View Full Version : Too much Bad excitement last night

01-07-2020, 06:55 PM
Maybe going armed with a locked and loaded Gov't Model around the house is a good idea. The bad guy lives directly across the street from me. He was prowling the yards at the other end of the block, behind my house. About a dozen rounds were fired real quick.


Officer 'gravely wounded' in Waseca shooting is in critical condition
The suspect in the encounter was shot twice but is expected to survive, according to the BCA.
By Paul Walsh and John Reinan Star Tribune staff writers JANUARY 7, 2020 — 4:24PM

WASECA, MINN. — The police officer shot and wounded in a residential neighborhood here Monday night was “gravely wounded” during an encounter with a wanted felon and was in critical but stable condition Tuesday morning.

The gunfire occurred shortly after 8 p.m. as four police officers responded to a call of a suspicious person with a flashlight in the backyard of a home in the 900 block of 4th Avenue SE. in the city 75 miles south of the Twin Cities. The suspect, Tyler R. Janovsky, 37, of Waseca, was soon found in a neighboring block, the State Bureau of Criminal Apprehension said at a news conference here Tuesday.

Waseca police officer Arik Matson
Officer Arik Matson, 32, was shot in the head, said BCA Superintendent Drew Evans. Matson was flown by air ambulance to North Memorial Health Hospital in Robbinsdale, Evans said. A GoFundMe page has been set up to assist his family.

“At one point during the encounter with him, officer Matson was shot, the officers then shot Mr. Janovsky,” Evans said.

Janovsky was shot twice. He was taken by ambulance to North Memorial and is expected to survive, Evans said.

Janovsky has a lengthy criminal record, including convictions for burglary, drug crimes, terroristic threats and accessory to murder. Evans said Janovsky had an active arrest warrant at the time of the shooting.

Evans said witnesses to the shooting have yet to be interviewed by BCA investigators. The agency said Waseca police officers do not wear body cameras and it has yet to be determined whether squad cameras captured the incident. Once the investigation is complete, the BCA said, the findings will be forwarded to the Waseca County Attorney’s Office for review of the officers’ actions.

Waseca Police Chief Penny Vought said Matson, a husband and father, has been with the department since 2013 and is assigned to the patrol unit and south central drug investigative unit SWAT team, and also serves as a DARE officer.

“I’ve heard it and said it, ‘This is the worst nightmare a law enforcement agency can face,’ and we’re living it right now,” Vought said. “We have to remain strong and diligent; we still have a job to do. We’re still going to respond to calls in the city of Waseca and be responsive but help one another too.”

Tyler R. Janovsky
The gunfire came three weeks after police raided Janovsky’s home in the 200 block of 11th Street SE. They came away with several grams of methamphetamine, nearly 900 pills of pseudoephedrine, marijuana, 30 grams of psilocybin “psychedelic” mushrooms, a handgun, various drug paraphernalia and instructions for making meth.

A younger brother’s warning of about the arrival of police allowed Janovsky to escape out a basement door, according to the search warrant affidavit.

Janovsky was charged in absentia on Dec. 27 with numerous felony counts involving the production and sale of meth and was being sought as a fugitive at the time of Monday night’s incident.

Janovsky’s criminal history in Minnesota also includes pleading guilty to being an accessory to murder in the 2001 strangulation of a 21-year-old man in nearby Truman who was robbed of $200 and a small amount of marijuana. Janovsky admitted driving Morgan Schulz to the victim’s home and waiting outside while Schulz killed Rickey Buker. Janovsky was given a 3 ¼-year term.

Officer raised in Albert Lea

U.S. Rep. Jim Hagedorn, whose district includes Waseca, wrote on Facebook that he was in touch overnight with Arik’s father, retired Albert Lea police officer Tim Matson.

“The work of our police officers can be exceptionally difficult and unpredictable,” Hagedorn said in a posting. “Dealing with illicit illegal drug use and trafficking, people suffering from mental illness, and felony crimes perpetrated by evil people far too often place the lives of those who protect and serve at risk.”

Arik Matson became a licensed officer in Minnesota in 2010, public records show. He joined the Waseca police force in November 2013 on a part-time basis and was promoted to full-time in early 2015, according to a city manager’s report at the time. He was elevated “from among highly regarded and qualified candidates for the position,” the report to the mayor and City Council noted.

In early 2010, Arik and Tim Matson both worked the night shift with the Freeborn County Sheriff’s Office, according to an Albert Lea Tribune profile of the son and father.

