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12-12-2005, 10:53 PM
Once Christmas and New Year's gets out of the way, I will be starting up the internet matches again this year. Fatnhappy has supplyed me with a large amount of load info sheets, to be used in ammo boxes, a la Shuz. These will be sent to each competitor, who sends along an SASE with his targets.

I've not set the matches yet, and would like a little imput. I've recieved one request for lever action matches so far, and am fully open to suggestions from you guys. Whatcha want this year?

Let me know what you want to shoot this winter, and I'll get them lined out, and on the trail.

All rules and specifications wil be posted on the board, hopefully around mid January. Then we can get to shooting.

For newcomers, this is come one, come all, regardless of experience. This is a postal match, and results will be posted at the end of each shooting period, or as my time allows to score the targets. The point of the match, is to get us some trigger time in the winter months, and to see what loads are working well for others. No real prizes, darn little glory, just some fun, and outrageous excuses from some entrants!

David R
12-12-2005, 11:14 PM
Sounds like fun. Off hand? Peestol? Scope? Iron sights? OLD guns ?

Heck I'll shoot anything, so will my children.


12-12-2005, 11:31 PM
Just brainstorming here:

Leverguns firing rifle cartridges
Leverguns firing pistol cartidges
(scoped or unscoped)

Milsurps, maybe break it down by types or calibers.
(maybe include Sporterized milsurps with original sights)

Scoped & unscoped factory hunting rifles

Single shot cartridge rifles

Smokepoles - traditional of course

Single shot hunting handguns


Semi Auto handguns

The combinations are almost endless. Could be a lot on fun!

12-12-2005, 11:39 PM
I like the 10 shot group format.

12-12-2005, 11:42 PM
In my particular mind frame, after shooting almost a lifetime at paper, I don't want to do it anymore. Purely psycho, if you will. Today, of all days lately, was a nice one here in Fort Smith. I couldn't resist taking out that light weight Ruger 44 lever gun, and proceeded to outshoot myself many times over. Too bad we can't use movie cameras because you guys would have been amazed as well. 60-80 yard shots were almost all PERFECT. Maybe 5 misses out of 40 shots. Even parcels of clay pidgons were completely blasted at 80 yards. My best day in 2 years with a gun. To put iceing on the cake, these were full house loads with 250 LFNs, and to top that off, I probably have not shot over 200 rounds in 2 years. Just been under the weather far to long. ... felix

12-13-2005, 12:22 AM
I dont care what we shoot long as it gives off some heat! Man its awfuly c c c cold here!

12-13-2005, 12:42 AM
Waksupi, Groups OK, but some offhand too. I believe that somewhere in the Old Testament there is a verse that says, "rise up and smite thy target." What else could it be but an endorsement of offhand shooting? Also,
separate scopes from irons.

12-13-2005, 12:44 AM
I'm in.

I'm a new guy.

Rifles, off a rest, 100 yds (50 is better, no road trips, shoot at the home place).

I am gonna sell my M1917 and my P14 and my M1903 this winter on gunbroker.com, :cry:

so do something for those first.

12-13-2005, 12:48 AM
What do I get if I win?


12-13-2005, 12:58 AM
How bout a case of colored party ice? Comes in yellow only.

Bullshop Junior
12-13-2005, 02:01 AM
Once Christmas and New Year's gets out of the way, I will be starting up the internet matches again this year. Fatnhappy has supplyed me with a large amount of load info sheets, to be used in ammo boxes, a la Shuz. These will be sent to each competitor, who sends along an SASE with his targets.

I've not set the matches yet, and would like a little imput. I've recieved one request for lever action matches so far, and am fully open to suggestions from you guys. Whatcha want this year?

Let me know what you want to shoot this winter, and I'll get them lined out, and on the trail.

All rules and specifications wil be posted on the board, hopefully around mid January. Then we can get to shooting.

For newcomers, this is come one, come all, regardless of experience. This is a postal match, and results will be posted at the end of each shooting period, or as my time allows to score the targets. The point of the match, is to get us some trigger time in the winter months, and to see what loads are working well for others. No real prizes, darn little glory, just some fun, and outrageous excuses from some entrants!

I am thinking

A 50yd lever action iron sight class,
a 100yd military iron sight class,
factory rifle scope class,
a factory rifle iron sight class,
and a 22 center fire class,
or in other words EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-13-2005, 09:55 AM
I'm in.

I'm a new guy.

Rifles, off a rest, 100 yds (50 is better, no road trips, shoot at the home place).

