View Full Version : What is it with lead these days...

09-12-2019, 01:11 AM
I was at a flee market and one of the younger sellers, maybe 30-35, had a table with the standard junk, but I noticed two bags of lead shot, maybe 1/4 full each, and im being generous. I picked them both up and asked him how much he wanted. He replied with " I have the two bags , but did you noticed the lead bar?"

He had a 40/60 solder lead bar. I asked him how much for everything. HE SAID 80$!

I told him that he was alittle over priced... Over here, a lead shot bag of 20lbs is around 65-70$. I just bought a bag a few months ago.

So the conversation went on as so:

Me: " You're actually pretty expensive"

Seller: " well how much do you want to give me?"

Me: " Not 80$, a full bag of 20lbs is 70$, you barely have 1/4 in each bag."

Seller: " Its lead, and it sells close to 2$ a pound. If you don't want it, il sell it to someone else"

I walked away... Anyone else have a similar issue?

If I would of gave him 2$ a pound I would of paid a fraction of his price.. Maybe 3-5lbs in each bag.

Petrol & Powder
09-12-2019, 06:13 AM
Not that specific situation but I've walked away from plenty of delusional sellers.

09-12-2019, 07:44 AM
A lot of people are pretty delusional about the value of their goods.

09-12-2019, 08:53 AM
Things are only worth what some one else is willing to pay for it.

09-12-2019, 10:05 AM
One needs to only look at ebay. I will mine a berm for days and cast with out tin or pewter before i pay those prices. They are even sneaky with shiping charges. Even bullet molds. Its a wonder they even sell anything and stay in buisnes. They are all doing it so someone is buying. Even rotometsls is too expensive for my blood.

Personally i cant find lead or alloys outside scrap yards and occasional craigslist adds. Those people are great to deal with and reasonable with prices.

After seeig peoples pewter score i have started frequenting garage sales and flea markets. Spend time with the wife and look for "scrap". Never find anything but it keeps the wife happy spending time with her.

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09-12-2019, 10:20 AM
I just came by a bunch of bags of shot, chilled shot w/only 2% Sb, if that much.
All the empties got turned into ingots along with that 5 gallon bucket of fish weights.
The full shot bags on the left, I gave to a friend in Utah...


Heres what it looks like today...


and the fish weights...


The no. 6 shot tested at 9.5BHN...I heat treated an ingot in the convection oven to see what it'll come up to and I'll know something in a week about that...otherwise all I got was pistol lead but that's OK.

Petrol & Powder
09-12-2019, 12:16 PM
things are only worth what some one else is willing to pay for it.

/\ this /\

09-12-2019, 02:58 PM
Damn, thats alot of lead. I never found that much.

09-12-2019, 03:44 PM
Go to Ballistic Products and you will find that Lawrence Chilled lead shot is going from $45.00 to $49. for a 25 lbs bag and then you pay shipping on top of that.

09-12-2019, 04:45 PM
Reminds me of this gun show I was at a few years ago during the shortages. This guy had a "Bucket o Bullets" on his table with a price of $200 on it. Some irate guy was at the table complaining about the price and how "$200 for 1,500 .22 rounds was a ripoff" and accused the owner of the bucket of gouging people. At about the same time, this other guy walks up behind the irate customer, throws $200 on the table and says to him, "If you're not going to buy it then I will." Not that it relates too much to your story but it is a textbook example of the laws of supply and demand.

Burnt Fingers
09-12-2019, 05:05 PM
A bag of shot here is 25 lbs and sells for $40.

Scrap lead is $1 lb.

09-12-2019, 06:30 PM
Seems like yesterday I bought 25 bags of 7.5 magnum chilled for $20 a bag. Guess it was awhile ago.

kevin c
09-12-2019, 10:21 PM
So, basically the flea market guy wanted to sell at close to market price at a venue where the idea is to sell things that buyers think are a bargain. If he sells at that price, he's found an uninformed customer. You're not that. If he ends up taking the shot and solder home, and especially if he does it multiple times, then he'll be forced to reconsider his price. But being young and aggressive, he won't reconsider until then.

Nowadays, having a reasonable supply of casting metals, I won't haggle much. If the price is way too high, I wince, smile as I put the item down, and walk away. If it's close to what I'd pay, I might counteroffer if I think the seller will dicker (say, late in the day, especially when it's the last day of an estate/garage/flea market sale). For estate sales I see the same people from the various companies running them. They get to know the regulars and what they'll pay, so it makes it easier.

09-12-2019, 11:51 PM
So, basically the flea market guy wanted to sell at close to market price at a venue where the idea is to sell things that buyers think are a bargain. If he sells at that price, he's found an uninformed customer. You're not that. If he ends up taking the shot and solder home, and especially if he does it multiple times, then he'll be forced to reconsider his price. But being young and aggressive, he won't reconsider until then.

