View Full Version : Does anyone know of a place to buy affordable .43 Egyptian dies?

09-25-2019, 05:06 PM
Looking at buying a rifle, but dies start at over $200 and up! Does anyone have a set of used dies, or can point me to a place that has them priced decenty. Lee wants over $200!

09-25-2019, 06:19 PM
You can do this without an expensive die set ... but if you insist on having dies , you won't find any cheaper then $200 for sure .

Do a search on the site for both .43 Egyptian and .43 beaumont ( same cartridge ) and you'll find plenty of info on how to do it .
No need to panic on cost yet .

09-25-2019, 06:55 PM
Brass is only $6.82. each. https://www.rccbrass.com/product/11-43x50rmm-egyptian/

Or $2.69 each from https://www.buffaloarms.com/43-egyptian-11-43x50r-cases-43egyptian

09-25-2019, 09:37 PM
Well I did the search, and looks like I can use 45LC to size the neck, and 45acp to seat the bullet, and get some brass from buffalo arms, and a RCBS bullet mold and will be good to go. Thanks for the advise guys.

09-26-2019, 10:52 AM
The cheapest way to make full length brass is to just buy .50-90 Sharps brass and trim/reform it. Same rim diameter, and slightly smaller base diameter, but they're readily available. You can also use .50-70 Govt. brass, but it's slightly short at 1.75 vs. 1.94 for the Egyptian, but it works fine, and they do grow a bit when reforming.

09-26-2019, 08:36 PM
Just keep in mind that the cartridge head spaces on the rim. Once fired all you need to do is be able to seat a boolit in a fire formed case and you're good to go...

09-26-2019, 09:02 PM
Thanks for all the replies, I did not get the rifle afterall.

09-26-2019, 09:23 PM
Thanks for all the replies, I did not get the rifle afterall.

Yep that sounded like a nice rifle but when I found out the cost to reloaded I backed off. I am somewhat looking for an action for a future build but I would much prefer a #5 for the better metals used in the smokeless actions.

09-27-2019, 11:02 AM
I have several calibers of Ballard and Remington rifles I reload for, but don't own dies for. In my original Rolling Block Sporting Rifle in .44-77 Bottleneck I use .43 Mauser dies to neck size and seat bullets. They were $20. In my .40-85 Ballard Pacific I fire form 9.3x74R brass and then use my .40-70SS dies to neck size and seat bullets.
Point is there are lots of ways to shoot oddball obsolete calibers without needing the expensive die sets.

09-27-2019, 05:28 PM
You can do this without an expensive die set ... but if you insist on having dies , you won't find any cheaper then $200 for sure .

Do a search on the site for both .43 Egyptian and .43 beaumont ( same cartridge ) and you'll find plenty of info on how to do it .
No need to panic on cost yet .
Both Calibers are Totally different. an Egyptian will chamber sometimes in a Beaumont But not Vice-Versa
. i have Both and Both sets of Dies

09-27-2019, 06:01 PM
I see the Myth Of the Egyptian and The Beaumont Is still alive and well. This myth started in about 1910 when Bannerman was trying to market Beaumont,s To Cheap hunters For about and Unheard of amount Of $3.00 . He sold Cut down Beaumonts and supplied 100 RD of Egyptian ammo with It . Not a bad deal
you still see these Cut downs @ Gun shows Today
Totally Different Cartridge

09-28-2019, 09:29 AM
You say potato I say potato ... are the Egyptian and Beaumont the same . .. I've always heard they was . I've been wrong enough to not care so moot point .

Here are two things I do know , for a person looking to reload both cases without the proper dies pretty much the same tools and methods are going to be used .

And the second , when I learned to load for the Beaumont I dint have internet . A fellow who did load for an Egyptian got me pointed in the right direction. And funny enough , when comparing fired cases between the two rifles they measured close enough to each other for the difference to not matter .

And that is the extent of my knowledge in the are they the same debate .

09-28-2019, 10:01 AM
A quick search of Cartridges of the World shows the Egyptian and Beaumont are not the same case. The neck length and shoulder are different in the two. As CrystalShip mentioned they can work one way, but not the other.

10-22-2019, 03:18 PM
You will find No one On this planet is making those dies other than CH4D. yes they cost. But if your Looking It probably On there shelves.
You can Try Humping it up Your self and Hope for The best

10-23-2019, 07:23 PM
Any of the old blackpowder big case dies are quite easy to make as multi piece dies........main body taper in one part ,shoulder and neck in another ,and fit the pair inside a holder with the large press thread you have........If you havent got a RCBS,the the shotgun presses also do a good enough job for reloads.You wont be able to use the 7/8x14 size tho,too small to incorporate the parts.......Its not wise to resize ,then expand necks...cases dont last.....arrange to use the fired neck OD as part of your system,with just a light resize to uniform the necks.

John in PA
10-24-2019, 06:52 PM
Spoke with CH-4D folks just this week on another matter (oddball chamber in a Remington Hepburn .32-40 RH) If you need anything not currently in the warehouse, you're in for possibly a 2 year wait, as that is their current backorder period. They are absolutely swamped with work! Must be a lot of us fooling around with obsolete and oddball stuff. Nobody else is doing the broad range of dies that Dave and the guys are doing. Good on 'em!! Keeping the old timers slinging lead!

Tom Herman
10-25-2019, 09:47 AM

Thanks for the update! I'll accelerate my .43 Mauser project, and the 11MM Danish Remington.
I can get along with what I have for the Remington, but the very inexpensive Lee dies are simply not doing the job for the Mauser, and have a mega burr in the resizer, so that every case that goes in is destroyed (yes, it's THAT bad!).
Good to see them busy... Just wish they could keep up with demand.
With that kind of a backlog, it's an invitation for someone to go into the die business...