Arik Matson graduated from Albert Lea High School in 2006, was in the police explorer’s program and interned with the Albert Lea Police Department, according to the article. He then earned his law enforcement degree from Minnesota State University-Mankato, and worked security for the Minnesota Vikings when their preseason camp was located in Mankato. He and Megan Joyce were married in Cancun, Mexico in 2014, according to the Albert Lea Tribune.

Residents in Waseca, where Matson is a “much beloved” school resource officer, were shocked and saddened Tuesday morning by news of the shooting.

Deb Nygaard, a waitress at the Pheasant Café downtown, said Matson came in often to dine with his family.

“His wife and his two young kids would come in and wait for the daddy to come in for his lunch hour,” Nygaard said. “Such a nice family.”

Waseca police, the State Patrol and the BCA were among the agencies responding to the scene Monday.

Early Tuesday, yellow police tape still cordoned off the tree-lined block where the incident took place.

Marty Buum, who lives two doors away from where the shootings occurred, said he and his wife were entertaining several couples at the time of the incident and did not hear any shots. He said they became aware that something was going on nearby when they noticed emergency flashing lights just after 8 p.m.

“Pretty soon more and more emergency vehicles showed up, and police and police, and we thought, ‘OK, this is more than an ambulance,’ ” Buum said Tuesday morning.

Buum described the neighborhood as “close knit,” with most of the residents having lived there for many years.

Staff Writer Dan Browning contributed to this report.

01-07-2020, 07:32 PM
Got an address for the "go fund me" page?

01-07-2020, 10:27 PM


Rick Hodges
01-08-2020, 10:21 AM
I am so tired of them turning convicted violent criminals loose to let them prey on others time and time again.

01-08-2020, 10:37 AM
Why was the guy free? 3-1/4 years for murder, ya got to be kidding!

Prayers for the Officer and his Family.

01-08-2020, 12:30 PM
If we actually put the bad guys away for decent lengths of time, our prisons would be overflowing. There simply isn't enough space to house all of the truly evil people in this country.

Couple that with the liberal and soft judges that are taking over the justice system at the local level and you have a recipe for exactly what happened; very bad people being released to prey on the good guys.

Last year, a local guy, complete with neck tattoos and history of assault and theft, threatened another guy's life with a gun (which he wasn't supposed to have in the first place), got in a foot chase with police, ran through a hospital waving a gun, caused the hospital and local university to go on lock down, and resisted arrest.

Guess how many years of jail the local liberal judge gave him? None. Not even a month. Gave him time-served (about 2 weeks) and put him on probation.

That guy is now back on the streets and guaranteed he is committing crimes.

The media won't cover it because felons are a big part of the left's base. Why else do you think the left is always pushing to restore voting rights to convicted felons?

Plate plinker
01-08-2020, 12:41 PM
To bad the perp is expected to survive........

01-08-2020, 12:54 PM

The bad guy lives directly across the street from me.
WOW, that is a scarry thought for small town Minnesota !

joe leadslinger
01-08-2020, 01:07 PM
They need to bring back the rope necktie and use it on these criminals. A little justice would go along way in stopping these criminals.

Der Gebirgsjager
01-08-2020, 01:53 PM
The crime situation is really getting out of control, especially in California. As already mentioned, short or no jail time, lenient judges, liberal lawmakers. Now the D.A.s will not prosecute shoplifting if the value of the items stolen is below a certain dollar amount, so hoodlums just walk into convenience stores and take what they want and walk out again, their identities disguised from the security cameras by their "hoodies." Just today there is an article on the Fox News website that says car burglaries are way up due to such break-ins and thefts not being 1st degree burglary unless the victim can prove that the doors were locked, even though the window was smashed to gain entry. Therefore, the hoodlums are choosing cars with out-of-state license plates to burglarize as tourists are unlikely to return for a trial to testify that the doors were locked. It is indeed time to "get a rope!"

01-08-2020, 02:03 PM
There are those that just need to be strung up and that be the end of it. This offender looks to be a prime candidate. Gp

01-08-2020, 02:16 PM
our prisons would be overflowing Already the problem. It's about $, budget says so much $ for jails but doesn't take into account the $ for recapture and more court time. Bring back the death penalty with just a single appeal vs 10-20 yrs of appeals. Nah, lawyers won't amke enough $.
Dallas DA also reduced penalty for theft under $700 to misdemeanor so cops don't even bother. New P.C. has a 'plan' to reduce murders in the city - really the same garbage they been saying for years. But she's new (from Detroit) and has to say something even if it's stupid.
Oh, judge threw out DA case where he was under a gag order and got on TV with his opinion anyway. DA used to be a judge - guess they don't punish their own. Dallas politics is crap anymore. Actually most bigger cities in Tx are the same.

country gent
01-08-2020, 02:56 PM
I think the prison system needs a rework done back to years ago, when inmates didnt sit around and or lift weights all day. We had a prison here the inmates kept several gardens, raised steers, pigs and chickens along with corn and hay to feed them. This prison was almost self supporting. The extra vegetables were canned for winter animals slaughtered and they supplied their own needs. Prisons now have become more sanctuary than prison. A small herd of milk cows supplied dairy products. These prisoners need to be put to work supplying their own needs.

