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View Full Version : Meaningful post defn.

01-27-2020, 03:50 PM
Been a member for years but never posted. Now I'd like to list some items for sale but I see the 25 "meaningful posts" requirement. Fair enough, but what constitutes a meaningful post? I don't want to take up post space with non substantive thoughts. Give me some guidance please. BTW - this is my first attempt at a meaningful post.

01-27-2020, 04:21 PM
I don’t think that a post in the testing area will count.

Posts in the pit count but are rarely meaningful.

Surely you can find a few active threads and either add to them or at least agree with someone.

01-27-2020, 05:24 PM
posts in the pit do not count. you just need to post in the actual gun forum part, add your two cents to an existing thread, ask a few reloading questions in the proper area for your subject. sometimes post count does go up from a post in the pit but when the mods clean up you will lose them.

01-27-2020, 05:40 PM
Well, I like talking about guns, reloading, and hunting. I generally don't find it hard to find a subject of interest here. Maybe tell us about your favorite gun, or a hunting story. How about a good knife story with pictures. Pictures make everything better.

01-27-2020, 08:57 PM
Meaningful posts, my definition is, I guess, something like "Something that adds value to the discussions here."

Same thing others have said - Tell a good story that gives us ideas (LOL!) or teaches us what to do, or not to do :) Ask a meaningful question to clarify something or make someone safer. Show us a trick you use for shooting or reloading. Suggest or ask a new idea to improve the sport maybe? Lots of good tricks people have come up with, from casting Pewter into a mold that happens to weigh a convenient amount, to repurposing a nut pick to clean out primer pockets by filing a chisel end on it and using that as a scraper.

And, us being how we are, it's always mandatory to act as an enabler if someone's saying they're tempted to buy a new toy.

(Purple font is used for humor, I use it for "tongue in cheek" comments - Some use it for satire etc. though. Also used are the :bigsmyl2:and :kidding: emotes :-o)

01-27-2020, 11:18 PM
When someone doesn't have many posts, and need to make some posts, I always recommend that you tell us something about yourself. whether a basic introduction or maybe a story about a hunting trip. Tell us about your shooting range. Have you even made any special tools in regards to loading or casting? You've obviously have read a lot of posts here...do you have any casting or reloading techniques that are unique and different from what you've read? tell us about them.
Favorite gun? Inherited or bought at a gunshow for a sweet deal?
Do you have one rifle that is a crazy tack driver? Does it need a favorite boolit/bullet and/or load?

that's my 2¢

PS: btw, you need 30 meaningful posts...and I moved your thread from Testing area to "Our Town".

01-27-2020, 11:33 PM
Non-meaningful are responses to a post like. "Me too", "I want one of those"! "Wow"!!! "Mine is purple". And your original post (OP) to start this discussion is a meaningful post. Welcome aboard!

01-28-2020, 06:17 AM
Now hold on a second... "Mine is purple" is a VERY meaningful post!

To those of us who like Purple, anyways! LOL :)

I do really like re-purposed gadgets folks here make. Some of them are truly clever! Some I might not use - But each of us gets to do it our way :) Just do it safely.

Land Owner
01-28-2020, 08:26 AM
It IS to your credit that you visited here to absorb knowledge AND didn't ask those often repeated questions, which have been tirelessly answered. Now, it is time for you to give back. Certainly, there MUST BE a plethora of posts of interest to you...posts to which you could "meaningfully" reply.

Otherwise, THIS wouldn't be a Favorite web site for you. Or perhaps, like me, you joined long ago, forgot about it, and now want to sell stuff. Which one? After an estate sale, I too had to make 25 posts so that initially I could sell stuff here. I even got DINGED on my first ad for too many items (WARNING: carefully read the classified ad rules).

While motivated, it did not take long to make 25 posts. Then 50. Then 100. Now 500+. Some here have 10,000+ (they NEVER sleep). On another Outdoor forum, I have 10,000+.

FEW of my posts here have been classified ads and rarer still of the "+1" or "^^^this^^^" variety. But that is just me. I hope in 500+ that some were found to be meaningful...

Thirty posts is just a target. Fifty would be better. One hundred - better still.

The minimum number of posts and the date you joined do not forecast a successful sales campaign. Internet users want to believe they know and trust someone before sending them their dollars for sight-unseen materials and equipment.

"Meaningful" content is a way of getting to know you.

Wayne Smith
01-28-2020, 08:47 AM
When you see high post counts check join date. Some of us have been here for years. BTW, I don't think posts in Shopping and Selling count either.

01-28-2020, 09:53 AM
I would suggest looking through old threads. Find one of particular interest to you, bring it back to life. It's a wonder how many new thoughts people bring to an old topic.

01-31-2020, 09:11 PM
All I know is my account showed 30 posts last night and when I logged in just now it shows 10. Wonder what happened.

01-31-2020, 09:32 PM

You had plenty of good explanations of what a meaningful post is. Please follow the rules.