View Full Version : 9/16" wad cutter for drill press?

12-20-2019, 02:48 PM
Who knows of a good source for one? I am using 9/16" wads under the Lee REAL 240 grain bullets and lubing them with deer tallow and BW 50/50. it is becoming a real PITA trying to punch out the durofelt with a hammer on a wood block.

Thought of buying a 9/16" hole saw and grinding it flat and sharping it from the inside out, But if there is a pre-made easy option and not very expensive I'll go with that.

country gent
12-20-2019, 05:11 PM
Check MVA and Track of the wolf for them. The hole saw would work but a lot of work to modify

12-20-2019, 05:33 PM
Gasket punch kit works very well for this task I use mine in a drill press a little water based lube goes along way then dries. The kit I have is from Matco tools has a single arbor threaded to accept 12 different sizes.

charlie b
12-21-2019, 12:07 PM
I just find that buying them is so much easier :)

In the old days I made my own cutters out of different diameters of steel tubing. Cut a slot in the side to eject the wads and sharpen the opening. Chuck up the tool and use a dremel tool to sharpen. Grinding bit to set the angles and polishing bit to set the edge. For some materials a 'wavy' cutting edge worked better than a 'straight' knife edge. I also played with a sawtooth edge but it tended to 'rip' material like felt and gasket.

For the base to use under the material, use the end grain of some wood. It won't dull the edge as quickly as anything else (similar to a butcher block).

12-21-2019, 05:15 PM
archeryrob - Buffalo Arms purveys wad cutter punches -- https://www.buffaloarms.com/hammer-type-50-caliber-rifle-wad-punch-512-50rifle. While you indicate 9/16" (0.5625"), the biggest I see on their site appears to be 0.512" -- Frankly, I do not know if this is ;) close enough?
Anyways... perhaps suggestions to make your own tool after viewing there's, if not. Hope this helped.

12-21-2019, 06:15 PM
a cornell press mounted wad .45 punch is essential for me, it's superb. in the past i've also used a .40 cornell wad punch. for a standard press thread, the cornell goes up to a 5/8" (.625") punch ($85 @ BACO). for a custom 9/16" (.563") the feller that cornell sold his business to will do custom punches (i had called them up about this earlier this year). will cost close to $100, but these press punches are awesome and i've used mine in .45 to punch out 1/8" hard duro-felt wads for .45-70 case fillers.


Geezer in NH
12-23-2019, 05:49 PM
Real hard search on Bing.


12-23-2019, 07:07 PM
Those Osborne punches are really sharp and effective for punching out wads; a tad slow perhaps, but they work perfectly.

12-24-2019, 02:26 AM
harbor freight sells a set for drill press, not what sizes in the set.

12-24-2019, 10:16 AM
You cannot put the osborne punch ina drill press correct? It looks like a hammer punch also. My punch is a cheap one, so maybe having a good one would punch better on wood.