View Full Version : First Deer Hunt with my 5 Year Old Son

10-11-2019, 10:42 PM
Hello everyone! I have been trying to find the time to go hinting this year again. The last 3 tears have been nearly a total wash for quality hunting opportunities.

Finally last week I had a chance to go out and test 5 or 6 different load combinations with the 311291 180 grain bullet I chose to shoot from my Savage 99 EG, in 30-30 Winchester.

Two loads showed some serious promise, and one load was chronied at 1850fps, and shot into 1-1/4” at 100 yards. Very usable! I was hoping
To get in the solid 2000fps range, but I didnt anticipate any shots outside 150 yards.

My 5 year old son wanted to spend the day with Daddy, so we packed up and headed out to the deer fields.

I visited the farmer who gave me permission to hunt 11 years ago, when I was first dating my wife to be. We really enjoyed the hunt, but it lasted only 5 minutes! Lol!
We parked our truck for the wait, and out came a herd
Of Muleys! Easy peasy! Shot the big Doe at 150 with my black powder T/C pro hunter.

My son and I got permission to hunt the same area, and we drove to the same spot to set up for an evening of waiting and spotting.

10 minutes after parking, a herd of 3 Muleys walked out of the trees only 75 yards away!

After setting my boy up with binoculars to have a close look at these wonderful creatures, I set up to shoot the biggest doe.

She fed straight away from me for about 10 minutes and finally turned broad side at approximatly 125 yards or a little less.

It was a super easy shot, and I placed it just below the shoulder blade in the chest center above the heart.

The deer jumped and ran 4 or 5 leaps and went down. My son was very excited and wouldnt stop chattering for 1/2 hour afterwards! Lol!

Hope you like the photos! Hopefully the link works.


10-12-2019, 01:07 AM
Photos worked for me and congrats! Deer hunter in the making!

10-12-2019, 05:51 AM
Nice story and pics.

RU shooter
10-12-2019, 06:22 AM
Good story ! Takes me back to when my dad took me out that first time hunting with him I was about that same age . Sat me against a big oak tree and said stay still !

10-12-2019, 07:37 AM
Very good and I believe when he is old enough we will have another hunter to join the ranks . I have 2 daughters my oldest went a few times and few trips on youth day . My youngest will have no parts of it except for a plate of tenderloin.

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10-12-2019, 08:49 AM
Great story and great pics!

10-12-2019, 09:49 AM
Nice story but when I go to look at the photos I have to join?

10-12-2019, 11:09 AM
I am not sure why it tells you to join. I know so little about these darn computers!

I wish I could just post as I used to with Photobucket.

10-12-2019, 11:20 AM
Great story! It is quite obvious that you know what you are doing. Cleanly taking a nice doe (best meat on the table), and showing your young son where food comes from is a true accomplishment. Taking a deer with your own cast bullets and reloads is just icing on the cake!

Good for you!,
P.S. The pics worked just fine for me...rdm

10-12-2019, 11:34 AM
Congratulations to both of you for making venison, take him hunting every chance you get! Pictures worked fine for me. Sweet old Savage you got there.

10-12-2019, 11:53 AM

10-12-2019, 07:47 PM
Outstanding nothing like having your wee one out with you and them getting to be in on a kill. Making a new hunter as we speak.

10-12-2019, 08:47 PM
Excellent hunt! I started my boys at 8 and 5, almost 30 years ago. They still remember those first hunts. Your's will too!

10-12-2019, 09:53 PM
Congrats on the successful hunt!

Even more successful because you shared it with your little one!!!
Time spent together!

10-12-2019, 10:05 PM
Congratulations on your successful hunt with your Son. Spend as much time with him as you can because they grow up to be men in a very short time. I'm sure he will tell his children about the time he spent hunting with his father. You have made lasting and very good memories for the both of you!

10-13-2019, 09:42 AM
Good job. One happy kid.

Buzz Krumhunger
10-13-2019, 09:46 AM
What a blessing to have a hunting buddy like him. Enjoy your time together!