View Full Version : Prayer needed

10-08-2019, 06:21 PM
I seek prayer for La Fonda . She is my ex wife , we have been divorced for 16 years . She is my daughter Becky's mother . Although I had custody of Becky we all went out to eat , celebrated holidays and helped each other .

La Fonda was diagnosed with Alzheimer's eight years ago , she was 53 years old . She went into a nursing home 4 years ago and I have visited her almost daily . The last two years I have fed her daily in the evenings and checked on her . She has been in hospice care for four years . La Fonda was a registered nurse and a hard worker ...she was generous to a fault and one of the most giving people I have ever known .

The Lord may take her home shortly . Hospice has her on morphine and she has been unable to get out of bed for about two months . Her sister and I will sit with her .

Please pray for her . Comfort , peace , pain relief . I thank you for prayer .

10-08-2019, 06:27 PM
prayers sent my Friend!!!

10-08-2019, 06:37 PM
I could not do this for my ex-wife, God bless you for still caring.
I will pray for both of you. Your heart is bigger than most peoples.

square butte
10-08-2019, 07:35 PM
Prayer sent up for La Fonda and all concerned

Pine Baron
10-08-2019, 09:40 PM
Prayers sent.

10-09-2019, 06:26 AM
Father God. I lift up La Fonda to you today. Be with her and comfort her during this time. Be with the care givers and help them to provide the loving care she needs. Be with Boaz and the family as they visit and help care for her. Give them peace and strength to carry on. Keep them strong and bless all involved. In the name of your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen

10-09-2019, 07:58 AM
Prrayers sent

10-09-2019, 08:15 AM
Brother Charlie, We are deeply saddened to hear this. We are holding the entire family up in prayer, May the God of all comfort and peace give you all a special touch!

10-09-2019, 11:19 AM
Wow, an amazing pair of Ex's. Don't know to many that would go this far for an ex. Prayers sent up for your family and for you. Amazing work!

10-09-2019, 01:09 PM
Prayer sent.

10-09-2019, 02:14 PM
Prayers for La Fonda...

10-09-2019, 09:55 PM
That is Christian love, Charlie. You are all in my prayers.


10-09-2019, 10:02 PM
Prayer sent

10-09-2019, 11:54 PM

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-10-2019, 08:13 AM
Thank you for your prayers . La Fonda has had many visitors , people that knew her in their lives . Her sister Diane is holding up , she has not left her side except to bathe . The staff at the facility have all been caring and supportive , many of them have come in and sat at the end of their shift .

La Fonda is on morphine every two hours or as needed PRN . She was catheterized three days ago and urine output has stopped . Her blood pressure declines , her breathing grows slower and more labored . But she is resting and feels no pain . These are just typical in this situation . She still needs prayer as long as she draws breath . I praise my Lord for taking her home .

I have been here many times . Others are feeling loss , they are seeing her fade from their lives . A time of loss can be a time of searching or understanding of your own frail existence here . They want to talk , they tell stories of La Fonda in their lives . It's a time to realize GOD in our lives too .

Lord be close to La Fonda to comfort her . Relieve her pain , give her peace in this time . I know your with her in her time of need . Others need you more now too Lord in her time of going home . Give them discernment and understanding in their own lives . Guide Diane and we in this to help them seek you . Amen

Pine Baron
10-10-2019, 08:18 AM
Praying with you brother, amen.

10-10-2019, 08:26 AM
Carter had his feeding tube removed last evening . His breathing is up to 75% , he is still isolated but he is improving . Becky is some relieved but still anxious about him . Carter is in a good place and getting good care , I look forward to the day they can go home . Thank you for your caring and prayer .


10-10-2019, 08:43 AM
Brother Boaz sometimes death is a gift. An end to pain and confusion.

I did not cry for the death of either of my parents. I had said my goodbyes years before.
Dad was almost 100% blind from Macular degeneration and Glaucoma.
He was very frail, with walker and time he could get from bed to bathroom, to his chair and back.
The rest of the time he yelled at mom.

Mom she found a place she could go in her head where she did not hear him.
After he died they moved her into a 4 person care facility. She came back some. But soon started missing her husband.
Then she got a light case of the flu and nothing tasted right, not food, not water, not even tea. So she stopped eating and drinking.
And a couple of weeks later she too was gone. To a better place.

I am praying for La Fonda. That it will be quick and painless, that the Lord himself will come to fetch her home.

