View Full Version : Been a rough couple days...

10-30-2019, 01:35 PM
To preface...I am nearly 65 years old and a three time cancer survivor with some limitations due to surgical and chemotherapy treatments.
On Saturday, I took a pretty hard fall in a thick brush pile while pheasant hunting. Just a couple of bumps and bruises but it shook me up pretty good.
Monday night I tripped over my black Lab in the dark and had another hard landing.

And then yesterday I tripped over some rocks down in my woodlot and landed hard on my left shoulder and jarred my back and neck real hard.

I have been stiff and sore ever since in my back, shoulders and neck. I laid on a heating pad for a couple of hours yesterday which helped some but I am having difficulty doing some household chores like dishes and laundry today.

Not to worry...nothing is broken and the bruises are minor.
My main point in posting this is to remind everyone to be careful out there, particularly the senior citizens like myself among the group.

10-30-2019, 01:47 PM
That is something some folks don't understand. Elderly, disabled, and those that are hurting need to watch everything. I've had times I have fallen from just moving my head a certain way. Like they say getting old isn't for the faint of heart. Good luck recovering. I use a full heating pad set on low for 30 minutes in my recliner. I will do that a few times a day and lay on the floor for awhile. Remember to keep at least a few folded blankets between you and the floor. I'm only 59 1/2.

10-30-2019, 01:54 PM
I have vibrating heating pads on my recliner in the living room and the reclining leather sofa in the den. They get used pretty regularly because I have suffered with back pain due to a work accident for over 30 years.

10-30-2019, 02:10 PM
357supermag, I'm beginning to experince similier thing and wish you well.
I just had an awakening to my age, all of a sudden a couple weeks ago I had chest pains while at work (by my self) and went to the ER. Ended up with a stent and a new respect for life! One of the meds I'm on can cause dizziness and it does! I've lost my balance as a result the DR cut that back but we still went around the house reexamine things and have removed throw rugs and stuff like that. My dog just doesn't get it and leaves her toys laying wherever, oh well.

country gent
10-30-2019, 02:18 PM
357suoer mag, also wishing you a speedy recovery and a full recovery. Falls are no joke and can be serious. I suffer from mobility issues and have to really pay attention to what Im doing and how. Keeping your wits and thinking things thru ( simply paying attention to surroundings) can help a lot.
Again hope your back 100% soon

10-30-2019, 02:26 PM
The Chiropracter has been a good friend to me here lately. I hobble in and walk out whistling. When things get jarred out of line , she knocks them right back in line. I think the treatments let me do things that I have always done knowing that when it hurts, it doesn't have to hurt for long.

10-30-2019, 03:30 PM
I know your pain, I am 80 and have a balance problem if it is dark (can't tell up from down) I cant walk at night without light it took me awhile to take it easy and watch every step. Sounds like you will have to also I feel for your pain been there done that.[smilie=b:

10-30-2019, 03:50 PM
Ice can work better than heat sometimes. Especially if there is soft tissue inflammation. Has the added advantage of stopping the pain for a bit which can allow for a period of added mobility. Well assuming one hasn't managed to fall and bang up darn near every part of themselves. Ouch!

I have a coffee cup that reads: Old age. It ain't for sissies. And boy it is the truth. If I do a full day of chores the next day I feel worse than any hangover that would have had me calling in sick in my 20's or 30's. I guess that is why old farts are so damn tough. Have to be unless they want to curl up and do nothing.

10-30-2019, 04:16 PM
I feel for you. I take an occasional fall due to my MS. I've started leaving a night light on in the bathroom due to balance problems in the dark and I've taken to using a walking stick when I'm hunting or walking on rough terrain. These 2 things may have eliminated some of your falls.

Yeah, its hard to admit this and do something about it.

10-30-2019, 04:33 PM
375supermag. I guess we're just lucky. I'm 69 yrs. old and managed to come down with both West Nile virus and Epstein-Barr virus this summer on top of being a stage 4 throat cancer survivor. Nothing can be done for either virus, just have to be miserable and wait them out. Getting old isn't for the faint of heart. LOL Gp

10-30-2019, 06:15 PM
Prayers are up 375supermag, I’m within a few days of 66 and have major mobility issues that require the use of a cane. Like Frieghtman, I also have to have night lights near the floor or I end up there. Have to sit down in the shower to wash my hair & face because if I close my eyes I fall. I’ve noticed it is a whole easier to get down than it is to get up [smilie=s:

10-30-2019, 06:26 PM
Good luck to you. I'm 59 and had a heart attack 4 years ago, one bad enough to definitely change my life a bit. It ain't fun. Like everyone else said it is really hard to accept you can't do everything you used to. I know for me it's frustrating that I just don't have the oomph and the energy I used to. Getting old isn't easy for some of us, the alternative isn't real rosy either.


