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09-16-2019, 08:38 PM
My cousin Danny was diagnosed a little while back with lung cancer and parkinson disease, The cancer has spread all through his body and needs prayer. As far as I know he is not a Christian and so his soul is the most important request..

09-16-2019, 09:30 PM
Prayers sent

09-16-2019, 10:32 PM
Father please send the Holy Spirit to visit with Danny and fill him with the love of Jesus. Please grant him peace, comfort, and someone that can communicate with Danny as a witness to him. Father, I ask this since all is possible through You and Your love. AMEN

09-17-2019, 06:31 AM
Father send some one to tell Danny about your love for him as he struggles with these illnesses.

09-17-2019, 07:27 AM
Prayer sent for Danny , healing and salvation .

09-17-2019, 07:40 AM
Prayers sent.

09-17-2019, 07:53 AM
Healing & comfort prayers to Danny...

09-17-2019, 08:01 AM
I have contacted Danny's family requesting to have a visit with him, Please pray for me to be a good witness and for Danny to be receptive.

Wayne Smith
09-17-2019, 08:21 AM
I pray that the Holy Spirit moves in him making him aware of his sinfulness and need for a savior. I ask that he be drawn so that USMC87 only points the way that he already wants.

Pine Baron
09-17-2019, 08:42 AM
Praying for Danny's Salvation and the Grace and Mercy that only comes through an acceptance of our Lord Jesus Christ.

09-17-2019, 07:46 PM
Prayers for the calling of Danny to salvation by acceptance of Christ Jesus as his Redeemer from sins, and for healing. May Father God be gloried, and the Holy Ghost come to live in Danny's soul and spirit, amen.

09-17-2019, 08:05 PM
Father, send a messenger with your gospel of salvation, if he knows already send someone to convict his soul, in the name of Jesus,Amen.

09-17-2019, 08:32 PM
Father God I lift up Danny to you. Give him comfort during this time. Be with USMC87 as he goes to visit. Give him the the words and Danny the ears to hear about your love for him. I pray this in the name of your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

09-18-2019, 09:54 PM
Father, bless and comfort Danny, and make him aware of your presence. Comfort also his family, and all who love him. Give them all Your peace. Amen


09-19-2019, 08:22 AM
I am going to see Danny tomorrow, May GOD be honored and glorified!

09-19-2019, 08:31 AM
Tell him the good news brother!

Tell him of the peace which surpasses all understanding once he accepts our lord as master and savior.

He is drowning, let the lower lights be burning, send a gleam across the waves.
He needs to repent of his sins, ALL his sins, those of commision and ommision. Those known and unknown. Leave them all with the Lord. Nail them to the cross so he does not pick them up again.

USMC87 you may be his lifeline, his last chance. Let nothing deter you. But he has to choose.

I will be praying for both of you. When in doubt, take a knee, bow your head and call on the master.

09-19-2019, 02:41 PM
Prayers up for your brother's soul. Men tend to listen when in a predicament like his.

09-19-2019, 03:18 PM
Prayers sent

09-24-2019, 07:50 AM
I am unable to see Danny, He has to have a lot of treatments and can not get out of bed. His wife told me that she will call me if I am able to see him.

Pine Baron
09-24-2019, 08:57 AM
Everything in God's time. Prayers continue.

09-24-2019, 09:31 AM
I agree with Pine Baron completely . He is in control . More prayer .

09-26-2019, 09:03 PM
Still praying for Danny to allow the Holy Spirit into his life. Life gets so much better when you walk with God!

Father, we are still praying for You to send the Holy Spirit to visit with Danny. Please give him comfort and understanding so that his salvation will be insured. AMEN

09-26-2019, 11:00 PM
Prayers sent. May The Holy Spirit come into his heart, and The Lord's Will be done. Peace to you and your family.

09-28-2019, 07:37 PM
Father, be with Danny, and heal his spirit. Make him aware that You are with him, and will never leave him.


09-28-2019, 09:11 PM
USMC I'm prayin, but someone needs to go preach the good word to him. And keep preaching it for as long as he will listen. Make sure he has a bible handy. The way I heard it was one ol cowboy said to another "Knowing that your going to be hung tommorow has a way of focusing all of your attention on the problem.

Well Danny is looking at it. He has to decide. But I'll be praying for him.

10-02-2019, 05:00 PM
Pray he will be saved.