View Full Version : I have had it with Robocalls

11-27-2019, 03:30 PM
I just got my 15th call on 2 cell phones today. I have my personal cell and one dedicated to a large condo building that I manage.
I have both numbers on the do not call list but that doesn't make any difference.
What can be done (if anything)? I am getting to the point that I am not answering the phones and if they leave a message, fine. I'll return the call if I know them.
Does anyone know of the ultimate insult to someone from India or Bangladesh you can give someone that calls?
I have had it!

Geezer in NH
11-27-2019, 03:38 PM
I give the whole problem due to lazy, inept, cheap phone companies. They are doing squat to stop them inmho and have sent my complaints to the utilities commission and my state senator and to gov Sununu.

They let Fairpoint sell out to consolidated with no reassurances these problems would get corrected.

I agree with you there is no reason for these calls.

11-27-2019, 03:39 PM
Google does have some stuff.....just look up how to offend ____________ and fill in the blank. Instant hit.

11-27-2019, 03:41 PM
I'll keep my comments on insults to myself. The "do not call" lists seem to help very little. We just recently stopped our home phone service, nothing but robo calls and scam calls. I use the "do not disturd" feature on my cell phone.

11-27-2019, 03:48 PM
A true robocall will not be offended by your insults. If you wish to insulting a real person, just remember they hate being there making those calls, but need to feed themselves and/or families.

I either ignore calls from numbers I do not know or if I pick up ask to be removed from their list and thank them.

11-27-2019, 03:53 PM
I get about a dozen a day. With My Medical problems and Work Comp, I have to keep the "house #". If I don't recognize the area code or hear "bullpen" noise in the background I just hangup.

Although sometimes I have a little fun, like speaking German.
It can be a riot, some off these people I can keep on the phone for up to 10 minutes.

And I just hang up a lot too.

11-27-2019, 04:11 PM
If you really want to know what’s being done google shaken and stir protocol.

The problem isn’t the phone companies and it isn’t the utilities commissions, and it sure as hell isn’t because Consolidated bought Fairpoint. Nonetheless, the phone companies are working on it with pressure coming from Congress and the FCC.

11-27-2019, 04:16 PM
I keep a couple Rush Limbaugh commentaries, and Mark Levin rants available for robocalls. I plug away until i get a person - then leave them to the audio track.

it actually cut down the calls.

11-27-2019, 04:24 PM
I have been getting numerous robocalls from MY OWN phone number. My name is on the screen when they call! I answered the first time, and it was Microsoft telling me that I have a problem with my computer. I generally never answer calls I don't recognize, but it was hard to ignore when it was from my own number. I agree, enough is enough.

11-27-2019, 05:12 PM
I get them on my home phone and now what I do it pick up and then do not say anything and let the phone sit take about 2 mins. They hang up. I been doing that now and the calls had slow down some. If you llike put the phone next to the radio and then let it sit and see what happeneds.

11-27-2019, 05:16 PM
Its a pain but I just don't answer them unless the number is attached to a name. If its important I figure they will leave a message. I've done the insult thing and I've done the "string them along" thing but ultimately they have more time than I do.

11-27-2019, 05:24 PM
Lately, I have been getting robo calls more often than usual. I don't answer them, and let them ring until they hang up. Then, I tap on the number, and my phone will list all the times and dates they have called previously. Then, the number gets blocked.

11-27-2019, 05:32 PM
Its a pain but I just don't answer them unless the number is attached to a name. If its important I figure they will leave a message. I've done the insult thing and I've done the "string them along" thing but ultimately they have more time than I do.

Don't be a slave to your phone! Use call screening via LCD display on your phone and answering machine. No message, means I will ignore the call even if it's from a known person. I don't leave a message unless it is really important to communicate with whomever I am calling. And even when left, I often get no reply. It is a two way street. You are the commander of your comm lines!

