View Full Version : T/C G1 barrel stuck on G3 frame..

01-26-2020, 09:52 PM
I just got a frame with a few barrels. I think the frame is G3, 400k SN and selector switch on the hammer. I pulled the barrel that was on it (.22LR Super 14) and stuck a .357 Herrett barrel on. All was good until I tried to take the barrel off. It's stuck good. Pulling the pin out didn't help any. When I looked at the other extra barrel (30 Herrett) I notice it has a single piece locking bolt so I assume the stuck one does too. Is there any reasonable way to get these unstuck? Any thoughts appreciated.

I do have a frame in the 77k SN range so if I can get this barrel off, it should work fine on that frame. Teach me to look before I stick a barrel on a frame. )-:}

Cross posted on single shot pistol forum too. I just know there's a lot of knowledge on this forum too.

GOT IT. Just had to drop the trigger group out and push the barrel locking bolt in with a screw driver.

02-25-2020, 07:09 AM
Oh boy, close call. I have had a few of them myself...


02-25-2020, 08:13 PM
I think there is just a Contender some call it a G1 the new Contender G2 and a Encore but all Contender barrels should work on G1 and G2

02-25-2020, 08:52 PM
You saying that it’s closed and won’t pivot open, or that it’s open and won’t lift off the receiver? Can’t imagine the later, but thought I’d ask.

02-28-2020, 04:24 AM
I just got a frame with a few barrels. I think the frame is G3, 400k SN and selector switch on the hammer. I pulled the barrel that was on it (.22LR Super 14) and stuck a .357 Herrett barrel on. All was good until I tried to take the barrel off. It's stuck good. Pulling the pin out didn't help any. When I looked at the other extra barrel (30 Herrett) I notice it has a single piece locking bolt so I assume the stuck one does too. Is there any reasonable way to get these unstuck? Any thoughts appreciated.

I do have a frame in the 77k SN range so if I can get this barrel off, it should work fine on that frame. Teach me to look before I stick a barrel on a frame. )-:}

Cross posted on single shot pistol forum too. I just know there's a lot of knowledge on this forum too.

GOT IT. Just had to drop the trigger group out and push the barrel locking bolt in with a screw driver.

I had a 222Rem barrel that came on a 1st revision frame (screw selector in the hammer) and I put it on a 3rd revision frame (selector on top of hammer). I had the same outcome as you and also had to pull the trigger and other bits out to get the barrel to unlock.

02-29-2020, 01:43 PM
You should be able to replace the 1 piece bolt with a 2 piece and use it on the newer frame. I did that on a 45 Colt barrel and it worked fine.

03-03-2020, 08:28 PM
You should be able to replace the 1 piece bolt with a 2 piece and use it on the newer frame. I did that on a 45 Colt barrel and it worked fine.
I have long since sold that 1st revision frame and barrel combo, but all my current barrels have been updated to the two piece locks for my G2 frames.