View Full Version : 1873 50-70

10-22-2019, 11:46 AM
Has anyone tried putting a 50-70 springfield barrel on an 1873 action? I realize it would have to be shortened at the breech and rechambered, but how do the threads match up? I have an 1873 in 28 gauge and a 50-70 barrel split near the muzzle. Hoped somebody had done this before I pull the barrel just to compare the tenons. Thanks.

Deadeye Bly
10-24-2019, 08:52 PM
I've never done it but I checked and the threads are the same. I screwed a '73 barrel in a '68 action and it fit perfectly. I think if I had torqued it up that the sights would even have been aligned properly. You'll need to shorten at the rear, rechamber, fit the extractor and mill clearance for the hinge pin. Go for it.

10-25-2019, 09:09 AM
That's exactly what I needed to know.