01-08-2020, 06:22 PM
Pressman ,
If the "bad guy" lives directly across the street from you , then yes , open carry the 1911 around the house . That sounds like an excellent idea .
I know from first hand experience the police can't protect you and you want your protection on your person not on a desk or in a drawer ... the police can only come after a crime has been committed .
Prayers sent for you and your's well being .
Stand strong .

Some "expert" has decided the answer to overcrowded prisons is to lighten sentences , give criminals early releases and just turn criminals loose to prey on innocents ... yeah , that makes a lot os sense !

01-08-2020, 07:07 PM
That hits way too close to home for sure. Stay armed and safe!

01-08-2020, 09:04 PM

01-08-2020, 09:21 PM
No stand your ground in MN, you are supposed to retreat...

01-08-2020, 10:29 PM
Hope and pray the officer survives. I just engraved a local Fayetteville officer's service weapon today. He was murdered last fall by a perp who was a convicted felon. Was in his car at the station and felon walked up and shot him. Two officers did take care of the felon, he won't be hurting anyone else. Those two officers will finally get back to work next week. But he should have still been in jail.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200109/8c3e991711fe0de9691721be65271abc.jpg

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk

01-09-2020, 01:14 PM
No stand your ground in MN, you are supposed to retreat...

This is true, but we have a very strong Self-Defense law. If reasonable escalation of force is abided by, Minnesota's Laws/Judges will not incriminate a homeowner defending his life and his families lives. Any good "carry classes' given in MN should explain this is great detail.

01-09-2020, 06:54 PM
Some years ago, a small community in NOR CA had a rash of home invasions, the wife of a friend of mine was tossed around her hallway - while her husband was on duty. After about 7 or 8 home invasions a local Highway Patrolman wrote a letter to the editor basically stating that the community is heavily armed, criminals beware. Local PD and Sheriffs basically reiterated PC 198.5 which states:

"Any person using force intended or likely to cause death or great bodily injury within his or her residence shall be presumed to have held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily injury to self, family, or a member of the household when that force is used against another person, not a member of the family or household, who unlawfully and forcibly enters or has unlawfully and forcibly entered the residence and the person using the force knew or had reason to believe that an unlawful and forcible entry occurred.

As used in this section, great bodily injury means a significant or substantial physical injury." (emphasis added)

This law originally entered the CA Penal Code in 1872, having been modified in 1984 to define great great bodily injury. Sure, you may have to answer questions about the force used if the circumstances appear inconsistent with what would appear to be reasonable self defense, such as the perp was shot on the front porch not actually inside the residence. Remember, you have the right to remain silent and any good attorney will remind you of that constitutional protection.

Anyway, local home invasions CEASED immediately once the perps were reminded that there was a serious risk to quality of life in a county of about 25 thousand residents, 1000+ of which are sworn peace officers. BTW, that CHP Officer owned a local gun store and sold a lot of guns to a lot of community members, not just the 1000+ peace officers. That information was informally released to the local criminal element.

01-10-2020, 05:19 PM
Thoughts and prayers out to the officer and family.

How this perp survived is beyond me. Keep shooting until the threat is neutralized.

01-11-2020, 03:22 PM
Crimes and criminals come when you'd least expect it. That's just what they do. An elderly couple I know suffered a breakin not long ago and were severely beaten after the bad guys took all they could find that was of value to them. The beating was just for plain meanness! There was no need or reason for it except pure hatred and insolence. To date, I don't believe they've found the perpetrators.

Folks, it's a mean, nasty and dangerous world we live in. Conduct yourselves accordingly. I keep a gun on me, or very close at hand at all times. You just can't intuit when or where they'll come for you, so the only way to be prepared, really, is to just keep a gun very close at hand, or on you, at all times. Was just in the hospital yesterday, and that was a rare case where I didn't have a gun close. I guess there's exceptions to everything?