11-27-2019, 05:39 PM
I feel/hear and share your pain. To provide an interesting phenomena, the provider for my iPhone changed towers, so I no longer had more than sub-marginal coverage at camp. My Internet provider came up with a great offer -- $14.00/month with unlimited calling -- so I purchased a 2nd iPhone. I use both regularly to MAKE calls, but will ONLY answer calls on the 2nd cellular telephone from family and friends. Further, re any/all on-line vendors and services, I have NOT shared this 2nd cell's number. Here's the interesting part: Having the 2nd iPhone 7 for just one month short of a year, I have yet to receive one single robo call on it!
My theory is that both when you make calls -- including 800, 888, and similar numbers -- as well as receive calls from vendors and services, somehow that you have a working number becomes available (whom do they pay or get paid?) to the Robo- people.
I may not know the "real" reason -- but, until (I hope, never!!!) I start getting unsolicited calls on the 2nd cellular telephone -- I'm ;) sticking to it! (As a btw, even on do-not-call lists, I get MANY robo calls to lower credit card interest, voter surveys, etc. on both the home land-line as well as my primary iPhone)
At least in my case, the fourteen dollars monthly not only provides me a warm and fuzzy feeling that should I be, say, 1,000 feet from road at camp -- I can ring for help; and -- as stated -- NO robo-calls.

11-27-2019, 06:21 PM
I feel/hear and share your pain. To provide an interesting phenomena, the provider for my iPhone changed towers, so I no longer had more than sub-marginal coverage at camp. My Internet provider came up with a great offer -- $14.00/month with unlimited calling -- so I purchased a 2nd iPhone. I use both regularly to MAKE calls, but will ONLY answer calls on the 2nd cellular telephone from family and friends. Further, re any/all on-line vendors and services, I have NOT shared this 2nd cell's number. Here's the interesting part: Having the 2nd iPhone 7 for just one month short of a year, I have yet to receive one single robo call on it!
My theory is that both when you make calls -- including 800, 888, and similar numbers -- as well as receive calls from vendors and services, somehow that you have a working number becomes available (whom do they pay or get paid?) to the Robo- people.
I may not know the "real" reason -- but, until (I hope, never!!!) I start getting unsolicited calls on the 2nd cellular telephone -- I'm ;) sticking to it! (As a btw, even on do-not-call lists, I get MANY robo calls to lower credit card interest, voter surveys, etc. on both the home land-line as well as my primary iPhone)
At least in my case, the fourteen dollars monthly not only provides me a warm and fuzzy feeling that should I be, say, 1,000 feet from road at camp -- I can ring for help; and -- as stated -- NO robo-calls.

Give them a little time....they'll find you !

11-27-2019, 06:32 PM
Mobile phone company can block any call that presents as being from a number it doesn't actually come from. They won't even though that simple act would block the vast majority of these calls. Best bet is to ask your elected official to insist the phone companies do exactly that.

I have this week gotten a couple in what sounded like some Asian language, one supposedly from the IRS, and one from the Social Security Administration. And one charity that was an actual person who asked for someone by an different name and then when I told them they had the wrong number went into their donate money spiel. Hang up on most, annoying but not hard work to hang up. I might have been a bit sharp in tone with the guy claiming to be from a charity since I am pretty sure he wasn't being honest with his opening request "is this William?" Don't like scam charities, don't like being fed Bull Spit as though having gray hair means will fall for anything.

Hmmmm wonder if any point to keeping track of them and emailing elected officials each and every time one came in. From one person it is annoying but from a few hundred times the several calls a week.... starts to sound like their inbox would be mighty full and maybe they would get the idea it is really annoying to their constituents so maybe they should lean on the phone companies a bit.

11-27-2019, 06:57 PM
My AT&T mobile phone is programmed so that if I receive a call from a number which is not in my address book that I have the option to "Reject and Block Further Calls" at the push of a button.

I do not answer my home phone unless I recognize the caller ID. The call will then go to voice mail.

Most robo callers will not leave a message, so it is easy to go through the call log and block the spoofed numbers.

If they do leave a message I can also go back and block the number.

11-27-2019, 06:59 PM
I just answer the phone and grunt! Then I speak in some made up language . You know pig-Latin, kiigon, or whatever. Or I repeat everything they say and wait for a response. I kept one idiot on the phone for almost a half an hour once. My wife get mad at me and say I should not even answer the phone. I guess it’s just my evil nature to mess with people

11-27-2019, 07:13 PM
A lot of those gigs they arent allowed to hang up. We will answer the phone and set it down. I even went to work and they were there when i came home for lunch. Said "Hi, oh wait hang on." Made lunch and went back to work. Wife came home found the phone off the hook and kindly asked them lose and delete our number completly off the system. They agreed, she hung up. Its been a few months.

My 94 year old grandma says, "Im sorry she died last week". They dont call her house either.