10-30-2019, 06:55 PM
We oldsters have to be very careful of falls .
In the house falls led to the death's of both my parents . Mom fell and broke her hip...this eventually lead to complications and her passing . My father fell off a chair changing a light bulb , the jarring to his head which caused small bleeding in the brain eventually caused his passing about a year later .
Both would have lived longer if not for these falls .
I'm very careful around ladders and when walking... a fall can be very serious to older folks .
I've also stopped doing a lot of things that could lead to a fall... I call one of my kids or pay a handyman when something high needs to be done . It isn't worth a fall .
Be careful and if you ain't old...help oldsters when you can , you just might get old one day .

375Supermag , hope you get better soon...take it easy and watch where you walk ...getting old isn't easy . Take care .

10-30-2019, 07:12 PM
Get well 357supermag. Docs always ask if I'd fallen in the last year. Nope. Yea, was dove hunting this month. Set the chair down at an angle, back side uphill. Sat down and did the slow roll backwards to the mesquite tree and barbed wire. Real problem was getting untangled from the shotgun and chair! Sometimes getting up is more difficult. Kinda like Arty Johnson in laugh-in. She leaves brooms and mops leaning against the wall I watch out for in the dark.

10-30-2019, 07:32 PM
357supermag, I'm beginning to experince similier thing and wish you well.
I just had an awakening to my age, all of a sudden a couple weeks ago I had chest pains while at work (by my self) and went to the ER. Ended up with a stent and a new respect for life! One of the meds I'm on can cause dizziness and it does! I've lost my balance as a result the DR cut that back but we still went around the house reexamine things and have removed throw rugs and stuff like that. My dog just doesn't get it and leaves her toys laying wherever, oh well.
I cut that medication in half after I almost pasted out driving at 70mph then spent 2 days in bed because of it. Figured out what it was and reduced it. Been fine ever since!

10-30-2019, 07:44 PM
You guys are scaring me! I'm 46 with a partially rebuilt elbow, busted disk at L4/L5, one hip that's been cut on pretty good, and another hip needing replacement....but I'm too stubborn to pull the trigger on it. CT scan on Friday for some abdominal pain that won't go away, and is REALLY starting to concern me.

I refuse to quit the things I enjoy....but damn they hurt more than they used to and sure take longer sometimes.... :(

10-30-2019, 07:47 PM
As a joke!
err, sorry, wrong one

10-30-2019, 10:20 PM
Heard tell,
Those little blue pills are quite helpful...
They keep a man from rolling out of bed and onto the floor!
True story,
The End

10-31-2019, 02:36 PM
I wish you the best of luck! My wife is a mid 50's TBI survivor, barely a day goes by without a fall or near miss. A good back cracker can help, slowing down does help. I find that if I try to get something done way to fast, I am more likely to have an issue.

10-31-2019, 08:58 PM
I know your pain, I am 80 and have a balance problem if it is dark (can't tell up from down) I cant walk at night without light it took me awhile to take it easy and watch every step. Sounds like you will have to also I feel for your pain been there done that.[smilie=b:

78 here with similar night problem, never thought it was possibly a common problem, daytime am almost a kid to the envy of others my age but night is not a disaster waiting happen but need to move slow and careful

Tom W.
10-31-2019, 10:24 PM
I hope you get better soon. I've been 22 three times now. The first time I was wild and happy, the second was a so what moment, and the third was a surprise as I had survived a massive heart attack, colon cancer, two surgeries, the second time the doctor's staff had my wife sign papers and put her in a private room, thinking that I was coming out in a body bag. I can't bend my right knee like I used to, so going up and down stairs tales a while, and as stated elsewhere, I'm happy to be able to put on my gotchies without falling.

We all need to be careful of our surroundings, we're not as resilient as Jimmy Carter seems to be. Getting old truly ain't for sissies!