View Full Version : Completely ignorant of swaging tools

01-20-2020, 01:37 PM
Yesterday a gentleman and I began an e-mail conversation about a number of swaging tools and bullet jackets he has acquire. I've always been interested in swaging but never pulled the trigger....pun intended.

Anyway, the gentleman was kind enough to send me a few pictures of what he has and other than recognizing the items for what they are I have no idea if everything is there other than the lead wire or, truth be told, what he in fact has. I don't know if the gentleman himself is very familiar with what he has, other than about like me.

Could someone who knows what they're doing PM me and allow me to forward the e-mails and tell...both of us actually...exactly what is or is not there? It appears to me the equipment he's received is older and the previous owner was buying jackets. I can only assume the presses and dies were for swaging the actual bullets and nothing else.....and I am completely guessing.

01-20-2020, 03:32 PM
I only know RCE and CH4D swage stuff.
Is it Blackmon or Corbin or other stuff?

01-20-2020, 06:28 PM
Gew, I believe it's all Corbin. Without checking back I'm pretty certain that's what he told me.

01-21-2020, 12:22 AM
I've been swaging for 40+ years. Forward pics to: blltsmth@hotmail.com and I'll see if I can ID them for you!! Don

01-21-2020, 08:45 AM
Thanks Don. It will be this afternoon before I can but, I certainly will.


01-21-2020, 12:02 PM
No problem! I'm here most any time!

02-13-2020, 09:30 PM
I've been swaging for 40+ years. Forward pis to: blltsmth@hotmail.com and I'll see if I can ID them for you!! Don

Now that’s a name I’m gonna remember. AND a member for 10 years and only 95 posts. Fits right into what I was taught years ago. 20% mouth. 80% ears. Dad had his ways of explaining things. Lol

02-14-2020, 12:35 AM
I hope that someone posts the pics, I always enjoy seeing whats stuff is out there.

02-14-2020, 09:16 AM
I apologize for appearing to let this post "wither on the vine". Such is not really the case. Mike called me and offered his skill and knowledge to my great benefit. The seller and I came to an agreement then he graciously allowed me to hold off out for a couple months because I overshot my landing place. I simply had nothing more to tell and had to learn what to ask.

The stuff is all Corbin and from what the seller and I can ascertain everything necessary is there. I should be able to wrap up the deal in a couple months.

Jim, I'd be glad to post pictures but since the photojunket debacle I've not signed on to another host.