View Full Version : PID to pot ???

01-29-2020, 04:11 PM
Been building a casting table, on casters so i can move it around the shop ,, I have a Master Caster ( one arm bandit ) pulled off the therm. cover , pulled the ins. back to weld a 1/4"x 20 nut to the bottom of pot for my " HATCH PID set-up " thermal wire ???? I see 2 holes 1/4" x 20 at the bottom of the pot ,,,,, does " one " think they ( MC ) put the holes there for just that purpose ??
Sure would be nice not to have to weld on it.

I'll be hav'n coffee till hear from ya'll .:bigsmyl2:


Mike W1
01-29-2020, 04:59 PM
Don't have a MC, nor even laid eyes on one, but it's a safe guess that's probably what those holes are for. Auber Instruments would be a good place to purchase a TC that has those threads. Or just check with MC.

01-29-2020, 05:15 PM
The thermocouple provided with PID from Magma is a ring with a 1/4" hole, ment to be held by a machine screw. So yes I would say the threaded holes you found are just for that purpose.

01-29-2020, 05:42 PM
If you have a short ended thermocouple, you can crimp on an automotive ring-type connector of the appropriate size and bolt it to the bottom of the pot.

You can do the same thing with a Lee 4-20 bolting the ring around the spout. (that's where you need the heat measured at anyway and 1 less thing to get in your way on top :) )

01-29-2020, 06:09 PM
My thermocouple has a ring on the end ( HATCH made my plug & play PID ) Ya' i'm think'n that's what the threaded hole is for .

Thanks to all ,,will have it together tonight .

coffee's ready ,, Hootmix.

01-29-2020, 07:49 PM
If the holes were put in the bottom of the pot were for a T.C. or not, I would use one of them for mounting a T.C. anyway. Beats welding and maybe burning a hole in your pot.

01-29-2020, 08:30 PM
My thought exactly !!!! said the guy w/ 1 glass eye ,, and cataract's in the other .

I believe MC offered at extra charge ,, a PID unit ,, again I think " WE " are right.

coffee's ready ,, Hootmix.