I am gonna sell my M1917 and my P14 and my M1903 this winter on gunbroker.com, :cry:

so do something for those first.

cropcirclewalker, nice avitar...I wondered what happened to my ex, haven't seen her since the seventies [smilie=l:


12-13-2005, 09:56 AM
What do I get if I win?


I'm sure I can find something here. I have some Canadian money left lying around. Want some of that?

12-13-2005, 10:09 PM
I'll pass on the Canuck tp.

Seriously though, how does a postal match work? I've never done one before.

12-13-2005, 10:48 PM
cropcirclewalker, nice avitar...I wondered what happened to my ex, haven't seen her since the seventies [smilie=l:


..... :mrgreen:


12-13-2005, 11:10 PM
I'll pass on the Canuck tp.

Seriously though, how does a postal match work? I've never done one before.

I will set the rules, the matches, and the time periods in which each will be shot. They may all run concurrently, to make the mailing of multiple targets easier. Then, all targets will be mailed to me for scoring, after which the results will be posted.

The Nyack Kid
12-14-2005, 12:03 AM
do you have a target design that will be posted on the Board, then printed off by interrested people ? Could you design a target that won't use so much dad-blasted ink ? that stuff aint cheap and i have a feeling im going to be using up quite abit of it .

12-14-2005, 12:19 AM
The one ya run back on shooters fer Belly guns was fun...:Fire:

12-14-2005, 08:29 PM
do you have a target design that will be posted on the Board, then printed off by interrested people ? Could you design a target that won't use so much dad-blasted ink ? that stuff aint cheap and i have a feeling im going to be using up quite abit of it .

I think we can find someone to print them for cheap. ;) The distribution is the tricky part.
It might just be far easier to post a .pdf and let everyone go to a kinkos instead of printing them at home. If that's a problem for someone I could square them away on an individual basis.

12-14-2005, 08:32 PM
At ease, on the targets, guys. All will be explained. We shoot for group size.

12-14-2005, 11:13 PM
Think paper plate the offical BS target. Available at your local ?

Gunload Master
12-14-2005, 11:36 PM
Just to let you know, if you want to use one of my targets, Let me know. I can fix one up so it wouldnt use so much ink, and design it especially for this shoot...
Here are my rifle targets:

Here are all my targets by category if you get a wild hair.

12-15-2005, 12:21 AM
OK, you guys are concerned about targets. I'll tell you what we are going to do this year. You will be using your favorite target, that you generally shoot. You can staple it on the back stop, and put a sheet of printer paper behind it. It will make it easier to score from plain white paper on my end. That way, you just need some printer paper, and can shoot everthing with your one favorite target for a face. How do you like those beans?

12-15-2005, 09:06 AM
Ric, what size staples do you recomend for the average cat?


12-15-2005, 11:48 AM
Hey Ric-

KJ doesn't need any preferential treatment. He's already a good shot. Give us other guys a break here.. :roll: :mrgreen:

The Nyack Kid
12-15-2005, 12:42 PM
ok i get it now
your just going to score group size
i thought it was going to be like Ranch Dogs postal match , group size and distance from center of target

David R
12-15-2005, 10:24 PM
OK, you guys are concerned about targets. I'll tell you what we are going to do this year. You will be using your favorite target, that you generally shoot. You can staple it on the back stop, and put a sheet of printer paper behind it. It will make it easier to score from plain white paper on my end. That way, you just need some printer paper, and can shoot everthing with your one favorite target for a face. How do you like those beans?

I think that is a GREAT idea.

I am IN!

Measurments will be taked from C to C so those guys shooting BIG 45s won't have an advantage. :)


The Nyack Kid
12-16-2005, 01:39 AM
I think that is a GREAT idea.

I am IN!

Measurments will be taked from C to C so those guys shooting BIG 45s won't have an advantage. :)


us poor guys shooting BIG 45s are going to be hurting units by the time we're done with this .
im asumming we can "Cherry pick" our best groops ?

01-04-2006, 12:56 AM
Well, I'm getting some none to subtle prodding to get some shooting matches going, so I guess we'll get this season's matches launched. I'm leaving this attached to the original post, as there were questions asked, and answered, that may help people get rolling on this.

You don't pay no stinkin' money, but you still takes your chances. This is a fun shoot, and your honesty is accepted as a given. Remember, bribes will be cheerfully accepted, as in the past. All excuses gleefully ignored, ridiculed, guffawed, and snickered at.

I believe I will set most matches at fifty yards this year, as some have range limitations, but will also throw in a couple hundred yard matches.

