View Full Version : Made some venison summer sausage today.

12-11-2019, 10:17 PM
I love the stuff and so do a several of my buddies. For several years I give them all a roll I make fresh for Christmas. I had been hearing a lot of grumbling from several of them, so I made 15# today, enough to give them all a roll and some left over for myself. I put it in casings, a little bigger than ritz crackers so it would fit, it all turned out great, had to sample some of it after it cooled. You can do an adult doe, which will usually make #25 of grind, for about $12, and they charge $150 or so, they add pork and fat to it, then sell it back to you for $3.50 per#. I get my supplies from the HomeProcessor.com, great folks who have been in the meat cutting business for 30 years or thereabouts, and have transitioned to selling the components. They have the best prices on the net that I have seen, and will call you back if you leave a message, Jimmy Couch is the owner. I get a a5# bag of the seasoning/cure, the size it comes in, and divide it into 5 ziplock bags, a spoon full at a time, including the curing agent include, and usually make #5 at a time, 5-6 rolls. That way I am always eating fresh sausage. It is easy, just mix it up really well in your grind, I usually squeeze it all thru my fingers 3-4 times, then I roll it up in the end of the pan I am going to bake in, in a roll shape, then lay it in the other end of the pan, sprinkle a little black pepper on it. I also add some garlic powder and Spanish paprika to the mix, adds some flavor. After rolling it out, then I preheat my oven to 300 and bake 90 minutes. Let rest and cool, put in Ziploc bags and refrigerate. I can send pics if anyone can post them

12-12-2019, 07:38 AM
Well with the amount of Feral Hogs we kill here in Texas it`s hard to find something to do with all the meat. I have been grinding and making summer sausage for years mixed with 30-35% beef. I don`t know what the spices are costing you but a spice box with the mahogany cases plus the spices/cure to do 50lbs was running me $30. After a while i got tired of that. The cases you can pick up at Cabela`s or Bass Pro. The spices you can experiment and come pretty close to what people mix up commercially without all the preservatives. I have even went as far as to use cracked peppercorns in my mix and high melt heat cheese. The cure i found at a local meat market in bulk for $3/lb.

12-12-2019, 07:48 AM
Never made summer sausage. Need a recipe just to think about it. Made some snack sticks last year. Have everything to do some more, just need a "round to it".

12-12-2019, 10:51 AM
Would love to know some of them spice concoction/preservative mix for game sausages too...

12-12-2019, 11:06 AM
My Mother used to make scads of the trail bologna, and summer sausage.She always mixed the meat with Tender Quick cure in the crisper pans of the refrigerator, and let it work the meat ,She would make all different sizes,and spice some different from others.We ate so much of the stuff that it had to be bad for us,but we never tnought about it at the time.

white eagle
12-12-2019, 11:47 AM
Just made some venison breakfast sausage links
turned out excellent
bought a meat grinder last year and a meat stuffer this year
going to make sticks and brats as well
good stuff

Winger Ed.
12-12-2019, 02:19 PM
Just made some venison breakfast sausage links turned out excellent

That's got to be my favorite.
When I was still hunting and doing my own processing, I found myself grinding a larger and larger percentage of a deer for that.

One year, instead of grinding up a pork quarter, and making up a seasoning mix,
I blended the deer half & half with Jimmey Dean 'Hot' sausage from the grocery store.
That was hard to beat!

smoked turkey
12-12-2019, 10:25 PM
koger, I have also made breakfast and summer sausage from my deer kill this year. We eat a lot of just ground deer made into chili. It has been nice this year because I also put up a couple of deer roast, and more steak cuts than I usually do. I noted you said you put your summer sausage in casings. I would like to do that but can't justify the the cost of a casing stuffer. I'm curious how you did that part of it. I have used a jerky maker and done it, and also used the tubes on my grinder to do it. I didn't really like either of those ways. For my sausage this year, I just rolled it into a long roll prior to cooking it in the oven and we are enjoying it that way without any casing.