View Full Version : The wife and i didi a double this past Saturday AM!

10-21-2019, 10:12 PM
It was our 2 day ML season this past weekend. Buck or doe here in my part of KY. The wife got in her blind, about 30 minutes before daylight, due to where she hunts behind our house. I waited till it was good enough light to shoot, and drove over to my neighbors field where I hunt. I drove around the edge, which rolls over, in case any deer that were still in the field couldn't see me. As I came up on the edge of the field, about 40 yds from my blind, I looked at a pipe feeder I had out and there stood a whopper of a deer. I saw he had horns, didn't look at them again. I slithered off the 4 wheeler as I slid the sling of my rifle over my head and as my knees hit the ground, I softly slid the rifle over the seat, with it still running. I had my scope set on 6x and as the crosshairs steadied on the left shoulder, I touched her off. 100grains of BH 209 sent a 300gr PT across the 100yds at 2100fps, and as I lost him in the smoke and recoil, I hear a THWAP! I ducked down under the smoke and saw him scooting off, both shoulders on the ground when he went behind some brush. I reloaded my rifle, waited 10 minutes, got back on my atv and went to where I last saw him, nothing, one spot of blood and hair, I knew he must be down in the dried up pond where I last saw him. I checked that out, nothing. I started doing circles, and about 100yds out, I saw him in a ditch, stone dead. About that time my phone buzzed and the wife called, wanting to know if I had gotten anything, did she need to come help me. I told her to keep hunting. I drove down to the deer, and there was no ground shrink, the closer I got, the bigger he got. His right horn was broken off above the brow tine, and the right side had 4 points, all had the tips broken off of them. I sat down and looked at the deer, and tried to move him, I could not, and I can usually drag a 150 pounder with one arm. I gutted him and realized I had shot the biggest whitetail of my 57 years. I would have loved to see the deer that whupped up on him! His neck was as big as a 5 gallon bucket, and his chest, gutted, was 18" high laying on the ground. As I was wiping my hand off, I hear Ka=pow right where the wife was. I called her and she said it is brown and down, she had shot a 90# doe, in the neck at 90 yds, DRT. I came over to her, she had it gutted by the time I got there. We drove it to the barn and hunt it on the hoist, then got the low 4 wheeler trailer and went to retrieve my deer. I didn't say anything to the wife, and she walked up to it, looked at the broken horn, then her eyes got big, and she said this is far bigger than anything we have ever killed. And she has taken 34 deer, some of them bruisers. We worked the rest of the morning skinning, boning out the 2 deer. I weighed the big cooler I put them both in, and it weighed 9# empty, it weighed 161 with the meat inside, and we had lost most of the off shoulder and brisket on my buck, I checked it twice. I had estimated my buck at #200, I knew he would go that much, but doing some quick math, I realized he had to dress out at about 220 minimum.We kept the meat on ice, and finished trimming some cuts up, and ground everything but the backstraps and tender loins. I took the meat up to a country store, with a big ole scale. I had them tare it with a plastic tub I had the packaged meat in, and had her weigh all the tubs. We came out with #147 of packaged ground burger! The wifes doe probably made 20-25#. I had room to put it in the freezer, but could not have put one more pack in. Last week I had taken 2 does with a bow, and added #30 of pork to the 65 # of deer burger, for 95# total already in the freezer. With some left over deer from last year, we have enough to do us for 2 years probably. This means a lot to us, since I am on a fixed income, from having to take early retirement/disability last year due to having 3 strokes in one day, from infection in a hip replacement. I ended up having 4 hip surgeries, in 18 months. I still have to use a forearm crutch to get around, my right leg is nearly paralyzed and cant walk over 100yds, without having to rest. I have chronic fatigue along with a host of other side effects from the stroke. I am a life long hunter, and managed to take 2 deer the last 2 years, even on crutches. This year has been one for the books. I feel truly blessed. I can send pics if anyone can post them for me.

10-21-2019, 10:21 PM
Good report for a great day!

10-21-2019, 10:22 PM
What a story!!! I don’t see them that big here in Ashland! Biggest I’ve killed was 150-175 MAYBE!

Congrats we always have to go to Zone 1 to get the unlimited tags to feed my growing family, we put 7-8 a year in the freezer it’s ALOT of work but worth it

10-21-2019, 10:22 PM
You are one bad-*** SOB, and I can only imagine how tough you must’ve been before your health issues.
Congrats to both you and your wife, y’all make a helluva team!

10-21-2019, 10:46 PM
You are an inspiration. I didn't start hunting until middle age and sometimes I lament how many years I missed. Hopefully I can follow your example and keep going longer than I would have thought. Hunting has already had me doing things I never, ever thought I would be able to do.

smoked turkey
10-21-2019, 11:09 PM
koger that is as good a hunting story as I have ever read. You guys rock! Sounds like you and the wife are not strangers when it comes to deer hunting. I am happy for both of you. I admire you for staying in the game even when it is more difficult to get around. Keep on keeping on. I'll look forward to more of your stories.

