View Full Version : Baseball Fans ?

01-18-2020, 03:31 PM
What's the big to do in re stealing signs ? We were doing that in Little League ! I guess , like brushback pitches, that's passe.

Talking heads saying to remove their titles and rings. Seems like the New England Patriots got away with worse !

Maybe why , except for kids, I don't watch anymore. Dang near as boring as tennis or golf.

Plate plinker
01-18-2020, 04:37 PM
What's the big to do in re stealing signs ? We were doing that in Little League ! I guess , like brushback pitches, that's passe.

Talking heads saying to remove their titles and rings. Seems like the New England Patriots got away with worse !

Maybe why , except for kids, I don't watch anymore. Dang near as boring as tennis or golf.

They used technology to do it and that is forbidden. They broke the rules. So the real question is who shall get the lifetime ban?

01-18-2020, 04:49 PM
Is there nothing that is done with honor and integrity anymore?

01-18-2020, 05:42 PM
Dodger fans are whineing and crying. They couldn't win on the field so they want someone to give them a or two world series trophy. I have seen no sport that is serious about stopping cheating. When the Patriots are banned for a year then the NFL would be serious. Owners want other teams not to cheat. Their teams are just trying to win. Rich hipocrits

01-18-2020, 06:57 PM
I hope this doesn't go all the way back to 2004.

01-18-2020, 10:38 PM
Now they don't want Curt Schilling in the Hll of Fame because he's not PC enough ? I grew up with 8 teams in both leagues and could name most players - quit watching much after the first strike, now even less interest (except for World Series pools !)

01-18-2020, 10:53 PM
Big fan of baseball,
Not a fan of cheating... don't know what the answer is.
The lack of integrity in today's society is appalling and it bleeds over into everything, sports included.
Morals, integrity, honesty are all considered as passe in today's society. Everybody laments the loss if those things but nobody practices them.
Sad commentary on our society.

01-19-2020, 12:23 AM
The batters might have known that an off speed pitch was coming, but they still had to hit it. Unlike 1919, they were trying to win.
Yeah, I live in MA but I'm not a fan of the former coach, Cora. Snub the President at the White House? Naa...

01-19-2020, 08:40 AM
Oh, thought you were talking about the '51 Giants. Stealing signs has been part of the game since there were signs. The answer used to be, knock a batter or two down and they got the message pretty quick.

01-19-2020, 09:32 AM
Oh, thought you were talking about the '51 Giants. Stealing signs has been part of the game since there were signs. The answer used to be, knock a batter or two down and they got the message pretty quick.

Part of the problem with that approach is that the pitcher and manager get ejected even if the batter doesn't get hit with a pitch if the umpire thinks the pitcher threw at the batter intentionally.
If the batter does get hit, it invariably leads to a fight and/or retaliation, then even more players get ejected.
The answer to cheating is long term suspensions and hefty fines...none of which would be necessary if people just did the right thing and played within the rules.
Corrupt society is to blame...no idea how to fix society, but it is badly broken.

MT Gianni
01-20-2020, 06:13 PM
Stealing signs has long been forgiven if the runner on 2nd can somehow relay it to the batter. Wires, see the Altuve videos, electronic signals to the dugout and lights go beyond the norm. At any sport, the top levels are taught to take every advantage. The difference is when it cannot be universally applied. Compare it to under inflated footballs. As the joke said "Whats the best thing about dating a Patriots fan? She doesn't care if you cheat".