View Full Version : .58 Minie Bullet Lube Cutter

The Wizard
11-03-2019, 04:02 PM
Lee Precision use to make a bullet lubricating and resizing kit where you "pan lub" the bullets and cut them from the pan with a "lub cutter". I am wondering if anyone makes a "lub cutter" for the .58 Minie bullet. Now before someone post how easy it would for me to build one let me relate the following. I built a tree house when I as 8. It fell out of the tree with me in it. Broke a leg. In high school wood shop built a bird house. Birds refused to nest in it. Got an F on that project. When I got my first dog, I built her a dog house. SPCA condemned it. Said it was unfit for canine habitation. You want more examples of my lack of skills at building things. I have got a list a mile long.

So, just point in the direction where I might get one!

11-03-2019, 06:40 PM
No construction needed measure the fattest part on your boolit and I bet Home depot has a ID to match on a piece of pipe /problem solved/Ed

11-03-2019, 06:47 PM
Check fleabay, there is a guy offering the old style lube kits. A small pan to stand the bullets in and pour melted lube around. When lube hardens there is a lube cutter tube included.
Maybe He has or can make one in your caliber.

11-03-2019, 08:28 PM
I think I used a section of Copper tubing I got at Home Depot that is actually made for Splicing 1/2" copper tubing.
The I.D. is the same as the O.D of 1/2" copper pipe.
If I remember correctly , I had to hone out the inside diameter a bit with sandpaper wrapped around a dowel spun in a drill.
I hope that points you in the right direction.
You could probably use a 1/2" copper coupling honed out the save a buck or two.

charlie b
11-04-2019, 09:20 AM
For my rifle bullets I use a fired case. I drilled out the primer pocket to take a 1/4 dowel.

When I did pistol bullets I used a piece of pipe that I drilled out to proper size and used a grinder to put a 'cutting' edge on it (not too sharp or it shaves lead).

Just a matter of finding the right pipe size.

A tip. Make the pipe long enough to grip with your hand and a plunger (dowel) that you can then use with your thumb. Much easier on the hands that way. :)

11-04-2019, 09:26 AM
Lee Precision use to make a bullet lubricating and resizing kit where you "pan lub" the bullets and cut them from the pan with a "lub cutter". I am wondering if anyone makes a "lub cutter" for the .58 Minie bullet. Now before someone post how easy it would for me to build one let me relate the following. I built a tree house when I as 8. It fell out of the tree with me in it. Broke a leg. In high school wood shop built a bird house. Birds refused to nest in it. Got an F on that project. When I got my first dog, I built her a dog house. SPCA condemned it. Said it was unfit for canine habitation. You want more examples of my lack of skills at building things. I have got a list a mile long.

So, just point in the direction where I might get one!

Please consider what we in the N-SSA do. We use 5/8 capplugs to hold the powder. After charging tube, invert bullet in mouth of tube. When all done use tube a handle to dip bullet into melted lube. Take a look at N-SSA.org

11-04-2019, 10:58 AM
I bought brass thin wall tubing at Ace Hardware that just fit around the bullet and a Dollar store pie pan.

11-04-2019, 01:49 PM
Lee Precision use to make a bullet lubricating and resizing kit where you "pan lub" the bullets and cut them from the pan with a "lub cutter". I am wondering if anyone makes a "lub cutter" for the .58 Minie bullet. Now before someone post how easy it would for me to build one let me relate the following. I built a tree house when I as 8. It fell out of the tree with me in it. Broke a leg. In high school wood shop built a bird house. Birds refused to nest in it. Got an F on that project. When I got my first dog, I built her a dog house. SPCA condemned it. Said it was unfit for canine habitation. You want more examples of my lack of skills at building things. I have got a list a mile long.

So, just point in the direction where I might get one!

northeast trader makes one.and its simple to use.
not sure it listed in is store best to contact John

11-16-2019, 01:21 AM
.................I used to make them. They were simple (if you had a lathe), which is like saying going 100 is easy if you have a car :-)


There are a couple guys around (Lathesmith and/or Ammohead) among others who could gin up a few for ya.


11-16-2019, 02:47 PM
.................I used to make them. They were simple (if you had a lathe), which is like saying going 100 is easy if you have a car :-)


There are a couple guys around (Lathesmith and/or Ammohead) among others who could gin up a few for ya.


You guys with machine shops in your garage kill me! :-) Might be a tinge of jealousy there too.

On another site I saw a method that I have not tried yet but seems like a good idea.

Get a cheap plastic funnel and cut the lower tapered portion so that the ID matches the bullet. Then use some kind of tool to sharpen the edges of the opening on the outside. Use it to press over your pan lubed boolits. They should then stack up in the upper portion of the funnel.

Gonna try this but still have not been by the $1$ store where I hope to pick up cheap economical funnel. Doing it cheap is a big part of the fun for me!