We're going to start off with military surplus rifles, original configuration, as issued. Fifty yards off hand, and fifty yards bench. Ten shots each. Ends February 1.

Next, a lever action match this year. This will be fired at 50 yards, OFFHAND, ten shot group. Ends February 15.

Sporterized milsurps, 100 yards, benchrest. Ends March 1.

Scoped and aperture sight rifles, .30 and over, 50 yards offhand. Ends March 15.

Sub-.30 cal, 100 yards bench. Ends March 15.

Factory rifle, iron sights, fifty yard offhand. Ends March 30.

BPCR, 100 yards, X sticks. Ends April 1

Any iron sight pistol, 25 yards offhand. Ends April 15

Any scoped pistol, 100 yards bench. Ends May 1

Use whatever target you prefer, as this will be measured center to center, so the guys with fat bullets won't have an advantage on any match we shoot.

All matches can be shot with as many targets as you wish, and submit your best.

All entries must have information on firearm, sights, bullet, powder charge, lube, chrony info, if you have it. This helps us all build a data base for loads.

Oh, did I mention, CAST BULLETS ONLY in all matches!

If you wish to shoot more than one match in the given period, or if you want to shoot them all at once, you can submit targets for more than one match at a time. The dates are just cut-offs, so I can herd the scores together in a hopefully timely manner.

Overseas entrants, email me at waksupi@aboutmontana.net for scoring instructions. All others will only be accepted as postal entries, sent to

Ric Carter
305 Cramer Creek Road
Somers, Montana 59932

If the Canadian shooters want to have one person to send your targets to in-country, and then one person to forward the package to save postage, that's fine, or I may accept email entrys from you.

If you have shooting friends that aren't members of this board, but still shoot cast, they are also welcome to submit targets.

I will not be posting this on other boards this year, as most cast bullet aficianados have made this thier home, and should already know about it from this post.

I did consider just having you post your targets here, but was afraid we would burn up too much bandwidth. If I hear differently from Ken and Willie, this may go into effect. If I get a go-ahead, I will start a new topic for results posting.

All entrants wishing to recieve some of Fatnhappy's cast bullet load data sheets, please enclose a stamped, self addressed envelope. These are a self adhesive tag that fits nicely in the top of your cartridge boxes.

I'm sure I've missed something, so if you have any questions, let 'em fly!

Good luck, good shooting, and be safe.

01-04-2006, 01:08 AM
Oh, and Felix can submit shot up tin cans for his targets!

01-04-2006, 01:25 AM
Hey can we switch the misurp rifle matches to 8 rounds? I've tried 10 but I can't get them all in a Garand clip.

01-04-2006, 08:56 PM
Hey can we switch the misurp rifle matches to 8 rounds? I've tried 10 but I can't get them all in a Garand clip.

Just load it up with .223's. Should all go in the clip. Accuracy may really suck, though!

David R
01-04-2006, 09:25 PM
Yeah! First match 1917 Enfield for me and my daughter, 1891 Arg for my son.

I don't have no leever action rifles, guess I will have to skip that one....... Or buy one.

David and children

MT Gianni
01-04-2006, 11:27 PM
Scoped iron or either on the levers? Gianni.

01-04-2006, 11:47 PM
Scoped iron or either on the levers? Gianni.

Gianni, we'll shoot both, just be sure to specify which sight arrangement you are using.

01-06-2006, 02:58 PM
"Use whatever target you prefer, as this will be measured center to center, so the guys with fat bullets won't have an advantage on any match we shoot. "

Wouldn't the guys shooting "skinny" boolits have the advantage if the targets were measured outside spread?

01-06-2006, 06:08 PM
"Use whatever target you prefer, as this will be measured center to center, so the guys with fat bullets won't have an advantage on any match we shoot. "

Wouldn't the guys shooting "skinny" boolits have the advantage if the targets were measured outside spread?

Skinny boolits would help if measuring the outside spread. But big boolits would break more scoreing rings for the next higher point.

01-06-2006, 10:51 PM
I take the two widest apart holes. Then measure from the outside of one, to the inside of the other. This gives me the group size. So, no matter what size your bullet is, the group size measurement is the same.

The Nyack Kid
01-07-2006, 01:31 AM
off hand ? do you mean standing up ,squating ,kneeling or prone ? im assuming you mean standing .

Rick what brand O'barly pop do you fancy ? if i give you to much isn't that self destuctive ? I.E my 10 shot one hole group would look bout 3 or for time bigger than it really is .
do targets with powder burns on them disquilfy ?