11-27-2019, 07:34 PM
12 years ago I got sick of paying local phone co/gov taxes $60 a month for a basic business land line, I put the old # on a cell with the family plan for $25 and started using it as my personal # also as I was winding down the company but needed to support old customers while changing job direction. Closed the old company completely 4 years ago but still use the same # for personal use as family and friends have used now for 12 years. I hate the Google listing calls that are a local area code and a canned recording that says press 2 to be removed. That request will never be honored as I don't think it is even a real Google call and if it was you would think that the know all Google could figure out to remove your #. Or the sales calls from 2000 miles away [investment etc.] that are asking for the owner by name like they spoke to them just yesterday and you inform them that that person has been dead for over 12 years [my father] and its like I just insulted them before they hangup.

11-27-2019, 08:03 PM
I get a dozen a day, most I ignore, have one I am being really abusive to since they call 6 times a day... I don't care if these scumbags need a job, go get an honest job instead of being a thief!

11-27-2019, 09:00 PM
I get a dozen a day, most I ignore, have one I am being really abusive to since they call 6 times a day... I don't care if these scumbags need a job, go get an honest job instead of being a thief!

I agree with MaryB "if these scumbags need a job, go get an honest job instead of being a thief!"

11-27-2019, 10:27 PM
there are a few that have fought the robo machines and win, very few. We need get our state and federal representatives to do something to stop the calls. We should not have to be bothered with this time waster. I am bombarding my state representative with messages about this mess. Stopping this is part of his job!!
Ole Jack

11-27-2019, 10:49 PM
subscribe to "Nomorobo".
It intercepts the robo calls and it is free.


11-27-2019, 11:56 PM
I have to answer my business phone, an my cell, that's how I get work . So I just deal with it still don't make it any easier .

11-28-2019, 01:36 AM
Email the phone companies as well as your representatives every time and the phone companies might stop the calls without new regs.

11-28-2019, 02:13 AM
I had a guy calling me from Jamaica for years. He'd tell me he had.20 million in small bills in a FedEx truck 40 minutes from me. All I had to do was send $180 from walmart to a number he would give me. On and on like that. When I hung up he would call back... A credit card consolidation service called me over and.over. Finally I got a woman on the phone. She was so excited I was afraid something could rupture up inside herself. I asked if I had $10,000 in credit bills over my head like a boulder constantly falling. She said she could fix that. I said could she get me ten cards with a thousand on each so the amount wouldn't seem so big. .....(Silence)..... Then I realized I was an ******* loudly. She was adept but she stayed on the phone. We became friends and have bought each other candy for Valentine's and birthdays a couple times. These people are lonely not realizing how badly they need a friend. Be that friend. Do your duty. MAGA!

11-28-2019, 02:20 AM
Dad had one that pestered him until he told the by he was so glad he called. Really? Yeah. He had to declare bankruptcy that day and he was considering suicide. He had a pile of paperwork he was going to take to the courthouse and the cops talked about arresting him but the worst part was the judge was his brother inlaw. How could he gave his brother in law looking down at him from way up there and say he was broke. But the line was dead. The guy hung up never to call backk

11-28-2019, 03:35 AM
I still have a "not to smart" cell phone, and I never get robocalls.
I guess it's smarter than a smart phone.
For land line, yes I still have it, I have an answering machine.
Most of the time the call doesn't go through.
Those that do, I just delete.
guberment is to blame for robocalls.
Notice how political and, so called, public service calls are allowed?????
The "do not call" registry is a joke.
Of course it's run by the guberment.
Buy some people must go along with what the robocall is all about.
If not, they would just quit doing it.

11-28-2019, 08:23 AM
Agreed on nomorobo, free for landlines & $4/mo? for cells; Helps!

11-28-2019, 09:00 AM
I used to get 15-20 calls on the home phone everyday so we took it out and no more calls for awhile. The calls started on the wife's cell and I just had her quiet the ring and then block the number. I have received zero calls since moving out of state in June.

