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11-28-2019, 09:45 PM
I have made several hollow point jigs to turn regular bullets into hollow points.
They work very well.Here is a youtube link if it works ..thanks for looking

11-28-2019, 11:01 PM
Neat idea. I've thought of several design ideas to do this, none are as simple and elegant as yours.
I'm going to have to make one. I've always thought the Lee 310 grain 44 bullet would be devastating as a hollow point.

11-29-2019, 12:28 PM
Excellent! what a clever design, and easy to make with only a decent drill press and a vice, along with a few hand tools. I like it1

11-29-2019, 02:01 PM
Nice idea! I may have to try it later on this Winter.

charlie b
11-29-2019, 02:09 PM
But how do they work on game?

When messing with HP designs decades ago we came to the conclusion that the cavity angle was very important to performance, especially when penetrating hide or clothing. The ones we drilled straight did not expand reliably. It ended up being easier to work on the mold with a HP pin than to shape drill bits.

If yours do expand reliably it would be interesting to see at what velocities.

11-29-2019, 04:24 PM
Do you lubricate the down the bit hole when drilling?

11-29-2019, 06:08 PM
ATF/ police might not like your idea! Home made hp's are considered "explosive " and can be subject to bad juju- let's just say the local PD gave me a ration of doodoo for doing this many years ago.

11-29-2019, 06:40 PM
You can buy all sorts of molds to cast HP bullets and commercial HP ammo. ATF considers them explosive only if you pack the hollow with explosive material otherwise they are perfectly legal. Either you live in a communist state or have an uneducated PD.

11-29-2019, 07:26 PM
??? So I can’t buy the hollow points at the store or on line?

tomme boy
11-29-2019, 10:10 PM
ATF/ police might not like your idea! Home made hp's are considered "explosive " and can be subject to bad juju- let's just say the local PD gave me a ration of doodoo for doing this many years ago.
Not so in any way!

John McCorkle
11-29-2019, 10:54 PM
Not so in any way!Yeah I'm not sure I've heard that before either....I mean I amongst hundreds of others with hp molds would all be in a world of danger if that were true....I'm calling this one a wives tale.

Also, OP, great work... great idea for those of us that only need a few HP for this that or the other. I'd love to hp a few of my Lee bullets for hunting or etc. This is a great way to do just that without buying new and expensive molds... great work

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11-30-2019, 12:28 AM
Do you lubricate the down the bit hole when drilling?

Yes with the steel .not so much with the aluminum .back the bit out often to clear the hole

11-30-2019, 12:33 AM
??? So I can’t buy the hollow points at the store or on line?
these hp bullets only cost a little time .How much are they at the store or online with shipping .Hate to spend unnecessary money.

Chief Ten Beers
11-30-2019, 12:50 AM
I like that idea. I have something close to that for making .22 hollow points with live ammo. :coffeecom

11-30-2019, 06:59 AM
Yes I'm in a commy state but here is how it was explained to me

YOU took a bullet and altered it to be more 'explosive' . No I tried to make it expanding not 'explosive'.

Sure we can buy HPs that are commercially made but WE didn't make them. You know the government is 'looking at out for our best interest ' !

I say keep doing it, your idea is fast, simple and effective. I have filed the idea in my head, thank you!

12-15-2019, 12:00 AM
Great idea, i will definitely give it a try
Thanks for sharing

12-16-2019, 01:14 AM
That's a neat idea, I like it

12-16-2019, 12:46 PM
Hmmm. I've never heard of any ATF agents raiding a home caster's shop to find "illegal" bullets. Bombs maybe, but bullets, nope.

As for the shape of the cavity, it would be easy to substitute a small center drill for the straight drill, and give a tapered cavity... https://www.mcmaster.com/center-drills

12-16-2019, 01:06 PM
It's illegal to put tungsten in a hollowpoint to make armor piercing ammunition, or to make pure bronze projectiles, but I can't see how it is illegal to make cast hollowpoints, or modify cast bullets to hollowpoint.
I have modified some on my lathe. It's hard to get consistent results that way.
I like your idea.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

12-17-2019, 12:24 PM
Sorta off topic; about "laws" but in regards to "illegal". I'm a practical kinda guy and I have ideas about laws and law enforcement. It's illegal to go 65 mph in a 50 mph zone, but how many do it? Many of these firearm/ammo laws are nearly unenforceable. I might have an illegal gun/ghost gun in my safe, but why would anyone search my shop? I may have "illegal" ammo in my cabinet, but why would anyone look? Yep, if I did something else to require a police/ATF officer to enter my premises, maybe they would look, but I haven't been shooting in my back yard and scare the neighbors so they call the Sheriff, nor have I been drunk and driven through the neighbor's yard, and I haven't pulled a gun on a human, yet. Even when I frequented indoor ranged my ammo was not inspected, just a question or two. So some simple, no victim "law" about my ammo's configuration is hardly a concern of mine. And I expect the "what if" replies to follow. Reminds me of Prohibition. Yep there was a law, but few obeyed...

