View Full Version : Anyone Else's Wife Get Nervous When She Doesn't Hear Anything?

12-31-2019, 05:18 PM
So, I was cleaning out the garage and found 2 buckets of lead I'd forgotten about (COWW and SOWW [smilie=w:). I fired up the stove and started melting it up with some other lead for 50/50. An hour or so latter SWMBO comes out.

"What are you doing"?
"Do you always have to follow me around and check up"
"Yes, remember when you got stuck on the roof between the chimney and lightning rod and I had to get the truck and some rope"?
"Remember when I came home and you were making blackpowder on the stove"?
"So, everyone does that"
"How about when you were under the house and your flashlight died and you got stuck trying to get out"
"Darn batteries were defective.."
"How about when you stuck 10lbs of Tannerite under the stump out back"?
"You got a point? That would have worked and I was going to shoot from inside so no-one would have seen me!"
"Remember me coming to the Emergency Room from work to get you"
"Alright, alright""
"Oh...how about when you took the motorcycle out for a ride and the rear wheel fell off"
"Ok, Alright.."
"And that website you went on and I found you in the garage with some cannon fuse, gunpowder...."
"that would have worked"
"You know that bright idea you had with one of your scuba tanks and some hose..."
[smilie=b: you can stop now....

Darn Women

12-31-2019, 05:30 PM
Just sent mine into the kitchen to start dinner while I kick back and watch TV [emoji342]

12-31-2019, 05:40 PM
No. Mine gets nervous when she hears me scream in pain. Happened 3 times now. Cracked a rib, broke my R elbow, tore my L meniscus.

Winger Ed.
12-31-2019, 05:44 PM
Yeah, that's pretty normal.:bigsmyl2:

12-31-2019, 06:28 PM
Mine gets scared when she hears me say "owe crap" or "ut owe" that normal means I have cause several hundred or thousands of dollars of damage to my self or the house.

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12-31-2019, 07:55 PM
When I move from Florida to Virginia I fell off the back of the moving truck shattered my left wrist in about a gazillion places . Good thing my son was there he got her and said I got to take dad to the emergency room I think he hurt his wrist her answer was to take him to the walk-in clinic because it’s cheaper . Then I took the rag off my left wrist and showed her that my hand was pointing in the opposite direction she just shook her head and went back to packing . I guess she’s used to me by now .

12-31-2019, 08:04 PM
Depending on how you look at it I have a detached garage/workshop. Every once and a while she will send out a grandkid, or come out herself to make sure I'm still breathing. I have been lucky and the worst OOps was a run in with a jointer with no guard that took the tips off the 3 smaller fingers on my right hand 2 bled Thu the shop towel and black tape first aid.

12-31-2019, 08:07 PM
No comment.
You probably wouldn't believe me.

12-31-2019, 08:16 PM
Only when it’s the kids being quiet, and she usually right
Me, she probably enjoys the peace, I’m a noisy person.

12-31-2019, 09:25 PM
Mine is really good- has to ask, when I am bleeding- "and what did we learn from this experience?"
Last time was "You can either go to the doctor tomorrow, or we can check you into the hospital and they won't let you out 'til you are better." She's an RN, and was spot-on with the pneumonia, both lungs. But she is a hell of a hunting partner and doesn't mind helping field dress.

Wis Tom
12-31-2019, 09:55 PM
I am more lost without mine than with her. I dread the day she would no longer check on me. 26 years, and she still isn't sick of me.

12-31-2019, 10:33 PM
Mine wife says, "No you are not alright, you're going to the emergency room!":groner:

12-31-2019, 11:07 PM
I probably wouldn't even be here if my wife didn't check up on me! Good thing she knows about direct pressure.

12-31-2019, 11:12 PM
Mine will come out, take a look, and say "its time to up your life insurance AGAIN". Then go hide in the house.

Chihuahua Floyd
01-01-2020, 02:05 AM
Wife pretty much leaves me alone, unless there is serious bleeding. Sinus infections she will send me to see Dr. Tammy in a hurry.
She is a retired nurse so not much excites her.

01-01-2020, 03:30 AM
Mine trusts me with anything short of nukes.

You chose poorly.

01-01-2020, 08:00 AM
We would probably be lost without them. 47 years with the same woman. She knows its no big deal if I cut myself or break a bone she does however watch me close when it comes to heart trouble several heart attacks.

Wayne Smith
01-01-2020, 10:03 AM
After 44 years LOML trusts me to deal with bleeding because she has seen me do it so many times. Major stuff she and I communicate about pretty well.

01-01-2020, 10:07 AM
When I'm quiet, (which isn't very often), no, she doesn't get nervous. When neither of us know where my Siberian Husky is or what he's up to, we both get as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof!!!