Jeff Michel
11-28-2019, 09:17 AM
Nothing to get worked up about, frankly. I do exactly what you are suggesting. Leave a message to the effect that "Due to robocalls, I no longer answer my phone. Please leave a message and I'll return you call promptly, if you do not leave a message, I will not return your call. I also manage real estate, I get calls constantly and if they aren't in my address book, I don't pickup. Prospective, current tenants and contractors always leave a message. A glance at your phone will tell you all you need to know and whether to answer or go back to what you were working on. Answer it when it suits you, don't be it's slave. Just my opinion

jaydub in wi
11-28-2019, 09:58 AM
I get them on my home phone and now what I do it pick up and then do not say anything and let the phone sit take about 2 mins. They hang up. I been doing that now and the calls had slow down some. If you llike put the phone next to the radio and then let it sit and see what happeneds.
When I do answer a robo call, I set the phone next to the tv or radio. One of them got to hear Darth Vader because we were watching star wars. My son laughs and laughs....

08-14-2020, 09:40 PM
Canceled land line. Cell gets bombarded-6+ per day. Installed Truecaller for free. If they aren’t in my directory, I don’t answer. If they leave no message, I block them. I am not a slave to my IPHONE [emoji336]!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Winger Ed.
08-14-2020, 10:19 PM
Had a air conditioner guy working on the unit last year.
I was outside in the yard hanging out with him when his phone rang.

He stopped and said he had to take the call. It was a junk call.
He listened a second and then launched into the most loud, profane, vulgar, insulting, racist tirade I'd ever heard.

After it was over, he hung up and laughed.
Then said, "I love getting these calls. Whatever they get paid, I try to be sure they earn it".

08-14-2020, 10:35 PM
I have no choice I am still running my business . Somedays I just want to throw my phone in the trash. To many people call me from all over now days I wish cell phones would never been invented.

08-14-2020, 10:39 PM
I answer the cellphone "Que pasa?"
if they start in spanish well..
no calling mio.
Moved to AZ installer plugged in
my new cox phone and it rang
how did they know my number before I did?
Had to unplug it, rang and rang
Telephones as we knew them are over. Done.
Wanna talk to somebody? Sorry.
They won't pick up
my doctor won't pickup?
Go visit them. Good fun.
Send em a postcard.
Email? tl;dr
Divide and conquer has beaten us.
Last one out, shut off the lights
Gets lonely, doesn't it?

country gent
08-14-2020, 11:19 PM
I have gotten them showing my home number awhile back but not recently. I ask one representative of windham hotels Why he thought it was appropriate to bother me like this. His reply was because I can and then he swore at me. This I reported to Windham Hotels corporate and that any more calls would be reported to state attorney general. Ask a Hilton rep when I was informed that I had one a free 7 day trip if she was going to get it cleared it with judge and parole officer for me to leave the state. Ive been hung up on by card services and again sworn at listening to spiel asking questions and then informing them I dont have a credit card. Ask one widow company rep what underclothes she was wearing color and style along with her measurements and to describe her lips as I am widowed and its been along time. Use your imagination and remember its hard for them to file harassment against you when they are calling you.

Most calls here are recordings

Last was police officers assoc wanting donation. I told him I just shut down a machine on a hot job to answer this call. My shop rate is $350.00 an hour billed to nearest half hour. He started back on his spiel I informed him your getting paid for your time But costing me where do I send this bill for services rendered? He was stammering when he hung up.

Last I dont do business over the phone where are you and Ill come discuss it with you.

Use your imagination and have fun with it. Be busy getting rid of a body, Hiding stolen jewels, a convict, If female a deviant, But drag them out as long as possible, this ties up their time and money, and keeps them from bothering more people. The 30 sec or so and hang up allows them to call a lot of people, dragging it out to 4-6 mins really cuts their contacts and drive cost up. If every one did this it wouldnt be profitable any more

08-15-2020, 04:17 AM
I've been on the "do not call" list for a while.
It's been good until a few weeks ago.
Not I get at least two a day.
There should be a law against it.
Computer spam needs to go to.
Also all types of political calls.
Companies sell numbers and emails to others.
They tell you they don't, but it's big money.
If gooberment would go after the companies, it might help.
Monster fines, pull license, prison time, IRS audit, product seizures, would be a good start.

08-15-2020, 06:58 AM
I used to get mad after answering robo calls, now I find it enjoyable to toy with them for as long as I can. Ask them questions, tell them to stay on the line for a few moments while you finish the paperwork in the bathroom,ect. Tell them before you listen to them, they have to tell you a dirty joke, or say you sound kind of cute, can I meet you, whats your phone number. Just remember they really don't want this job, so I try not to be too mean with them.