Nowadays, having a reasonable supply of casting metals, I won't haggle much. If the price is way too high, I wince, smile as I put the item down, and walk away. If it's close to what I'd pay, I might counteroffer if I think the seller will dicker (say, late in the day, especially when it's the last day of an estate/garage/flea market sale). For estate sales I see the same people from the various companies running them. They get to know the regulars and what they'll pay, so it makes it easier.

Some people are really nice and are actually willing to haggle like they are supposed to. I collect axes, guns, knives... abit of everything. This one time I picked up an axe head and the man wanted 545$... I could hear him saying" All these young people think they know everything with the internet!"
Truth is: I can see pretty much anything I want and the price of anything I want.

Alot of people at the flea market or gun shows always say " go check online its worth $$$" because they know it works in there favor.

I get alot of good deals tho. One time I bought a brand new shotgun cartridge belt for 30$. The man asked me if I was interested in making ammo, I said yes. He showed me a Ponsness and Warren Press. He said I f I wanted it, he would give me a decent price. Used the old " go look on your phone and check the prices for used ones. They go for 300$, new around 700$"

So I checked and he was 100% right. I go back, and he says " Ahh, just give me 50$, sound good?" SOOOOOLD

09-13-2019, 03:12 AM
When I was younger it would bother me. Now? I know what I want and at what price I want it. Heck I'm willing to haggle a bit from there. In the end of it is not my price that's that; how unreasonable the asking price may be is immaterial. I just wish them the best of luck and move on.

09-13-2019, 06:15 PM
When I was younger it would bother me. Now? I know what I want and at what price I want it. Heck I'm willing to haggle a bit from there. In the end of it is not my price that's that; how unreasonable the asking price may be is immaterial. I just wish them the best of luck and move on.

I don't mind haggling, even if i don't get what I want, it doesn't bother me.
What annoys me is when a seller is rude or thinks they know everything. Sometiems they'll even admit to not knowing anything but they still charge a crazy price... Im young compared to everyone there. I'm 22, so they see a dumb kid rolling around the corner and they think they'll get me to buy anything.

Winger Ed.
09-13-2019, 06:31 PM
I quit haggling a long time ago. When I worked a sales counter, people would want to negotiate the price all the time.
I'd ask them if they did that at the grocery store or gas station. Then ask why they felt compelled to do it with me.

If I see something at a flea market, gun show, etc. and ask the price. If I don't like it, I thank them and wander off.
If the item isn't marked and they want me to make a offer, I will. If they don't want to sell for that, I thank them and wander off.

Winger Ed.
09-13-2019, 06:35 PM
. I'm 22, so they see a dumb kid rolling around the corner and they think they'll get me to buy anything.

You put a lot of stress on old geezers.
They are torn between that, and the other concept..... Being a kid--- 'you ain't got no money anyway'.

09-13-2019, 11:50 PM
Personally i cant find lead or alloys outside scrap yards and occasional craigslist adds. Those people are great to deal with and reasonable with prices.

Wish that were the case here. Scrap yards and recyclers will not sell lead to the public because of it being listed as a Hazardous Material. Tried it here in Wisconsin and in Illinois. Which leaves ebay, craigslist or the forum classifieds.

09-14-2019, 08:02 AM
Some people are really nice and are actually willing to haggle like they are supposed to. I collect axes, guns, knives... abit of everything. This one time I picked up an axe head and the man wanted 545$... I could hear him saying" All these young people think they know everything with the internet!"

Ay caramba! $545 for an axe head?? Did he have documentation proving it was Alley Oop's personal axe or what?

Eddie Southgate
09-14-2019, 03:35 PM
Seems like yesterday I bought 25 bags of 7.5 magnum chilled for $20 a bag. Guess it was awhile ago.

Last time I bought any shot it was $15 full price for 25 pounds of the best chilled . I bought enough that I am just now starting to run short of some sizes .

09-14-2019, 03:41 PM
Ay caramba! $545 for an axe head?? Did he have documentation proving it was Alley Oop's personal axe or what?

I'm pretty sure that Alley Oops' axe was stone.

09-14-2019, 03:47 PM
You put a lot of stress on old geezers.
They are torn between that, and the other concept..... Being a kid--- 'you ain't got no money anyway'.

That's the big issue. They think i have no money. Its funny when I drop a wad of cash for a 3000$ gun on the table though, they all call me sir and run after me... Ask me if I'm interested in their stuff. Funny how attitude changes with a few thousands

09-14-2019, 03:50 PM
Ay caramba! $545 for an axe head?? Did he have documentation proving it was Alley Oop's personal axe or what?

Some people are ridiculous. The style around here now is axes, anvils, and rusty tools. People decorate with them I guess. I use them... The other day I saw an ils for sale:
One probably around 10 pounds. Marked Hercules Canada. 280$
125 pound with a hardy hole tool, and a hammer. 900$

Another one inside the building, where people have little kiosks, around 100 pounds 295$.