View Full Version : Pattern off?

11-29-2019, 05:36 PM
Been on a 16 gauge kick for a while now and a while back I bought an old Stevens double, older than the 311 I think, but looks similar, in 16 gauge and just finally got around to shooting it today.

The little gun patterns well, I'm sure the chokes are improved and modified based on barrel length and the left barrel was definitely a tighter pattern than the right. The problem is the bulk of both patterns was maybe 8-10 inches left of where I was pointing. Pattern was correct up and down, just left.

I looked close and can't see where barrels may be bent. the front bead looks a little off, but not much. Could this be a stock fit thing for me, too long or short? I am far from being an expert on shotguns, and want to become more proficient with this one.

It's a neat little gun. I took it out to do a little scouting and checking on my deer stand before opening day Wednesday and it got soaked in a rain and sleet storm I got stuck out in. It's disassembled now with the action soaking in some Ed's Red. I should probably refinish the stock while I have it apart.

11-29-2019, 07:19 PM
What load was shooting to the left?

11-29-2019, 07:48 PM
If you are right handed, the stock needs some cast off. Other words, your rear sight (your eye) needs to go farther right, the butt comes closer to the center of your body. First , be sure you are using the right eye, mount then blink down your left eye, see what you see. What distance did you pattern? The

11-29-2019, 10:17 PM
The load was 1 1/8 ounce of #6 lead. Old Federal paper hulls. Distance was about 25-30 yards.

I'll try the getting my right eye further right. It's disassembled and soaking in some Ed's Red at the moment, when I get it back together, I'll work with it some more and see what happens.

11-29-2019, 10:46 PM
It’s not unusual to see a poi difference from barrel to barrel, but both in the same place is good. Both together and to either side, up or down points to gunfit. Specifically where you eye is located. That is determined by the comb. Several ways to move that, but please variety that you are not cross dominate, its not unusual. Get it together and pattern it again, 3 to 5 shots from the left barrel. You want to know you are repeatable. Make notes and do the other barrel. Just like sighting in a rifle, only don’t use a rest. You want to test the system, you + the gun. Then you move the comb in order to move your eye ( it serves as the rear sight).

11-29-2019, 11:07 PM
Both barrels together is important, after that stock fit and practice. I have a tenite stocked Springfield 16 ga double, the full barrel(left) shoots 8" higher and a foot to the right of the modified barrel(right). It took a while to figure that out on a pattern board, because I normally had no problem with the right barrel.

11-30-2019, 12:24 AM
model 5100 came before the 311 should be marked on reciever built 1930 to 1940 roughly

11-30-2019, 03:53 AM
model 5100 came before the 311 should be marked on reciever built 1930 to 1940 roughly

I'd been told it's a 5100, but it doesn't say it anywhere. I don't doubt that you're correct, it most likely is a 5100.

Thanks for the input. I have quite a few shells for it and have been meaning to get to a skeet and trap range nearby to shoot it more, but before I do that, I'll do some more systematic patterning of it here at the house as suggested. I need to get some kind of oil stock finish and do that first, once I get it back together again, I'll shoot it more.

11-30-2019, 06:53 AM
I can relate. To most manufacturers,this much "off" is still in specs. To me it is irritating.

I have a nice, pretty and reliable 20 gauge Benelli Raffaello,found it used and couldn't resist. It had the same 10" to the left / 35 meters, changing stock shims (cast) didn't change the fact that if aimed with the rib & beads, the slugs went to the left as well.

I ended up bending the barrel by myself. Been happy ever since.

I wish you luck with adjusting the stock, it should help with shots. Did you check slugs?

11-30-2019, 09:35 AM
For the 16 gauge, I have an Ithaca Deer Slayer, no interest in shooting slugs through this double. I'll get the POI figured out for this one somehow.

Funny, while I was walking around checking on my deer stand for opening day Wednesday and carrying this little Stevens, I flushed a rather large covey of quail. The populations of them have been waning a lot here for several years now, so it's a treat to see them and I wouldn't shoot one. Seemed surreal to be out, carrying the quintessential quail gun and just happily standing there watching them.

12-03-2019, 12:57 PM
For the 16 gauge, I have an Ithaca Deer Slayer, no interest in shooting slugs through this double. I'll get the POI figured out for this one somehow.

Funny, while I was walking around checking on my deer stand for opening day Wednesday and carrying this little Stevens, I flushed a rather large covey of quail. The populations of them have been waning a lot here for several years now, so it's a treat to see them and I wouldn't shoot one. Seemed surreal to be out, carrying the quintessential quail gun and just happily standing there watching them.

Indeed! One of the true rewards of venturing afield!

12-09-2019, 01:58 AM
I looked close and can't see where barrels may be bent. the front bead looks a little off, but not much.

An off-center bead may well be the problem. Before making any other major changes, I would advise removing the off-center bead from the center rib. Then try patterning just looking looking down the center of the rib. If this moves your pattern center an acceptable amount, then have a new bead mounted to the proper center of rib.

Moving the front bead is like moving a rifle front sight - it changes poi in the opposite direction from which it is moved.

Yes, I know some will say shotguns are just pointed, however most of us do see the bead and tend to use it as a visual center.