01-07-2006, 02:01 AM
Goldurn it Kid, offhand means off your hind legs, like it was intended.
Now, if you want to improve your groups scoring, may I suggest a good single malt scotch? I bet that would drop considerable from your group!

And I don't mean the scotch for you, it should got to the range master (ME!)

01-07-2006, 05:34 PM
Ric, how many shots on these,5, 10 ?........

Sporterized milsurps, 100 yards, benchrest. Ends March 1.

Scoped and aperture sight rifles, .30 and over, 50 yards offhand. Ends March 15.

Sub-.30 cal, 100 yards bench. Ends March 15.

Factory rifle, iron sights, fifty yard offhand. Ends March 30.

BPCR, 100 yards, X sticks. Ends April 1

Any iron sight pistol, 25 yards offhand. Ends April 15

Any scoped pistol, 100 yards bench. Ends May 1

01-07-2006, 06:25 PM
Ten shots for everything, as that is the standard for testing a cast bullet load.

01-07-2006, 11:54 PM
Ten shots for everything, as that is the standard for testing a cast bullet load.

Concur. Ten shots pretty much takes "lucky group" out of the picture. On the downside, offhand does not play to my strengths. Hope I can put together something so as not to embarrass myself...

01-08-2006, 11:51 AM
Ten shots for everything, as that is the standard for testing a cast bullet load.
IMHO, should be standard for loads in anything.
Have you noticed how the groups in the gun rags have gotten smaller in the past 15+ years, 3 shot groups will do that. Hmmmmmm, maybe folks are shooting better now, rather than 5-10 shots to hit said target they can do it in three?

01-10-2006, 12:36 PM
:lovebooli Sounds like fun--would like to give it a try---Mill surp---10 off bench and 10 off hand at 50 or 75 or 100 yds--as U say targets not important as well as placement just group size-----------Mag_01---(just an old fart fading away)---but a shooter :castmine:

01-10-2006, 01:09 PM
I'm in. Sounds fun. I only have the one rifle that I cast for though..

01-24-2006, 07:04 PM
I am going to shoot my mouth off a bit about something that has been bothering me since last year this time. Last year we had about 700 members at the time of Waksupies postal match. We had about 7 people participate or about a 1% participation rate, just 1%. I was realy disapointed by that.
This year we have what like over 1200 or so. We all come here to talk mostly about shooting related topicks as a group but we cant seem to participate with a realy simple match as a group, WHY?
ITS LOTS OF FUN, its not about winning or loosing its about shairing, its about learning, its about seeing how others are doing things.
Just treat it like any other match, shoot a few practice rounds then shoot your score target. What ever you shoot for the day is it just like any other match, then send it in.
Nobody cares if its not great, and Ill bet there are not many great shooters here, accept the ones that often tell us they are but then dont participate so as to not embarras those less skilled shooters.
This could realy be a great learning event for everyone and the envy of every other shooting forum all it takes is participation.
I had so much fun the one time I got to shoot at the Quiggley match once I got over being worried how I did and just let it go and just had fun. There were 600 shooters there and I learned alot and made many friends. I want to keep having fun like that but just cant afford to travel any more so this is the way.
We are so lucky to have this forum and to have a chance to participate in what could and should be a great event so lets take advantage of it. Lets make this truely the best shooting place to be.
BTW dont look for me on the winners list, I have seen my targets. It dont matter I am having fun.

01-25-2006, 12:54 AM
In my opinion, you guys don't have a hair on your ass, if you don't enter at least one match.

And don't forget your SASE for the load stickers for your ammo boxes!

01-25-2006, 01:27 AM
Retiring next month from suburban Seattle to my home place about 45 mi SE of Redding California. Our gun club there shoots to 1000 yds. There are very few places to shoot around Seattle anymore. Once I get settled I will shoot the upcomming match.

waksupi I got hair on my face too. You gonna be in Winnemucca? We can shoot some there. I only shoot rifles. I will bring a few and lots of ammo. I have to get new loads for them after being too long in the city.


01-25-2006, 03:53 PM
YEAHAW!!! -47F this mornin. Shure am glad I shot my 50 yard off hand lever gun target yesterday when it was only -33! On my last shot the whole blasted target just shattered into peaces. That old 86 Winnie 50/110 shor do hit hard. I did my best to put it back together with duct tape and ended up with a nice one hole group.
Waksupi you make shure you only score the front now ya hear!
Just wanted yall to know it aint too cold to get out and shoot, even where you are!

