View Full Version : Does this happen to you?

11-12-2019, 03:07 PM
For some reason and who knows what that reason is, a web site will suddenly decide that my password is incorrect despite the fact that I entered it in my log book the day I set it up. The last one to do this is the Ruger forum. When I type my pass word it appears differently than what I typed. It gives you the option of dealing with a moderator but when I click on that I fall into an Alice In Wonderland maze and give up. This also happened on my healthcare website. I had used my father's name as a pass word. The site said it was incorrect. I was able to talk FTF with a moderator but no matter what I said she said it was incorrect. I was never able to get it fixed. They will give me a temporary pass word but it is only good for sixty days and you have to got thru it again. BUGGER

Der Gebirgsjager
11-12-2019, 03:24 PM
Yeah--bummer--sometimes happens to me, and lots of other guys I suspect. Seems like some outfits that I've dealt with for years like Midway suddenly decide not to like my password. After going through all the hassles you've described I've found it best to either reset the password, or just reregister as a new customer....

Winger Ed.
11-12-2019, 03:27 PM
Yeah. After playing around with it several times,
I haven't been able to get back on Graybeard's since they went to the new format.

11-12-2019, 03:37 PM
I got a 30day suspension from the Ruger Forum. It's been well over 3 months. Can't get on, and it won't recognize my user name, so I can't even get my password sent for change.

Guess if you ask admin a question that he
Doesn't like, he'll ban you in a petty fashion.

Yeah, I can't get back on Greybeard either.

11-12-2019, 03:41 PM
Yeah. After playing around with it several times,
I haven't been able to get back on Graybeard's since they went to the new format.

Are you talking of GBO reloaded? If so, your password would be what it was back in 14', prior to it being sold.

Winger Ed.
11-12-2019, 07:40 PM
Are you talking of GBO reloaded? If so, your password would be what it was back in 14', prior to it being sold.

Yep. Old password won't work, and it won't let me get a reset for it either.
It won't let me set up a new account/login since my email address is already in use or active- something like that.
No big deal, I don't care for the new format anyway.

11-12-2019, 07:52 PM
For GBO "reloaded", contact Mark- Admin at the new GBO- reloaded, by using a new name until your old one is fixed.

Here is another link at the GBO Reloaded site about such things, "if" you can get on there:

Mark says he can help you out with such problems.

Or, at the current GBO ( not revisited). I reckon Graybeard can do something as well for you with the issues, or turn ya over to Mark. https://www.go2gbo.com/

P.S. - I can turn someone on to Bill aka Graybeard telephone number if someone asks thru PM. It is in his Sig File if you look.

Mal Paso
11-12-2019, 09:49 PM
I have correct passwords rejected all the time. I figure:

1 Someone accidently deleted all the passwords.

2 Someone hacked the website, got all the passwords, so IT deleted the passwords so you would make a new one.

3 The website is paranoid and wants to confirm your identity through your email address.

4 The webmaster is just messing with you.

Tom W.
11-12-2019, 11:27 PM
I haven't been able to get to the Ruger forum in a few years, and just quit trying.

11-13-2019, 12:52 AM
I have the same problem when I visit a website I haven't been too in awhile. Sitting next to the computer is a list of websites, handles and pass words. Works most of the time. Frank

11-13-2019, 07:49 AM
Some sites have a certain time you have to renew your passwords and if you don’t after the time they lock the account a inactive account.

11-13-2019, 10:46 AM
Just went through this recently at RimFire Central. Take deep breaths and move on, reducing the urge to smack the computer with a heavy blunt object.

11-13-2019, 05:02 PM
Or they change there password protocols no longer allow some symbols that it allowed when setup originally , had to do password username resets on several sites over time as they changed without saying that old passwords would need reset .

11-13-2019, 05:10 PM
As I said in my post, when I type my pass word, the Ruger web site repeats in incorrectly. It simply repeats the two words as one with no separation. I gave up trying to fix it.

11-14-2019, 09:31 PM
I suffer from this; nearly every single time that I try to log into Amazon, for example. And then there are the .GOV websites where your password expires every 60 (30/90/whatever) days.

11-14-2019, 10:35 PM
I've been unable to log on over at the CBA for a couple of months. I've tried changing my password several times as per the E-mail instructions and still get the incorrect user name or password notice. I can't decide if it's by design or just a computer glitch. I've had nothing but trouble since the site was reformatted. Changed my browser and tried again. still no luck. Administration sent me a temp password that wouldn't work either. . Guess it will save me the yearly dues but I will miss some of the friends over there. Gp