View Full Version : 256 Newton headspace gauges

02-04-2020, 08:47 PM
Hello All: I've got to check the headspace on a 256 Newton. Will someone please suggest the best source for renting these gauges? Thanks, Dan

02-05-2020, 10:45 AM
Unless someone is making ammo for it again (US production stopped before WWII) headspace is not an issue. You are going to have to form the cases and can form them to conform to the rifle as opposed to the rifle conforming to the case. Staret with the die backed out and adjust the die down to form the case so the bolt closes on it and then put a piece of electrical tape on the case head and see if there is any resistance when closing the bolt. If yes you should be around .007 clearance or slightly less (measure tape thickness as it can vary). If no resistance turn the die in until you can feel the bolt compressing the tape. Not super scientific but works.