View Full Version : where to go next, which pot ??

11-08-2008, 05:18 PM
This question may have been asked before , but... what is the next step up from an RCBS or a Lyman mag 20 pot ??? I have both and both went down this week.
If I wish to up-grade to a larger or better pot , which way do I go ?? I normally run 35 - 40 lbs at one sitting. And normally I melt only Lyman # 2 alloy or harder at 800 -850 degrees.
Any input will be considered and be much appreciated.

11-08-2008, 06:45 PM
Sounds like you need a Magma 40 pounder. I went from LEE to RCBS to Magma. Still have all 3, just use the Magma. Besides being bigger, it is also 1500 watts. The spigot arm is spring loaded so you don't get any drips. And the nozzle is removable so you can clean it without draining the pot. And it has the option of getting a 2 hole nozzle, pretty cool, and faster pouring. Has a nice thermostat on it, and comes in 110 or 220.

FN in MT
11-08-2008, 07:48 PM

Take a look at the above thread. The WAAGE 4757 holds 20+ and is $143.

Hope this helps.

FN in MT

11-09-2008, 01:03 PM
I have had a couple inquiries as to what I intend to do with the old lead pots in my last post. I fully intend to have both repaired , keep one and give my son the other. I will not be without at least two pots.
Thanks for all the input and interest. I think the Magma will fit my needs best, large pot, bottom pour, availability of parts.
Again ... thanks !!!

11-09-2008, 03:41 PM
Well...Knowing the RCBS company. If you box up the old pot and send it back,you'll probably have a new one on your doorsteep in a week! Just thinking...

11-09-2008, 05:31 PM
I feel real bad about sending the RCBS back again. Yes, again. It has been rebuilt already. I certainly got my money's worth out of that pot.
I did call them up and they are supposed to send me a new thermostat. I think I can install it myself. Customer service rep assured me If I had any trouble.... just send it in. Kudos for RCBS !!!!!!
Both pots are still operational. The Lyman will only heat to 670 degrees. The RCBS only to 740. My alloy requires 800 - 850 degrees. I had to back off on alloying to fill a friends urgent request for 38/357 boolits. My normal alloy is quite hard. Go figure.... I work in a print shop.

11-09-2008, 06:46 PM
Well,thats good news. As long as you got your money out of it! I was going to get a Magma and then they jumped about a $100 more than they were and I decided I didn't need it that bad after all!
The good news is I took a chance and called the nice lady at RCBS, asking if they had a rebuilt one. She said we don't do that,but might have a"scratch or dent" and they did! That one was $200 and I jumped on it. When I got it I had to look awhile to find the blemish,and I've never looked back!