01-28-2006, 10:33 AM
I enjoyed your rendition of you and your 50-110 :smile: Neat!

"Sub-.30 cal, 100 yards bench. Ends March 15."
Does that mean that .30 cal. can also be used?

Thank you,

01-28-2006, 11:20 AM
"Sub-.30 cal, 100 yards bench. Ends March 15."
Does that mean that .30 cal. can also be used?

That means under .30. There is a concurrent match in the same time period, of .30 and over. Shoot the target, send it to me, and I'll get it in the proper catagory.

01-28-2006, 12:31 PM
Well for you 50-110 fans there's a pistol cartridge that duplicates it none the less out of a 1911 platform. Yup. So company is marketing a 1911 with a 50 calilber barrel. The round looks just like a 45 acp except fatter, same length, but has a rebated rim for fitting the breechface. It fires 200 some gr up to almost 400 gr bullet to just about the same levels as the old 50-110. At least that is what the compared it too. It's in the latest Shooting Times.


01-28-2006, 12:40 PM
OOPS....sorry fellows, my mistake. That comparsion is wrong. The right one is the 50 cal Beowulf from Alexander Arms fired in an AR15 platform that is comparable to the old 50-70....it was in the same article as the new 50 cal 1911. Sorry


01-30-2006, 12:18 AM
In my opinion, you guys don't have a hair on your ass, if you don't enter at least one match.

And don't forget your SASE for the load stickers for your ammo boxes!

I worked 48 hours in the last 3 days. I'll be out of state for the next month. I don't think I'll be able to enter any matches, despite my hairy ass.

01-30-2006, 12:51 AM
I worked 48 hours in the last 3 days. I'll be out of state for the next month. I don't think I'll be able to enter any matches, despite my hairy ass.

want me to send you some stickers, anyway?

David R
01-30-2006, 07:47 PM
I mailed targets today.


01-30-2006, 08:36 PM
Ditto, sent mine out today also. Dang had to go buy a bigger envelope because the group size wouldn't fit in a standard size envelope.
Also as I write this Ric, forgot to put my name on the targets. I got everything else but that on them....................

David R
01-30-2006, 09:48 PM
:) I just cut out the groups and stuffed them in a regular envelope with info written on the back. I had to fold my off hand group to make it fit. :)

01-30-2006, 11:19 PM
Sounds like you guys are doing better than I did, the last pistol match. I had to use a truck tarp to catch all the shots. And I'm not even going to mention the name of the individual who sent ten separate targets, one hole each, with directions on how to lay them out to score them.

Everyone keep in mind, the Milsurp match ends Wednesday, so get 'em shot, and on the way.

01-30-2006, 11:52 PM
Everyone keep in mind, the Milsurp match ends Wednesday, so get 'em shot, and on the way.


In the mailbox with the flag up.

I forgot to use the plain white backer, but the targets are 8.5x11. Almost didn't send them cause they surely aren't winners, but just cause you don't win is no reason not to play. Still waiting for my first half inch group, but I hear tell they do exist! Now to get started practicing with levers. Hm....45-70, 348, 7-30, 250...choices, choices.


02-02-2006, 06:03 PM
For the levergun match is there a break up between iron, scope, and aperture? Or is it run what ya brung?

I shot 3 groups with the scope today; them things are great from the bench, but stand up and the earth moves! I guess 4X means that my wobble is multiplied 4X. Good thing I forgot the ammo I wanted to test; had to pull a bag of 38's out of the bottom of the range bag to shoot the match. As soon as I get back to the range to finish my ammo testing, I'm going to pull the scope and shoot some groups with aperture and irons. Just how many levergun targets should I send? 1, 2, or 3?

02-02-2006, 08:46 PM
For the levergun match is there a break up between iron, scope, and aperture? Or is it run what ya brung?

I shot 3 groups with the scope today; them things are great from the bench, but stand up and the earth moves! I guess 4X means that my wobble is multiplied 4X. Good thing I forgot the ammo I wanted to test; had to pull a bag of 38's out of the bottom of the range bag to shoot the match. As soon as I get back to the range to finish my ammo testing, I'm going to pull the scope and shoot some groups with aperture and irons. Just how many levergun targets should I send? 1, 2, or 3?

Slug, dance with what ya got, and send the best target. Just be sure to specify what sighting equipment you are using.

