View Full Version : Just thoughts

02-01-2020, 08:26 AM
I occasionally put up a thread like this and am always careful to not preach because I am not a preacher . I'm only a layman , I claim no authority or special knowledge . I was never called to preach but do feel called to provoke thought and encourage the reading and study of GOD's word . It's not up to me to tell anyone what to think or do . I am a simple layman .

It's not all that common that people share their thoughts and even belief these days on the internet in a conversational way . Seems most want to pick a side to battle things out , I guess everyone would like to be 'right' .

Yesterday I went to a doctor's appointment . After satisfying the nice lady receptionist with information I turned to the waiting area where people sat . There were lots of empty seats . But there was an old man with an oxygen tank and a cane propped up on the chair by him . He was watching me and moved his cane from the seat by him . Everyone else was looking at their phones avoiding eye contact . I walked over and sat down by him and he smiled .

I'll continue later .

02-01-2020, 10:43 AM
you are such a tease!!!!

02-02-2020, 09:21 AM
lol , Markopolo please keep in mind that I'm not too bright and I type with one finger . Bless you sir ! Bare with me .

02-03-2020, 12:40 PM
I sat down and he just started talking like he knew me . We talked about the weather , the Trump 'impeachment' and crappie season getting closer . He was raised in a border town in Arizona and had a lot of stories .

But out of the blue he asked me...Why do you think GOD is keeping us here ? God had not been mentioned in any of our conversation so far . I said pretty quick...because he's using us here . The old man said...I don't see how he's using me at all . I told him...We don't see it , we don't need to see it . He is working in our and other people's lives . I wonder why he had us meet each other today ?

The old man said...I see what you mean ! He thought just a second and told me...I got a grown grandson right here in town that I hadn't seen or talked to for three years . Last week he came by the house and we talked for a couple of hours . I guess we kind of reconnected .

I said...There you go ! Have you talked to him since ? The old man was thinking as he said...No . I told him...Well..maybe you ought to call him and stay in touch , maybe go out to eat or get a cup of coffee . Again the old man said ...I see what you mean .

I'll stop there , the rest of our conversation was just friendly talk until a nurse came and took him back to the rooms . Odds are we will never see each other again . It is my belief and understanding according to GOD's word that we are servants to do his work here . Not only to help someone else but to grow in him . Many times it's only a glancing encounter and we never know or see the result .

Do you believe this to be true ?

Preacher Jim
02-03-2020, 12:47 PM
God has us in the right place at right time and gives us the right word at the right time.

02-03-2020, 01:11 PM
amen... God often speaks to us through other people... i often wish I could see more of what happens to the seeds we sow.... but that is not for me to see. just to be a sower of seed is enough...

02-03-2020, 01:13 PM
I used to be a reserve officer, and middle manager, and did some things I thought were important at the time. Now that I am semi-retired, I spend a lot of time with the grandchildren, especially Lilly, the six year-old, who needs a lot of help and support. I miss those days when I felt important, but I think this is where I am supposed to be now.


02-03-2020, 10:14 PM
"Do you believe this to be true ?"


02-04-2020, 09:59 AM
Amen, Absolutely!

Pine Baron
02-04-2020, 12:56 PM
I've seen this happen so many times, so YES.

02-04-2020, 03:40 PM
Charlie, I believe that God sends us people at the appropriate time....whether to help them or for them to help us......He sends us angles when we need help and sometimes He sends us as angles to help those in need......to answer your question....I say YES!

Great post and I appreciate your insight into the issues!