Be sure and post here on Swapping and Selling when you figure which dies and die sets are surplus to your needs. I'm still looking for a few more dies myself to finish sets. I sent an e-copy of the Fouling Shot article as requested to your e-mail address. :coffeecom


Green Frog
02-13-2020, 09:53 AM
Look for another e-mail this afternoon when I get off work and can sit down to make a list. :coffeecom


Michael J. Spangler
02-13-2020, 10:04 AM
Look for another e-mail this afternoon when I get off work and can sit down to make a list. :coffeecom

Yes sir

02-20-2020, 10:35 PM
I have copies of two 310 die charts. One has a lot more numbers but it only covers the size dies. The other is not so long but list's the cartridge, handles, adapter die, priming chamber, Muzzle sizer/ DA chamber, Expander chamber, Expander for jacketed, Expander for cast. Then the seating screw for Jacketed. A lot of these numbers also applied to the Tru Line JR and Ezy-Loader.
The seating plugs were made in several thread diameters and could be swapped around easily as long as the threads match, same for expanders.
I like this list but it would be handy if it filled in a few more of the cartridges.
I use both list's when I browse Ebay or go to gun shows.

Green Frog
02-21-2020, 09:44 AM
44MagLeo, it’s likely that the larger list is the one I assembled or is derived from it... that one has been developing and growing for nearly 30 years now, and I still haven’t been able to fill in all of the blanks. The most recent publication of it was in the “Fouling Shot” journal from the CBA.

I made the executive decision to organize it by numerical order rather than caliber because I figured I’d be using it to identify dies... maybe someone more energetic than I would be willing to “reverse engineer it” to a list by caliber. I’d certainly put a copy in my files, but I don’t see enough need for me to go to that level of effort. :coffeecom
