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View Full Version : Turkish Mauser screws won't budge

12-15-2005, 06:39 PM
I got 5 of these babies given to me the other day, and I am disassembling them all for a thorough cleaning. Three of them have action screws that broke, and using my Snap-On screw extractors, with the additional use of heat and penetrating lube, I still can't make them budge. Any ideas on how to break these little buggers loose? I have also tried heating up the screw boss with a torch and touching the screw with ice to gain some clearance, but no dice. The rifles will be made up for my sisters-in-law (2), and the rest for me. Thanks for the help, guys.


12-15-2005, 08:58 PM
when all else fails....that means everything...try Mig welding something you get a hold of to the screw head or what is left. A cheap screwdriver comes to mind...an allen wrench is good or a piece of drill rod bent to a 90 degree angle...forget a piece of soft stuff. Don't get in a hurry give the crews a shot of PB Blaster every time you walk by for 3 days. They'll come out by and by. Now, there a few gunsmith types lurking here.....they probaly have some neat trick to make it simple.

12-15-2005, 09:01 PM
You can also melt was into the screw threads, old trick on cars. Kroil oil is good and so is this penetrating oil called Gibbs. Another is to drill it out with a left hand twist drillbit that is just a little smaller then the screw. Most the time with those drill bits you get most the way through the screw and they then they unscrew. If not you can pick out the very thing screw shell that is left with an awl.


mike in co
12-15-2005, 09:48 PM
You can also melt was into the screw threads, old trick on cars. Kroil oil is good and so is this penetrating oil called Gibbs. Another is to drill it out with a left hand twist drillbit that is just a little smaller then the screw. Most the time with those drill bits you get most the way through the screw and they then they unscrew. If not you can pick out the very thing screw shell that is left with an awl.

time is cheap...soaking is a good thing, and drilling out works great.

kroil is great.

12-16-2005, 08:18 AM
Those screws are probably bent. Mine were. The barrel recoil lug didn't come close to touching the crossbolt, so the trigger guard screws absorbed the recoil. Since the trigger guard fit tightly inside the stock, the barrel moved rearward with recoil, bending the screws. Be sure to tell us how you get them out.

01-14-2006, 04:04 PM
I had some rough 98 mausers years ago with action screws rusted tight. Careful drilling allowed diaassembly. Pipe wrench on hand saw off stubb cleared the threads. Today I would try SOK penetrant spray and time.
Good luck,

01-14-2006, 09:25 PM
JR, where are you getting that S'OK! penetrant spray? I LOVE that stuff, and haven't been able to get any for several years. Best penetrating lube I've ever found.

01-15-2006, 02:40 AM
I found this link, but you will have to email to find out where to buy....


01-16-2006, 05:42 PM

01-16-2006, 05:53 PM

Apparently you haven't tried Gibbs....it's all I use.