Texas by God
01-01-2020, 10:15 AM
As of yesterday, she has been with me for slightly over half my life. She calls me dumb butt almost daily and has learned to keep a safe distance away from me when I’m “working” on something.
Wait a minute- she’s gone this morning and my closest neighbors are in Cabo and I’ve got a BIG jug of Tannerite- what could go wrong?????

01-01-2020, 10:24 AM
my swmbo just asks how big the next project is so she can put appropriate amount of life insurance on me. Then she offers to split it with whoever is helping me but only if its a clean kill!!!!

01-01-2020, 11:51 AM
After fifty-one years, my wife only rarely makes a snarky comment about one of my deviations from common sense but I've come to readily recognize "The Look" that says I've done dribbled on my boot in some way.


01-01-2020, 12:06 PM
After 40 years of emergency rooms, wrecked vehicles and other episodes fitting for America’s Funniest Videos she pretty much takes everything in stride.

01-01-2020, 01:29 PM
We've been married 31 years now, and for the last 10 or 15 years mine has told me that if I hurt myself doing one of my "seemed like the thing to do at the time" stunts that resulted in bodily damage she was taking me to the county hospital. I always thought that was a little harsh and uncaring considering their track record, but she did make good on the threat... err... I mean promise a couple of times. I pulled through just to spite her though! [smilie=l:

01-01-2020, 02:42 PM
Wives know men shouldn't be left alone too long without adult supervision , it doesn't matter if you are four or forty ... silence usually means you are up to something no good .
The older you get the more often they should check on you .

01-01-2020, 03:21 PM
My late wife used to come out to the garage or the back yard where I could be working on any number of different things, using any number of dangerous tools, implements or chemistry. She'd observe for a few minutes and then say, "Shouldn't you be wearing safety glasses?"

That was it. No debate, no arguing. I always had to admit that she was right and I'd stop and put on some eye protection. Without fail, 100% of the time, within a couple of minutes of restarting the Skil saw or power drill, resuming trimming a case, within a moment or two of resuming some kind of work on a car or motorcycle, some kind of shard or flying missile would fly right into the lens of the safety glasses.

100% of the time. Of course, I'm not as stupid as I look so I learned to just stop and put the dang things on when she mentioned it. Most of the time, I used to just use them as a matter of course, but if I forgot and she noticed and said something, best to just not tempt fate.


01-01-2020, 05:58 PM
My ex was a CNA but always started screaming when I'd come in bleeding from a cut or some thing, lucky she was never home when I'd have a big ouch like involving a table saw or air nailer. The walkin Er's always had odd reactions when i'd drive my self in with the wound covered in paper towels and electric tape. The time with the air nailer the nurse said I should not have pulled the nail out, I asked her how I was to get there with an 8' 2x4 hanging off my thumb.

01-02-2020, 09:52 PM
My wife Rarely checks on me at all I have often wondered if something went wrong how many hours I would be in yard or workshop before she would look diner time for sure.....
Two summers ago I put a antenna on the garage for FM radio in workshop I got on roof fine for some reason when I tried to get off roof the ladder would slide on the cement. I would take weight off then pull it up more same result , Finally I dumped 8 rounds into the ground and waited for her show to end and she came out and said did you shoot!

P.S. the antenna was to get in a weak station that barely cam in a directional TV antenna with amplifier I figured it would work well instead it made a more local station (107.1 I wanted 106.9) so strong no matter how antenna pointed I never got the other station again!

01-02-2020, 11:09 PM
They are anti fun. They have a point. I was welding on an old wood table and the metal was red hot. So the table was obviously near ignition. My dad walks in the garage and says that its dangerous because it can ignite later during the night and burn the whole garage down. So He decides to grab a can of water on the workbench to cool down the wood and metal.

Turns out.

It was diesel.

01-03-2020, 12:51 AM
Mine only checks on me when I’m using a table saw, due to the fact that I have two fingers that are shorter due to a table saw.

Tom W.
01-03-2020, 01:04 AM
My late wife used to peek at me when I was handloading or casting. Lori lets me go to the shed and do pretty much whatever I want. But I do take my cellphone just in case, as since my last cancer surgery and chemo I'm not as spry as I used to be....

01-03-2020, 11:14 AM
X1 had it pretty well figured out but I think secretly she was hoping for the worst .

X2 struggled with the idea that I could be so focused on something else when she was near and why I needed those 2 days a month she had to do the kid swap . Younger women never worked for me I don't know why I thought it would that time .........

This 3rd one is amazed at how much time I spend with her "disfunctions" , my girls , my mom , and still have time for myself ....

Being raised by a guy with 1 eye , and having ruined a newer pair of pants with a chain saw 80 miles out in the sticks 30 miles from a phone I'm usually pretty good about not doing anything too stupid .

01-05-2020, 07:39 AM
These are all great stories and the thread was made in jest. To be fair to my sweetheart, she has never tried to stop me but sometimes hovers, sometimes from a distance, just in case she has to dial 911 or run me to the hospital.