08-15-2020, 07:26 AM
Mr Number used to be my #1 choice but I see they are now charging for the service.
What I liked about it was the option to ignore anyone not in my contact list. One little bleep and they get shunted aside.

Of course all too many leave voice messages but it is not hard to delete those either.

Mr Number pretty much stopped all the calls flat out.

08-15-2020, 09:24 AM
Look at Nomorobo; free for land lines. When a known spammer calls me I hear the phone ring once, they then get forwarded into limbo, so I just laugh when I hear one single ring and then silence. Gets rid of most of the "this is your credit card company" and "this is the IRS" or "this is SSI" fake baloney.

08-15-2020, 09:31 AM
Everyone Is bombarded with these calls. nothing new. If you don't know the # don,t answer or go to voice mail

08-15-2020, 09:53 AM
Get calls for extended warranties for my minivan and suv,suv has a warranted minivan is 8-9 years old not worth the quoted $200 a month. I do ask to be taken off their call list. Used to do the same job ages ago the outfit had a book with phone numbers for a specific town. Now it's a machine that dials random numbers.

08-15-2020, 10:01 AM
The last extended car warranty call i got. I told them i have a buggy. The caller didn't know what i meant. Told him it's a horse drawn carriage. Oh the guy said and hung up. Haven't received any calls on warranties lately.

08-15-2020, 11:03 AM
I'm with you on being fed up. The no call list thing is worthless. Here in AZ, I seem to get at least one call a day - sometimes more - from realtors and companies wanting to know if we want to sell our house (evidently there is a shortage of houses - most likely due to those fleeing from the Republik of Kalifornia. Yesterday, a young fellow called and asked for "James" - no "this is ??? calling and I am trying to reach you because . . . . " - just plain rude phone manners. When the conversation went on, he asked me if I was the house owner at our address and I curtly replied, "why do you ask?" - then he started in on his spiel about they were looking for houses and understood that I wanted to sell ours . . . really? I didn't know that. I no longer am nice . . . yea, I could just hang up but I have to at least have the satisfaction of telling them never to call again. This fella couldn[t even pronounce the name of our street. I finally came back with my favorite comeback I've been using lately . . . "Can you answer a question for me? Were you born stupid or did you have to go to school to learn it?"

I am not technology whiz . . . but I fined it very interesting that we have all of the social media that is run by the "few" on which they can promote all of their Leftist Socialist Propaganda but instantly remove anyone's postings who disagrees with them or shows an inkling of being a conservative . . . but none of these "techies" have the ability to put a stop to robocalls calls and unwanted calls. Funny too . . . we are in a 520 area code here in AZ but my cell is a 517 Michigan area code as that is where we are residents . . . and a lot of these calls show up as a 517 area code even though they are from other areas of the country.

08-15-2020, 11:08 AM
Its easy to fix the problem. Just have Congress require a new * number that if you get an spam call you hit *# and it bills the caller $1 with the fee split between you and the telephone company. If the TeleCom can make money on it they will immediately find a way to implement it. Now getting Congress to do something useful is probably an insurmountable problem.

William Yanda
08-15-2020, 04:40 PM
"Due to robocalls, I no longer answer my phone. Please leave a message and I'll return you call promptly"

Brilliant. Why didn't I think of that. (That was a rhetorical question, not requiring an answer.)

Ozark mike
08-15-2020, 05:31 PM
A 22 will fix any phone problems proved it.on multiple occasions

08-16-2020, 08:34 AM
Its easy to fix the problem. Just have Congress require a new * number that if you get an spam call you hit *# and it bills the caller $1 with the fee split between you and the telephone company. If the TeleCom can make money on it they will immediately find a way to implement it. Now getting Congress to do something useful is probably an insurmountable problem.

The problem with your idea is that most robocalls are spoofed numbers. Using VOIP, you can make a call from any number that you desire. You can even call your phone number and it will show your phone number as the caller. Robocallers were doing this using an apple tech support phone number. People with iPhones would get a call that looked totally legitimate.

There are things that can be done to stop robocalls but cell phone companies will not implement them until forced to so because there are expenses involved. The same thing for spam e-mails. Those can be quashed very easily with some changes to how e-mail works. But... $$$s are involved.

I just don't answer my phone unless I know the caller. I also clear my contacts if someone hasn't called me in 3 months.