02-11-2006, 03:37 PM
Well, finally got a couple of hours to hit the range with the Marlin. I clearly spend too much time at the bench. http://castboolits.gunloads.com/images/smilies/icon_redface.gif Oh well, I'll post the pick of the litter for the February 15th Lever Action Offhand and see if maybe I can't get 2 sticks of lube for my troubles.

02-15-2006, 03:35 PM
Finally got to the range today.......played hookey from work ......nothing like waiting until the last minute. Weather cooperated with temps in the 40's but it was a little breezy.

Shot the .30W.C.F. '94 Winchester carbine that my father purchased back in the late 30's with a "Short Range" load that it likes (125 gr.cast 6/4756). I think of my dad everytime I use this rifle (He passed into eternal life back in 1999. )

Dropped the target in the mail on my way to work. Now have to get ready for the next match ........ at least I have another month to procrastinate.

Thank you, Waksupi for running the postal matches.


02-15-2006, 04:04 PM
Was the target for the match in 2005, or 2006


02-15-2006, 10:03 PM
Ric, I'll be sending my target tomorrow. I'm sure Starmetal's one ragged hole target will beat mine. I just don't have boolits big enough to make one ragged hole. Mebe if I was a shootin' a 20mm there'd only be one hole! Regards, Woody

02-24-2006, 09:14 PM

I am trying to get in on the sporterised mil surp 100yd bench match. Will my rifle qualify? Its the clostest thing I have to a sporterised mil surp. Its a Rem #5 military roller thats been reshaped to the origonal sporter configuration and rebarreled to 38/55. Its been set up for a scope and here are some of my best efforts for today. Trying to get em done before the 1/3/06 dead line. Can I send one?

02-24-2006, 11:36 PM
Go ahead and send them. As I have said before, the whole object of this shooting match, is to get people to go out, and burn powder!

David R
02-25-2006, 07:56 AM
I am using the same rifle in this match as my milsurp match just for the heck of it. I need to shoot.

03-01-2006, 08:37 PM
I was asked about posting of shoot results. So, here is the reply I sent. Sorry I'm so slow, but have other things going on that must be dealt with.

Yep, there are entries, I just haven't had spare time to get everything scored from the matches coming in. I hope to have them all posted by the first of the year!


03-01-2006, 10:15 PM
Which year? http://www.ar15.com/images/smilies/anim_rofl.gif

03-01-2006, 11:10 PM
Which year? http://www.ar15.com/images/smilies/anim_rofl.gif

The way things are currently working, I will make an estimate, of 2009.

03-01-2006, 11:20 PM
Now you've done it! You've given yourself a deadline. [smilie=l:

03-01-2006, 11:35 PM
Now you've done it! You've given yourself a deadline. [smilie=l:

It was only an ESTIMATE!

03-27-2006, 09:12 PM
Have patience, guys. I'm slowly getting some of the targets scored. With any luck, I will have them all posted before Christmas. As is, I haven't had time to shoot most of them! So, my speed being commeasurate to the pay, it will get done!

Bucks Owin
04-22-2006, 09:10 PM
Unscoped BR handgun is what I do the most of, but Bullseye is fun too.

100 yd BR for Varmint/Hunting rifles (under 10 lbs) would get me involved too...Cast boolit or otherwise.

Just my own druthers,


David R
04-23-2006, 02:38 PM

They had a 100 yard under 30 cal benchrest. I came in first and last.


Bucks Owin
06-12-2006, 06:48 AM

They had a 100 yard under 30 cal benchrest. I came in first and last.


Well then, two of us could be "1st and 2nd" huh? :D


David R
06-12-2006, 07:28 PM
Wanna shoot it over?

02-16-2007, 11:52 AM
Looks like I left this as a sticky too long! The postal matches were last year, but I recieved an entry this week, from Uwe, in Frankfort, Germany.

His entry was in the lever action match. If I read it right, it was a Marlin 1894, original sights, .357 mag. Lee tumble lube 158 gr. SWC
Uwe will have to fill us in here, on the powder charge, as I can't decipher it.
Group size, 4 7/8".

I hearby declare Uwe the winner of the procrastinators class!

No, really, it was my fault for leaving this at the top on the competition page. Somewhere on this page, should be the results of all the matches. I don't find them right off, but they are good so people can see other loads for thier firearms.

02-16-2007, 01:55 PM
Great, competitive spirit, Uwe! Maybe Waksupi will save your target for the NEXT postal match.

02-16-2007, 03:43 PM
Well better late than never.Sorry you couldnŽt decipher my handwriting but as I remember it was 14.0 grain of N110.
Hope IŽll be on time the next match.