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12-07-2019, 12:35 AM
December 7

Tom W.
12-07-2019, 12:43 AM
Dry your eyes, most of the school kids haven't a clue.

12-07-2019, 02:00 AM
Mine will. History repeats its-self. Does us good to think of the past. Dont blame the kids, dont blame the teachers, its the state testing (in my state) that is deciding what the teachers teach first.

Anybody can volunteer at a school if you can watch your language and pass a background check. Teachers love the help. I go 2 or 3 days a week. She lets me spend 10 minutes a day after recess on things that have happened that day in history. The kids are actually excited and have started making educated guesses on what it will be about. Because they searched THEMSELVES. Sometimes what they come up with gets them goin more than what I prepared and we roll with it. So today was about December 7th, 1941. This class of 22 today has a clue, and we went on for 35 minutes.

Rest of the time its makin copies, or 1 on 1 helping a student with math, or trying not to glue my own fingers together. Try it you never know, you might like it.

12-07-2019, 02:52 AM
Dry your eyes, most of the school kids haven't a clue.

Mine will. History repeats its-self. Does us good to think of the past. Dont blame the kids, dont blame the teachers, its the state.

I admire your volunteerism but that’s all we need to understand.
I’m teaching my two kids about how the Constitution doesn’t authorize the federal government to establish a Department of Education.
Did I mention they’re home-schooled completely outside the state curriculum?

12-07-2019, 10:53 AM
I drove a school bus for 17 years. You will be happy to know that these know more than you might think. Why, Video games. They know about weapons and battles. I also gave history lessons. Some had never heard a watch tick

12-07-2019, 01:29 PM
I will agree with DCP's statement. I teach middle school Industrial Arts (shop) in Southern California. Because of video games and recent war movies (Saving Private Ryan, Midway, Pearl Harbor, etc.), quite a few kids are familiar with World War II history. I also try to give short lessons of this era in my classes using "Rosie the Riveter" as an example. Quite a bit of aviation manufacturing took place in this area during the war. I also ask my students if they know the significance of December 7th. In a class of 30 plus students, usually one or two know the answer. In the state that I work in, the Second World War is not taught in the classroom until students enter high school.

Tom W.
12-08-2019, 08:23 PM
No volunteers where my wife works unless it's putting up bulletin boards or maybe an after school event. She teaches on base, and the kindergarten teachers have aides, but second grade teachers are on their own. I'll help in the classroom on weekends if needed and the school is open.

12-08-2019, 08:55 PM
I drove school bus for 8 years ,the after school route took 2 hours round trip. That gave the kids an I at lot of time to do schoolwork together most of them loved history. They knew a lot about all the wars. I enjoyed discussing history with them it was the best job ever had.