12-17-2019, 01:24 PM
It's illegal to put tungsten in a hollowpoint to make armor piercing ammunition, or to make pure bronze projectiles, but I can't see how it is illegal to make cast hollowpoints, or modify cast bullets to hollowpoint.
I have modified some on my lathe. It's hard to get consistent results that way.
I like your idea.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Hold the phone Joan: It is not illegal in CA to make Bronze or Brass Bullets here in CA. I am certified by the State of CA to make and sell Non Toxic Shotgun Slugs which are made from 260 brass. It required nothing more than to send the Material Certs showing less than 1% Lead in the material to F&G and a picture of the slug. Nothing else needed to make, sell or hunt with these slugs.

Note: I am only selling slugs with new hulls, not selling loaded ammunition.

Besides, even if it was illegal,,, who would know if you did or didn't make them, unless you told them?


12-17-2019, 01:35 PM
Sorta off topic; about "laws" but in regards to "illegal". I'm a practical kinda guy and I have ideas about laws and law enforcement. It's illegal to go 65 mph in a 50 mph zone, but how many do it? Many of these firearm/ammo laws are nearly unenforceable. I might have an illegal gun/ghost gun in my safe, but why would anyone search my shop? I may have "illegal" ammo in my cabinet, but why would anyone look? Yep, if I did something else to require a police/ATF officer to enter my premises, maybe they would look, but I haven't been shooting in my back yard and scare the neighbors so they call the Sheriff, nor have I been drunk and driven through the neighbor's yard, and I haven't pulled a gun on a human, yet. Even when I frequented indoor ranged my ammo was not inspected, just a question or two. So some simple, no victim "law" about my ammo's configuration is hardly a concern of mine. And I expect the "what if" replies to follow. Reminds me of Prohibition. Yep there was a law, but few obeyed...

I couldn't have said it better. THIS IS THE WHOLE POINT OF THESE LAWS, to make you too scared to shoot anything. What if they find out?????? OMG!!!!

In case you haven't figured it out the Far Left who is running the Democratic Party are the "Fun Police"

If it's fun it has to stop! It could be dangerous!

Then it is too scary to own certain types of guns, cuz some turd made a law that they could never enforce. But what if they did? OMG you could go to jail? Maybe?

Next they'll be coming after your Silverware like they did in the UK cuz there was too many stabbings cuz they can't have guns!! Like to see em confiscate guns in East LA or Oakland! La Emme might take exception to that.

If you don't do anything grossly illegal,,, like rob a bank! There is no reason for them to come to your house, or suspect you of doing anything illegal.

Like MDI, and probably everyone else here,,, I sometimes drive too fast, and I've even been known to run a stop sign when nobody's looking, sometimes even in broad daylight!

But since nobody was looking that mattered,,, I am still free. If a tree falls in the forest does it make a noise?

Not if nobody hears it!

If you don't have enough common sense to understand these points, you got no business owning guns.

Guns are scary! They might shoot someone?

Ask me how I really feel?


12-19-2019, 02:21 AM
Great idea! Simple and effective.

To get tapered cavities it wouldn't be hard to make D-bits with the taper desired.

While I like my Mihec Cramer HP moulds... a lot, I have solid moulds that cast boolits I'd like hollow pointed, at least to try. Your method would work very well for those without the expense of another mould.

I think I will make a couple of your style HP jigs and some D-bits.

Thanks for sharing.


Alferd Packer
12-22-2019, 04:58 PM
What Longbow said!

12-23-2019, 08:13 PM
Hold the phone Joan: It is not illegal in CA to make Bronze or Brass Bullets here in CA. I am certified by the State of CA to make and sell Non Toxic Shotgun Slugs which are made from 260 brass. It required nothing more than to send the Material Certs showing less than 1% Lead in the material to F&G and a picture of the slug. Nothing else needed to make, sell or hunt with these slugs.

Note: I am only selling slugs with new hulls, not selling loaded ammunition.

Besides, even if it was illegal,,, who would know if you did or didn't make them, unless you told them?

RandyI am pretty sure I read somewhere about bronze projectiles being considered armor piercing and therefore illegal. This was in reference to the guy that made armor piercing ammo for the Vegas shooter, and why he got busted. But that there was also a sporting clause that allowed copper bullets for hunting.
I will see if I can find it again.

Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk

12-23-2019, 08:23 PM

(B) The term “armor piercing ammunition” means—
(i) a projectile or projectile core which may be used in a handgun and
which is constructed entirely (excluding the presence of traces of other
substances) from one or a combination of tungsten alloys, steel, iron,
brass, bronze, beryllium copper or depleted uranium; or
(ii) a full jacketed projectile larger than .22 caliber designed and intended
for use in a handgun and whose jacket has a weight of more than 25
percent of the total weight of the projectile.

Looks handgun specific

Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk

12-23-2019, 10:08 PM
Awesome idea! You could literally patent these jigs! I've come up with several jigs but none as effective and efficient as yours! So aluminum bar stock, some good bits and some bolts! Thanks for the post!

12-29-2019, 08:24 PM
But how do they work on game?

When messing with HP designs decades ago we came to the conclusion that the cavity angle was very important to performance, especially when penetrating hide or clothing. The ones we drilled straight did not expand reliably. It ended up being easier to work on the mold with a HP pin than to shape drill bits.

If yours do expand reliably it would be interesting to see at what velocities.

In my part of the world, brightly colored boolits make the police at the range itchy. They don't like it.