View Full Version : Modifying SBH grip panels.

01-15-2020, 10:28 PM
I'm thinking about jigging or worm grooving my short frame super blackhawk grip panels. I can't afford a set of elk or stag grip panels so I'm thinking this will help me index the gun better and help consistency.

I'm thinking I would sand it fine and finish it shiny.

Anyone else do something like this or have any other ideas?


01-24-2020, 08:25 AM
Try friction tape. If you don't like it, take it off. The adhesive will clean up easily with lighter fluid.

01-24-2020, 09:21 AM
Go for it. A starburst groove pattern should give plenty of purchase. If not then you have a good reason to get the grips you want to replace the ugly grooved grips. Ha Ha

country gent
01-24-2020, 01:18 PM
Bazoo, There are several ways to do this. Checkering the panels would be my first choice, its easier on the eye and can look good still showing the grain. Caliber and recoil level would be part of the decision on coarseness if the checkering. Next would e stippling the panels with a punch and hammer. Still looks good and offers improved grip. It can be done in a patter also and is much faster then checkering. I would use a punch with the tip in an oval shape .060 wide and around .090 long with radius ends. SHate board tape or friction tape works but will need replaced over time. It may also be coarse with heavy recoil.
Before going to the grip panels practice on some scrap pieces of wood. Stippling done well can look very good. Hold the punch up about 1/8{ above the work and use a light hammer. dont try to align it just start tapping and move the punch inside the pattern. A heavier punch will give a deeper indentation.

01-24-2020, 05:32 PM
I appreciate the replies and suggestions.

Checkering would be cool, but I don't have checkering tools. It's a 44 magnum caliber but I don't run full house magnums most of the time. I mostly need something to give me a consistent feel so I can tell when my grip is off.

I thought about grip tape but I don't think it will suit me. I could try it though without per inset modification. I hadn't considered stippling. I'll ponder that a while.

01-24-2020, 07:07 PM
If you are interested I have a checkered set of finger grooved SBH grips for sale, way back in page 6 or 7. I bought them for a BH, but they fit a SBH. Be happy to send you info? Thanks, hc18flyer

01-24-2020, 08:02 PM
I appreciate the thought hc18flyer, but I have a short barreled super blackhawk that has the standard grip frame size.

02-23-2020, 10:50 AM
I'd think about the grip tape again. At least maybe give it a try, its cheap. I was NOT INTERESTED in trying it, but somehow got a hold of some for some other project and ended up trying it out on a smooth front-strap. Wow! I came to really like it.

02-23-2020, 06:25 PM
Interesting, jrayborn, thanks.

I've actually thought about checkering the front strap but ain't sure bout it.

02-23-2020, 08:17 PM
I've checkered a few and its nice. Tape is just a lot faster and works better than I ever thought.

02-23-2020, 09:50 PM
I will give it a test and see how I like it, thanks.

Buzz Krumhunger
02-23-2020, 10:00 PM
I’ve put Talon grip material on the front and back straps of the grip frame and tucked it under the grip panels on the edges. The Talon grip “granulated rubber” texture is a lot less likely to abrade your skin from recoil than the sandpaper texture, but still is grippy enough to help. They sell it in sheets you can cut to shape.

02-23-2020, 10:07 PM
I took a dremil with a burr and basket weaved a set of BH grips. Layed it out with pencil, cut with burr and sanded. It was my first project. The 1st time I did grips with dremil was a 1911 and 1st attempt didn't look that good. I was putting a steers head in, ended up basket weave pattern to save project.

02-23-2020, 11:03 PM
Part of the reason I'm thinking to do something to the grips like grooves, is to index the gun in my hand. The extra grip is icing on the cake but I'm thinking the consistent feel will help my accuracy some.