View Full Version : New 358429 4cav

Kirk Miller
11-11-2008, 01:09 AM
After reading all the praise of the 358429, I decided I had to have one. It was kind of a surprise, when after casting, the top drive band measured .0003-0004 smaller than the middle and base bands. Is this normal? This makes the boolit appear to have the center of gravity to far forward and I was under the impression that a handgun boolit needs the center of gravity toward the rear.
By the way, I just received the mold today and it was ordered through Midsouth. Also, with my alloy of ww+ 2% tin the weight averages 165gr. and not the advertised 170gr. I'm afraid that I will have to go to 50/50 mix of ww/lino in order to increase the top band width which will then decrease boolit weight even more.
Is this the correct design or did Lyman screw up again?
Thanks for any help or advice

11-11-2008, 01:56 AM
In my experience the top band is smaller than the driving bands in all the keith designs.

The idea is when you have the case crimped into the provided groove the top band , which is smaller by design, acts as a guide and fits into the throat area of the cylinder.

As long as it's well filled out and has no rounded edges don't worry about it!

At 165 grains I think you've just about hit the alloy right on! I have an old Lyman book with notes posted by some of the top names in the late 50's early 60's and they show 173 grains for the 358429 with WW metal. so you darn close to nuber 2 alloy I shoot um and see how they worked.

11-11-2008, 08:10 PM
Keith designed his boolits so the driving band was full-diameter. This was not an accident. However, Lyman decided to fornicate with his design, as did other mould makers of the day. He wrote in Sixguns that only one company was still producing his design accurately, and I believe that was H&G.

Kirk Miller
11-11-2008, 09:55 PM
Your answers are very much appreciated and answers my question precisely.
Thanks again

11-12-2008, 12:41 AM
When I did my Keith re-creation group buys I tried to be faithful to his design. All bands the same width, thank you very much.

I have a five year old Lyman four hole 358429 and from the top, the bands measure .356, .357 and .358. Fer crying out loud!
