View Full Version : The 310 Shop

11-25-2019, 01:11 PM
I don't think the 310 shop is out of business like I have read about.
I tried the link I had that was through cnyauctions. It came up that that servor doesn't carry them any more. Or words to that effect.
I did a search for The 310 Shop. It came up on the search. I tried the link and it came up to a new site for the 310 Shop.
It appears to be a go daddy site now.
A whole different look to the site than what it was.
Try the310shop.net it should get you there.
I haven't tried to contact Rick yet.

Green Frog
11-26-2019, 09:22 AM
The originator of the 310 Shop apparently retired and sold the business to its current owner several years ago. The new owner continued the original gathering and selling of original 310 tools and dies, but over time began doing more manufacturing of dies in long discontinued configurations and calibers, and may even have been able to start making new tong tools now that Lyman has dropped them.

The website has been changed around, but I think the status of the 310 Shop is active and increasing in selection, but I haven’t actually needed to buy anything from him in a while. I hope he continues to expand and do well.


Green Frog
11-27-2019, 09:46 AM
PS to last; it looks like the website for the 310 Shop is being developed still, but it has some pretty good stuff in it already.

Another source might be to deal with some of the private individuals who specialize in collecting and trading things 310... my e-friend Brass Magnet is one who immediately comes to mind. Also watch the swapping sticky at the top of this page and the Swapping and Selling Forum on this website. I should be putting some goodies on the latter soon as soon as I get a round tuit. ;)


11-28-2019, 05:40 PM
Hopefully someday someone (not me) will write a book on 310 tools at least in their current state and use and include stuff like die dimensions and considerations for those making die accessories or parts at home.

11-28-2019, 06:37 PM
Just looked, and it seems as though there is a good selection.

Could use some more details...