The funny thing about my parents was some 6 months after they were both gone I was watching some TV show about parents. Started crying. Mostly feeling sorry for myself, my loss. And then I felt her touch on my left shoulder. Felt her lean close to whisper in my ear. "Bill you are doing just fine, just keep on as you have been and all will be well. Then I felt dad's heavy hand on my right shoulder, and a very quiet "Love you son"

And then I got a mental picture, of me, my parents standing behind me, each with their hand on my shoulder. Then the Lord appears behind my parents. Puts his hand on thier shoulder. I hear from him "all is well bill, don't worry, they are both with me.

And then I just frickin lost it.

Boaz, the Lord takes care of his own. For one such as her who helped people daily for years and years. You have nothing to worry about.
Love her for as long as she is here. Miss her when she is gone. Pray for her, you know i believe in the power of prayer.
Hang in there brother.

10-11-2019, 07:02 AM
Grief is an expression of love. God will see you all through this, and their will be happiness again with the new child.

10-11-2019, 07:03 AM
Grief is an expression of love. God will see you all through this, and there will be happiness again with the new child.

10-11-2019, 08:53 AM
May God be merciful!

10-12-2019, 02:36 PM
I'm glad to report that La Fonda went home to her Lord about 8;00 this morning . Her passing was an easy one , she was at peace with no pain . Her sister is back home , she lives 80 miles southeast . She is alright with La Fonda going home , her sister is glad . She never left the facility during that time .

I stayed and made several arrangements , talked to staff and notified the pastor . Thank you for your thoughts and prayer ...it does make a difference . And if you can pray for those left who will have a hole in their life at her passing .

Thank you again .

big bore 99
10-12-2019, 02:45 PM
Prayers sent.

10-12-2019, 02:55 PM
Till death do you part.. The salvation is Christ.

Pine Baron
10-12-2019, 09:57 PM
Sincere condolences and prayers of comfort for the family.

10-13-2019, 10:08 PM
I'm so sorry. She is with God now.

10-14-2019, 08:14 AM
I thank our Lord for taking her home . She had a long hard road and I can honestly say she never complained and carried the weight of it herself . She knew GOD and I know her salvation is assured .

During the vigil of her passing so many came to see her , to comfort those who knew and loved her . The staff want a memorial service at the facility , Her sister and I both agreed and today I start arrangements for a service at the facility and our church . Contacted our pastor during this last week and he will help any way he can .

So many of the patients and staff came , I was surprised . Stories of her were told , testimonials given , those who came to give comfort found they needed comfort themselves ..there were many tears .

A lady named Beverly in a wheelchair had cervical cancer and other problems is on Hospice care came in several times a day telling La Fonda she loved her and needed a lot of comforting . When it was over and her body removed Beverly broke down and told Diane and me in the hallway...Don't forget me ! Don't forget me ! Don't leave me !

Beverly will not be forgotten nor left .

10-17-2019, 04:21 AM
Boaz, Condolences on the passing of your loved one. Her earthly struggles are over.

We lost out SIL on the 11th. He was only 42 and passed from complications caused by a work accident. They are still waiting for autopsy.

Your story also effects me because my older brother has early onset Alzheimer's and I will be his care manager with POA. He has also been fighting spots on his lungs for the past 18 months. We have an apt. with a Neurologist on Friday.

Now hopefully you can rest and recover from your diligence and take care of yourself. May God Bless you Sir!

Preacher Jim
10-17-2019, 07:29 AM
The Church sent prayers for you and all your family last night. You have been on their prayer list since they met you.

10-18-2019, 07:51 AM
Boaz, Condolences on the passing of your loved one. Her earthly struggles are over.

We lost out SIL on the 11th. He was only 42 and passed from complications caused by a work accident. They are still waiting for autopsy.

Your story also effects me because my older brother has early onset Alzheimer's and I will be his care manager with POA. He has also been fighting spots on his lungs for the past 18 months. We have an apt. with a Neurologist on Friday.

Now hopefully you can rest and recover from your diligence and take care of yourself. May God Bless you Sir!

Prayer sent for your brother and you .

10-18-2019, 07:53 AM
The Church sent prayers for you and all your family last night. You have been on their prayer list since they met you.

Tell them I thank them and they are in my prayers also Jim . We all need prayer .

10-18-2019, 10:57 AM
Brother, my sincerest and heart felt condolences to you and Becky at the passing of La Fonda. We mourn with you at this loss. God bless you dear friend.