View Full Version : Trying to e-mail Redding

Wayne Smith
11-13-2008, 05:38 PM
I'm trying to e-mail Redding because they make custom dies. Went to their website and their e-mail link isn't working. I've already struck out with CH4D, they are ignoring my e-mails. I need dies for a 10.5x47R and have both a fireformed case and a chamber cast.

Any ideas? I'm at work so I can't call, I'm also on the East Coast so our time zones are the same. I'm working when they are!

11-13-2008, 05:42 PM
have some one else call for you?

11-13-2008, 09:26 PM
Call CH in the evening, they were working 2 shifts last I knew.

Wayne Smith
11-13-2008, 09:56 PM
2 years ago I sent CH4D a cast and asked for dies. They returned the cast several weeks later in a box with nothing else, no note, no information, nothing. I called and asked the status of my order, they said the dies were made and sent for hardening. Several weeks later I called back, my dies were not in that order, and the guy was very short. I had given them a credit card number when I first called. A few weeks after I talked to them the second time that credit card was identity theft, closed account. It was never charged by them.

I have never heard from them since them. I have sent several e-mails and gotten not even an acknowledgment that they have even received the e-mail. Notice that not once, even when the credit card was canceled, did they contact me. All I have ever received from them was the box with my chamber cast. It contained no information.

I am relatively convinced that they never made my dies and don't want to admit it. In my e-mails I have offered to provide another credit card #, stating that I knew that one was closed and why. Again, no contact.

That's why I want to try Redding. I understand that they are the only other option for dies made from a chamber cast or case now that RCBS is out of the business.

11-13-2008, 11:18 PM
Wayne, have you tried Hornady?
I don't know if they make dies from a cast but I do know they make custom dies.
On another board some of the wildcatters have had Hornady make the dies for them, with very good luck.
If I were you I'd give them a phone call and see what they tell ya.
Just my .02.

11-13-2008, 11:48 PM
Forester/bonanza charges 150 bucks now. Very good quality. ... felix

11-14-2008, 08:30 AM
FWIW- My folks are friends with the owners of Redding and have toured theplant. No, I don't know them and can only wish I had an "in". The business is reportedly BOOMING according to them, very busy. I suggest you make a phone call. Goodness knows how many emails a day they get.

Wayne Smith
11-14-2008, 08:31 AM
OOOOhhhh. Thanks Felix, I think I'll call Hornady!

C A Plater
11-14-2008, 09:19 AM
The trouble with published email addresses like Redding's is that every spammer on the planet has it. Any real email will be dwarfed by the sheer volume of junk that comes in. Best to call or write (snail mail) if you want to get to a human.

Jon K
11-14-2008, 09:23 AM

Did you try email direct, rather than using the link?
I emailed them, previously, and got a reply, or phone call back.


Wayne Smith
11-14-2008, 11:35 AM
That's what I was looking for, Jon, thanks.

11-14-2008, 08:32 PM
Wayne, do you have the reamer or is this a gun you picked up and need some dies for?
If you have the reamer contact Sam here on the board.
He built a wildcat for me a couple of years ago and used the reamer to make me a set of custom dies to go with it. The die set included a FL die, bushing type neck sizer and the seating die. They are top notch!
Just another suggestion.


Wayne Smith
11-14-2008, 09:54 PM
This is the right barrel of a combination or cape gun that dates from approx. 1865 (fluid steel barrel) to April 1, 1892 - proof law in Stettin, Germany, no proof marks. Marked "F. Kuhner" and "Stettin". One thing CH4D did say the second time I called them is that this 10.5x47R chamber is different from all the others they have, and I think he said they have 11. Lot of creative work went on then.