View Full Version : Troubles With Compression Die

08-30-2019, 06:43 AM
I am having problems compressing my powder with my compression die... the problem is getting the die to enter the case mouth on the upstroke... usually I have to try to finesse it (guys nicknamed Moose usually aren't good at finessing anything)and find find the sweet spot for the die to enter without crushing the case mouth... It was purchased from BACO some years ago... I thought about just removing the sharp shoulder on it with some 400 grit sandpaper and chucking it in the drill press... anyone have a better solution? thanks in advance for your help.

Chill Wills
08-30-2019, 09:59 AM
Compression dies made by me and the few I have seen have a small taper or a radius AND I still have to feel them in to the case to some extent. Just when I get too sure cases will go in with out any fuss I buckle a case mouth.

I think you can chuck it up in a drill and use a fine file lightly to break the corner enough to ease them in. Go slow and remove as needed.

08-30-2019, 10:03 AM
I put a .03 x 45 degree chamfer on mine to finally get it to go in. Still have to finesse it, but it's a lot faster.

country gent
08-30-2019, 10:32 AM
Start by measurinf inside of sized and expanded case mouth then the expander. see how much clearance there is. Another thing that might help is a slight bell on the case mouth. a .030- .060 x 45* chamfer or radious helps a lot. coupled with a slightly belled case mouth it should cure the problem

08-30-2019, 10:36 AM
Thanks all for your suggestions, greatly appreciated.

08-30-2019, 03:25 PM
Another approach is to use the die that Shiloh sells. It's a different design and it'd be hard to crunch a case with it.


09-06-2019, 06:25 AM
You didn’t mention the cartridge size you are loading so be sure to measure the compression plug diameter to be sure it will fit into into the sized case after it has been neck expanded and mouth belled with an “M” type expander plug. The expander plug should a few thou smaller than the expander plug. Be sure to use the lock ring on the compression plug to take up thread wiggle.
I had BACO custom make my 45 Colt compression plug because at the time BACO didn’t stock a plug to fit the 45 Colt revolver cartridge.
Track of the Wolf has some compression plugs that fit inside a LEE expander die body.

09-06-2019, 09:40 PM
I always spin my die a quarter turn as I bring the case up to the die. Works for me anyways.
Back the die out a quarter turn , then as I bring the case up, I slowly turn the die tight.

09-09-2019, 05:16 PM
like semtav sez - with the BACO compression plug, rotate the case and shell holder, it'll enter the case mouth sooner than later. if yer case mouth is that tight, pull out the plug and spin it in drill press while taking it down a thou or so with fine abrasive cloth/paper.