View Full Version : .690 round ball help

01-10-2020, 09:07 AM
my mold with pure lead is casting at
484.3g up to 488.6g
plus 2 20Ga. wads under ball = 13g
so added togeather

497.0 to 501.4

what shot formula do I use when looking for a shot load?

as 1 1/8 loads = 492.2
and 1 1/4 = 546.9

thank you

01-10-2020, 09:57 AM
I think you're going to be just fine with 1 1/8 load data. You're within just a couple of grains, and unless the fit is extremely tight, you"ll probably be making less pressure than an equivelent load of bird shot. I have great luck using 1 1/8 oz load data for my .690 round balls, and I've never seen anything close to pressure signs. The balls and wads do fit my barrel nicely though. Some combinations are unreasonably tight in some barrels, despite appearing in loading manuals, so check your fit in the barrel before loading. Ajay has posted a bunch of good info on this in the blazing sabots thread.

01-10-2020, 10:04 AM
Agreed... you have a 1 1/8th load.. no worries.. Ajay and Longbow have discussed these RB's at length... search those posts out...

01-10-2020, 10:56 AM
I have been reading there posts, alot of good reading,
so far Ive got these wads, that push through with slight effort NOT grunting or hard effort,
Win 12L--gray wads
Downrange yellow wads--aka-Waa12F114
Win AA Pink 12SL
waiting on some Windjammers to show up next week,
I have
Chededitte hulls, low wall never fired
STS,Nitro, hulls
Win, HS, AA hulls

im going to be roll crimping with BPI's clear over card
and will want a low pressure slow FPS load
looking to reach out only to 50yards max, mostly 30 yrds
im posting as I go as I do not want to blow my shotgun or me up

thanks all for the help

01-10-2020, 02:32 PM
Sounds like a winning combination to me. Beware...this gets addictive! For low recoil, 50 yard round ball shooting, there are a ton of trap load recipes you can use. 1100-1400fps is a real nice speed. Stay safe, have fun, and let us know how it goes!

01-10-2020, 03:01 PM
1 1/8 oz data is more than safe. My only advice is to try a fold crimp. Less fuss since you already have fold crimped hulls. I find best results with something under the ball to support it. A plastic wad isn't very robust. A nitro card can work, I've have fantastic results with buffer. Cream of wheat works well. You just need enough to fill the space. Buffer also allows finer adjustments for height than nitro cards. I use Lee scoops to measure.

01-10-2020, 06:05 PM
I use a LEE 690 rb mold and air cooled stick-on ww. my load is cheddite 2 3/4 hull, win 209, white fed so wad with petals cut just
below the center line of the 690 rb. 17.0 gr of vectan as, fold crimp. the load is very good for me and the wads are not
mangled after being shot .

Mr Peabody
01-10-2020, 07:19 PM
what choke or not are you going to use?

01-10-2020, 07:51 PM
I'm not much help with 0.690" RB's specifically as I have never gotten them to shoot well out of my guns. Generally the wads I have been able to get have petals that are too thick and the few wads I've tried where the fit is decent have gotten sheared petals anyway! I do have some Winchester wads now that are a good fit so will try those. Nothing wrong with 0.690" RB's just I haven't had the right combination of wad to bore fit to get them to work.

Now for 0.662", 0.678" and 0.735" RB's the story is different... I've gotten good results from all if fit is good. The 0.662" always needs to be patched and the 0.678" sometimes need a paper wrap. Of course 0.735" RB's always fit!

What msm said about buffer too. I started out with 0.735" RB's on cushion legs with the petals cut off. Recovered wads were destroyed and accuracy was poor. I went from that to a plastic gas seal over powder then hard card wad column and that solved it resulting in impressive accuracy. For RB's in wads, same issue with the plastic wads ~ they try to wrap themselves around the ball with 8000 to 10,000 PSI behind them. A nitro card wad or two gives good support under the RB and a scoop of buffer is also good ~ COW works just fine.

And yes, you'll be fine with 1 1/8 oz. load data. Slugs generally produce less pressure for a given payload weight than shot loads do due to less bore friction. Plus don't forget a 1 1/8 oz. birdshot load also has a wad that isn't part of that 1 1/8 oz. weight of shot.

BPI has load data sheets and load info in their slug loading handbook for 0.690" RB's too. One of the Lyman manuals has 0.690" RB data too but pretty limited.

Looks like you are off to a good start.


01-11-2020, 12:40 AM
I like a .735 punk'n ball and 16 grs Red Dot. Cut the petals at the equator. Randy.

01-11-2020, 06:14 AM
ive got two cylinder bore shotguns ill be shooting out of
ithica 37 and a SXS Coach both 20 inches of boomstick

and I will be roll crimping as I want to identify with a quick look what im grabbing,
Buck- clear overshot with number,
Brawn, Roundball clear overshot (red powdercoated) Lip stick

01-11-2020, 09:34 AM
Greetings 49FMerlin, for some reason your mention of Ithica 37 rang a bell, please double check the barrel ID by simply pushing the RB in wad back wards to play it safe ! !
What a shame Lyman charged us $100 for that mold with handles and it had a big spruce and for 1/5 the price Lee gave us a far far better design, Brave to Lee for being our biggest supporter at lower prices ! !

Best regards,
Ajay K. Madan
Super Blazing Sabots

01-11-2020, 01:19 PM
Ajay Thank you for reponding,
If i push the downrange yellow wad with just ball its very very tight,
with 1 wad not so tight
with two wads it slides snug

so I was going to use 2 or three wads (20Ga.) under the ball,

if I buy the LB12 and use those how are they loaded? whats under them?

01-11-2020, 02:23 PM
Hello John, go ahead with 2 nitro cards in wad below RB, three will become loose fit and hurt accuracy. We want a snug fiction fit.
You are doing great. check if a 16 ga nitro after a 20 ga will give it a more firmer base at launch ! !
Blow-by powder gases is yet another problem causing Havoc to our accuracy.
I wish you the very best, have fun while you are at it.
Please use only name brand wads not the funky brand, ever ! !
I gave you a rating with being " Good " 4 Stars ! !
Best regards,
Ajay K. Madan
Super Blazing Sabots

01-12-2020, 11:26 PM

if I buy the LB12 and use those how are they loaded? whats under them?



have a look at this thread. I loaded a 690 roundball with the LB12 but in a buck & ball load ... What I learned was that you need quite a solid stack of heavy nitro cards underneath the LB12 and the round ball. If not the round ball will be pushing through the LB12 wad.
