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View Full Version : Bucks on the move

white eagle
10-21-2019, 03:40 PM
Yesterday bowhunting I was waiting for a turkey or a deer I saw a whitetail buck skirting the edge of a open field in a hurry to be some where.I saw at the end of shooting light while I was at the base of my tree stand a buck not 20 yards away working over some shrubs,to dark to see but cool to be there.Also while on my drive to my hunting spot I see 4 buck's on way that were hit by the side of road.
Seems the rut at least for the young bucks is getting under way

10-21-2019, 04:31 PM
I saw a 4 point buck acting erratic. He was acting like he was king of the woods. And making a lot of noise for a deer. I just hope he dose not have CWD. There is no reported cases in my area as of now. Were not allowed any buck less than 3 points on one side in Pa.

white eagle
10-21-2019, 09:42 PM
more than likely the rut has him
great time of year been waiting all season for this time of year

10-22-2019, 01:04 AM

Saturday morning I climbed into my stand after work for KY's early Muzzle Loader weekend. Was taking images of a 4 ptr strutting about beneath my stand a mere 3 minutes later. He melted into the woods beside my tree suddenly, and I then observed this very nice Buck emerge across the pasture.
He was headed along the opposing tree line, and stopped to nibble at something. Put him on the ground after only 5 minutes in stand. I am still marveling at my good fortune and blessing.

RU shooter
10-22-2019, 06:21 AM
Beautiful deer! And only 5 minutes in that's the way to do it ! Bravo

10-22-2019, 09:07 AM
I like those hunts get a deer with in the 1st hour. Congrats. Yes maybe the silly 4 pointer has the rut getting him excited.

10-24-2019, 12:38 AM
It sort of makes up for many days afield without even a glimpse of a Whitetail, but I enjoy being in the woods.
Every day hunting has been a blessing.
This fellow was bit light at 157 lbs field dressed, but he will certainly be delicious!

10-24-2019, 05:57 AM
You certainly got-r-did! Very nice buck.
