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View Full Version : Pewter Shooter?

Suo Gan
11-05-2008, 03:41 AM
Well this will probably grab your attention, but I have come across some pewter for sale (500 lbs), and its cheap enough to buy. I know pewter is an alloy of tin, with antimony, copper, and lead. Has anyone ever come across it, and if so what mixture should I use with pure lead, ww alloy, etc.? I don't want the copper in there do I?

Sometimes I am amazed at what I run across.

Cast you later, SG

Cactus Farmer
11-05-2008, 03:45 AM
Well,shooting is on the way to the dump,ever thought about making glass bottomed beer tankards?

Suo Gan
11-05-2008, 04:00 AM
Did I ask a stupid question?

11-05-2008, 04:01 AM
I believe that modern pewter is about 90% tin with the balance mostly antimony and treat it as such. S/F.....Ken M

Suo Gan
11-05-2008, 04:05 AM
I guess I should hire someone to guard it then. Thanks for the info. SG

11-05-2008, 05:33 AM
Given the low antimony levels, unless you have another source of antimony(ie linotype,monotype) the presense of copper in the pewter won't matter. When at 3% antimony or greater, copper acts similar to arsenic in increasing the heat treatability of lead alloys. S/F.....Ken M

11-05-2008, 09:19 AM
Use it strictly as tin when you augment WW. ... felix

11-05-2008, 09:39 AM
Well,shooting is on the way to the dump,ever thought about making glass bottomed beer tankards?

I agree with you there. Ammo and components will be taxed out of existence with our new liberal government.

To answer the original question though, follow what Felix said and you will be fine.

Best wishes from the independent nation of Boer Ranchiea,


mold maker
11-05-2008, 09:42 AM
If in small enough pieces, I'd offer some here for sale. 500# used at 2-5% will alloy an awfull lot of lead or WWs.
Unless the copper alters the pourability of the alloy, it shouldn't hurt anything. The final persentage of copper will be extremely small, as in 2-3/100 of 2-5%.

11-05-2008, 10:31 AM
You done good:-D, set it up somewhere until you figure out what you are doing as regards casting. I suspect you will find yourself putting some away for your own alloy and selling the rest.

Suo Gan
11-05-2008, 03:08 PM
I guess I can take down my 'need tin' post in the WTB section...Thanks for all the helpful info. I'll let you know what comes of it.

As always, SG

11-05-2008, 03:34 PM
you can always use it to cast "lead free" boolits for hunting there in California.

Suo Gan
11-05-2008, 03:48 PM
Lead Free? Then the condors could fly out of range, them's some good eatin! As of now lead free only applies to the counties south of me. I am sure that will change for the worse later. It is dissapoiting to learn that this movement got its foothold in ND, by a hunter, who is also a member of the Peregrine Falcon chapter of the Defenders of Wildlife AKA-Dufus' of the World.

Newsflash....lead free coming to a county near you.

BTW, California is following the European Union and getting rid of lead WW,

Newsflash....ban WW coming to a county near you.

It seems my bad luck has followed me into BC, sorry guys.

Cast you later, SG