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01-25-2020, 05:41 PM
A couple weeks ago we butchered pigs .
Now the smoking is all done and it's ham time .

Ham is my absolute favorite thing in the world .
This is what I do with a whole ham .

I'm single so most of the ham will be band sawed
Into 3/8 thick steaks .
I'll square the top and set the trim aside , then saw off two or three steaks .
Then I'll saw out a nice center cut dinner ham .
But again I'm single so I don't need a 5-6 lb dinner ham
So I'll saw it in about half crosswise and keep the bigger half with the bone in for my dinner ham
And slice the other side into steaks .
And continue on with steaks for the rest .

And the hock I'll save half of it for ham and beans
Then bone out the other half add it to my trim pile
And run it threw the grinder with about 2 lbs of fresh ground shoulder and a tiny bit of added fat And use that for ham loaf or ham pie .

I'm getting hungry just thinking about it .


01-25-2020, 05:49 PM
How long do you hang your hams after curing?

01-25-2020, 06:16 PM
I don't make Virginia / country style ham , I do a wet cure with brine .
So they don't get hung , if the temperature is 40 or so average I'll let it hang for 2-3 days to drip out any excess brine and dry off .
Otherwise it's just over night .
Then it's 3-4 hours of heavy smoke followed by 12 hours of light smoke and it's done . And it's all cold smoke .

01-29-2020, 04:41 PM
Iam with you. Love good smoked salty ham! And bacon! And pork period!

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01-29-2020, 07:20 PM
opps..wrong thread LOL