10-21-2019, 11:38 PM
Great job...Bigger than any buck I ever got...I'm flying to Kentucky next month to hunt on the family's property in New Concord...

10-22-2019, 04:01 AM
Aint it Great! when you feel you've been blessed! Congrats! Jim

10-22-2019, 06:56 AM
Congratulations on your great harvests!

To save freezer space I started to can my deer meat. I know you make a lot of burger, instead of all the burger, canning some of or most of the ham meat would free up freezer space. Two years ago I also started to make my own, home cured corned venison. ( look up, do a search of, Home cured Corned beef, and just substitute venison ) There are many simple recipes on the net and it adds another treat to great meat. This year I even experimented with canning the corned venison instead of the long simmer cooking. That worked out supper good and I still have freezer space for other bulk foods when purchased and didn't have to buy any pork for burger. My family has found that all meat that would have been ground for burger when canned comes out super tender and it is ready to eat right out of the jars. Ready to eat right from the jars even when corned, simple to do and makes great eating either way.

Aim small hit small, Ken

10-22-2019, 07:02 AM
Congrats to the both of ya!

10-22-2019, 09:29 AM
Great story and endings. Congrats and as brewer12345 said good inspiration for those of us hurting folks.

10-22-2019, 09:46 AM
Screwbolts, we love canned deer. The wife will most likely get a buck, and I have one more doe tag left. We will either can them, or salt cure them, yep I said salt cure. I broke a big doe down last year, 135#, separated all the muscles in the ham and backstraps. I did a quick cure with Mortons tender Quick curing salt, 10 days, the removed, rinsed and smoked. It was to die for, better than country ham. The wife and I have a big pantry full of canned veggies from our garden, and canned pork, chicken, turkey and deer. I have to say, the canned turkey is my favorite. We got 10 fresh turkey breasts on sale the day after Christmas, for $4each, and canned them, have a breast made a quart full. The wife put a little TexMex seasoning she mixes up in each jar, and they make the best chicken burritos you ever ate. I appreciate all the replies guys, thanks.

10-22-2019, 10:06 AM
That's a wonderful story, Koger. Glad for your successes and all the bounty these hunts have give to your home. By the way, is the bullet, the PT a Nosler Partition?

I started canning venison last year, too. Glad I pulled out and refurbished Grandma's old pressure cooker because the large buck I shot was too tough to eat otherwise. Now it is tender and waiting patiently in the jars whenever I have the desire to pull one off the shelf. Screwbolts, that is a great idea about corning the meat in the canning process. I'll have to look into that, as well.

white eagle
10-22-2019, 10:27 AM
good for you
way to get out there
encouragement for others

10-22-2019, 11:12 AM
Outstanding story sir. I admire the way you think about life and live it!

10-22-2019, 04:58 PM
That's a wonderful story, Koger. Glad for your successes and all the bounty these hunts have give to your home. By the way, is the bullet, the PT a Nosler Partition?

I started canning venison last year, too. Glad I pulled out and refurbished Grandma's old pressure cooker because the large buck I shot was too tough to eat otherwise. Now it is tender and waiting patiently in the jars whenever I have the desire to pull one off the shelf. Screwbolts, that is a great idea about corning the meat in the canning process. I'll have to look into that, as well.

I haven't used jars for many years, having switched to cans. Sure, you can reuse the jars but the shelf life of cans exceeds jars. A buddy and I used to catch and can a lot of tuna and so we would start packing cans and cranking the lids down on the way back to harbor. Sometimes our wives would have the pressure cookers ready to go when we got home. You can do more pressure for a shorter cook time, and once the pressure is off you can just dump the cans on the lawn and hose them off without breakage. That way we could get that cooker back in the cycle as we use 4 cookers. 2 cooking, 2 being loaded. Haven't canned a deer, but canned elk . . . yum!

10-22-2019, 07:08 PM
Congrats to both you and the wife. My season doesn't open until Saturday 11/2,but I'll be packing the 50 cal smoke pole and a 41Remington magnum.Yep it's Rifle season but a man's got to get ready for the up coming Muzzleloader season.Good luck with your recovery I fully understand how a stroke changes you life.

10-22-2019, 10:04 PM
Congrats to both of ya!!

10-22-2019, 10:05 PM
You pics:





10-22-2019, 10:15 PM
Huge body on that buck!

10-22-2019, 11:10 PM
Great day. Congratulations!

10-22-2019, 11:20 PM
I had one like that here in Southern Illinois about 8 years ago. He all most wouldn't fit on one of those plastic sled / toboggan deals from Rural King. Sister told me she wasn't dragging it one inch. She said we have 2 4 - wheedlers and a tractor if necessary. Had to bend head back and tie it up on front shoulder and still dragging near ground. Feet same problem. Well feed deer for here. They run big on corn fields and soybeans..thank god for clover too.

10-22-2019, 11:21 PM
Well done, well done
Great report
Thank you

10-27-2019, 03:37 PM
Well done!

10-27-2019, 04:28 PM
i just love it when decrepit folks like us get it done even when disabled... go get em Tiger..

I call that being Sturdy of Character!!!!