View Full Version : Carcano rear sight removal

12-23-2019, 12:21 PM
So, how does one remove the rear sight from a Carcano rifle? I removed the set (?) screw and applied more than enough heat to remove the sight from a Mauser but the Carcano sight would not budge. Suggestions?


Der Gebirgsjager
12-23-2019, 01:50 PM
I'll tell the truth...I've never taken one off. Looking at the schematic (Gun Parts Corp.) they aren't shown as a separate part which they sell, but on the other hand they do sell barrels without the sights, so they must come off. Interestingly, the pictures of the naked barrels that they sell all have a visible rust ring at the location of the rear sight, so perhaps yours is rusted onto the barrel. In any event, it appears that they would come off in the manner you've already tried, similar to a Mauser rear sight. When you heated the area of the sight did you notice any beads of solder migrating out from under the sight? If I was to tackle the job I'd heat the sight part very hot and stand the barrel on it's muzzle and hammer the sight toward the muzzle (down). If you're satisfied that you used enough heat it may be seriously rusted to the barrel and require some soaking in Kroil or a similar product before trying again.

12-23-2019, 01:52 PM
Probably sweated on.Might have to heat it to melt thw solder.