View Full Version : M1 carbine stock

10-25-2019, 09:59 PM
I have a M1 carbine that has a name scratched in the forearm of the stock. There are 2 initials and a 4 letter name. It isn't deep. I have thought about sandpaper and try to remove it. then I wonder if someone in a fox hole scratched his name for a marker if he didn't make it out. Anyway, someone put shellac on the stock. I want to remove that and put a rubbed oil coat. Any thoughts , comments, suggestions.?

Winger Ed.
10-25-2019, 10:25 PM
I've read where shallow dents & such can be raised with a linseed oil soaked rag, and putting a warm, old school clothing iron on it.
But you'd need to get the shellac or varnish off first, preferably without using sand paper.

Texas by God
10-26-2019, 01:18 AM
If the fibers of the wood are broken by the scratches they won’t steam completely out. Paint stripper will take off the shellac I think. It sounds neat.

10-26-2019, 01:57 AM
True Shellac can be disolved with alcohol .
Shellac is just Rosin powder disolved in Alcohol.
But many people refer to Varnish as Shellac.
You will need paint stripper to remove Varnish.