View Full Version : George was here...

11-09-2019, 03:55 PM
...and I have no idea how he got in?

All while I was at the grocery store (it was samples day), I had 25 tiny snacks. What a great lunch ;)

Anyway, George left the door open...no skeeters got in, cause it's only 30º outside :shock:
I know it was him, because he left some instructions, he didn't sign it, but it on his personal stationary.
...good thing the woodstove was fired up, the house was still warmish. The only thing I noticed different, was a old box of Ideal 41 cal GCs on the floor ??? How'd he know I have a old Lyman 410610 mold, but no GCs that fit it?
...Oh, and the large wooden box that holds my 'extra' stash of various GCs was upended and the contents was dumped out on my work bench. I've never inventoried it, so I have no idea if anything is missing?
But knowing George, he swiped something out of there?

Good luck to those who may get a visit from George...because you just never know :shock:

11-18-2019, 02:27 PM
I believe by the evidence that George was here and seems to have left me something from your stash.


does this look familiar?