View Full Version : Positive update on ProMelt 2

12-08-2019, 04:58 PM
Heard from RCBS tech guy - nice fella, been emailing me even over the weekend !!!

Agreed there is a problem with "some" (haha) units; sent me a "band aid" to trick the PID - and it worked !
. Said they are working to get the issue fixed and will resume production. yay

He said any one having issues, use the RCBS site cust serv e mailer and they will get back to you.
I guess there are various issues and my "band aid" my not be what someone else needs.

If you get "Steve", he is a super nice guy !

I did mention they should give some kind of guidance on their site, sucks to eat crow, but they are eroding their great cust serv rep.

12-08-2019, 05:39 PM
I am wondering what the "band aid" was?

12-08-2019, 06:18 PM
I have not used much RCBS equipment but I reached out to them a while ago cause I’m a firm believer in you can’t fix what you don’t know about and I was seeing lots of poor feedback on the PM2 on CB (hence my purchase of a used PM1). Team was very interested in what was being said on the forum and very friendly.

They only know what customers tell them so I recommended they create a presence on the forum so they can be closer to their target audience. I have to assume 90%+ of their casting customers are on here so makes sense they should be keeping an eye on what we’re saying about them so they can continue to meet our needs.

Very glad to see their coming out with a fix, any word on if their recalling? Would suck if you bought one from another vendor today that was glitching and they come out with a new repaired version next week.

12-08-2019, 07:22 PM
Hatch, The "band aid" was changing a setting on the PID. There are about 10 default settings, since mine thought the lead was about 100 deg higher than it really was, he had me put in an "offset" if you will. Basically subtracting 100 from what the PID thought it was.

StuBach, You would think a company would utilize the 'net to keep up with things. Guess not, huh ?

In the back and fourth emails, I talked about this site, what an impact I thought it had on casting world wide. Maybe somebody will listen.
As I said, I talked about NO info on RCBS web site, HUGE mistake on their part.

All he said was they were holding up production until they could be sure the issues were fixed.

Be interesting to see how this all falls out - RCBS past stellar reputation may take a hit ?

Dunno about a recall, etc. Steve just said

12-11-2019, 06:16 PM
I emailed them 2 weeks ago about the issues with the pro melt 2. no response. i'm just going to buy the lyman.

12-11-2019, 06:19 PM
I emailed them 2 weeks ago about the issues with the pro melt 2. no response. i'm just going to buy the lyman.

Reach out to these two gentleman and see if they can assist. They were both very helpful and responsive to me with my concerns.

William- whemeyer@bushnell.com
Steve- Steven.Koch@vistaoutdoor.com