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View Full Version : Can you simplify it?

11-08-2008, 07:59 PM
I have been following the RPM discussion and I think I might have a handle on it. What I am asking, is could you state in 5 sentences or less, your viewpoint of the whole RPM discussion? Can you wrap it up in a nice little package for those of us who are trying to learn from your experiences.

Please don't discuss anyone else's answer in this thread. (if anyone does choose to respond). That way it can stay uncluttered and we can really see what each poster has to say.


11-08-2008, 09:32 PM
the reason why joe reloader finds his best accuracy with his 30 cal.deer rifle. and the mold he bought from midway.
whether it is from lee,rcbs,lyman whomever.
at a velocity in the 17-1950 fps range. with a twist rate of 1 turn in 10.
this is a threshold,and nothing more it can be broken.
but there are certain criteria that has to be met to do it, and these are not a guarantee of success.

the discussion is that "accuracy" is found above the threshod.
is it better, worse or the same.
just filling you in on the discussion up till this point as this is not a new thread,nor the only one[there are at least 2 others on this board alone] on this subject

Larry Gibson
11-09-2008, 01:12 AM

I have replied to Geraldo on this subject on the other thead. It may answer yourquestion here. If not let me know and I'll condense it to 5 sentences.

Larry Gibson

11-09-2008, 01:57 AM
Larry said,

"Best accuracy for most cast bullets in a rifle will come at a certain RPM rate governed by the twist. The faster the twist the lower the velocity will be for that "best" accuracy. Conversely, the slower the twist the higher the velocity will be for "best" accuracy.

The reason is simply that the twist rate and velocity control the RPM. The faster the velocity in a given twist the higher the RPM. If we manage to keep the RPM somewhere between 120,000 and 140,000 RPM we will find the "best" accuracy with cast bullets in our rifles. Above the level of RPM where we found "best" accuracy the centrifugal force of the RPM will have an adverse affect on the bullets flight and accuracy will decrease."

Larry, is this the gist of it?


11-09-2008, 02:56 AM
that is pretty much it right there.
there are some other factors involved.
but you got it.