View Full Version : springs verses rubber pads (blocks) on tandem dump truck ?

12-07-2019, 10:19 AM
A friend is looking at a older truck that is in very good shape but has rubber between frame and ibeam. My experience with rubber goes back about 40 years and a mack bought cheap. That thing was rough and swapped the rears for spring. Cheap truck now was expensive truck! Have these rubber blocks improved or are they as rough riding as I would remember? I think he should stay with leafsprings only as I do not trust rubber bags(another option) when dumping on weird grades, as most building lots are moving to hilly less desirable land. Gives the frame a workout backing around on these type of lots. I don't want him to get a xover road truck because these trucks are only good on black top or concrete. I see the term single but thicker frame. Are these as good as double frames? Trying to fill in the gaps of memory from past to help him!!

12-07-2019, 11:11 AM
all the work trucks use the air bags but when dumping you dump the air so its sits on frame solid. most older farmers only want the springs but a broken spring is a pita.

12-07-2019, 07:25 PM
I think the last rubber block suspension I saw was on a 1959 IH mixer truck, way back when I was 18. Yes, they ride hard.

I put a lot of miles on Macks and the air bags are dumped first before rising the box. Macks were notorious for getting stuck and trying to get them rocking to get out, doing that would snap an axle. If it is stuck, stop and get something bigger to pull it out.

12-08-2019, 09:38 AM
I've never had a rubber block suspension, but just looking at them makes me think it would be a hard ride.

I've had 2 tandem trucks with springs, and now have one with air ride. The air ride is a MUCH better ride, but gets stuck very easily.

I've actually gotten stuck on flat ground, when opposite tires got in a soft spot (front right drive tire, left rear drive tire). The axles just spin. Something like a pickup can pull me out, but it's still a pain.

12-08-2019, 11:25 AM
The main system with a rubber block is the Hendrixson Pad suspension. There are still around. They are more prevalent on Logging and Dump trucks.

There is also a Hendrixson Spring, a heavy spring takes the place of the rubber pad.

As a matter of operation any dump bed raised while not on flat ground is an accident waiting to happen but air bags and springs do make the disaster of tipping over happen sooner.

Mack has their own suspension on their older trucks but it is a spring system not a pad system. You can have a Mack truck with a Pad Hendrix or any other suspension as about any other truck brand can be built with.

For a careful driver running a lot on roads a nice combo is one that incorporates air and spring on a dump truck. The air and spring together gives you more flexibility on uneven ground so as to not get any drivers off the ground less often. Air alone generally is more for staying on pavement as they just do not have the travel.

Another suspension is the Reyco Spring. It is/was a premier suspension for hauling cattle which is my wheel house so to speak. Give those bossies a break you know. I should talk though as our Mack tractor has a Hendrix Pad. On wash board gravel roads you just slow down a little with it. In it’s former life our Mack was a logger.


12-08-2019, 02:20 PM
that is interesting how air bags are a pain off the road. I see alot of 40000lb rears on trucks but if I was buying it would be 44's. I guess I am old fashioned and stuck in my ways.