View Full Version : And ye shall

08-14-2019, 08:41 AM
Deuteronomy 11:19

And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

.................................................. ...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWIx24J00Wc

08-14-2019, 09:13 AM

08-14-2019, 01:10 PM
This is what's lacking in so many, many parents today. They simply don't TEACH their children, and most don't set much of an example, really, for them either. Is it any wonder then, leaving them to basically raise themselves, and without religious or even moral training, that they've turned into "snowflakes" and other unruly, uneducated, willful malcontents? I believe that when we're born, we have instilled in us somehow, an innate desire and need for good parenting. Have you ever observed how parents who give their children little to no supervision or discipline, tend to have kids that seem to hate them? And how those parents who scrupulously raise their children in the church and teach and model morality to them, tend to love their parents, and honor them? That cannot possibly be a mere accident! All the liberal theology of parenting (NOT parenting, but trying to be a "friend" and a provider) has shown, over time, to produce the OPPOSITE of what they SAY their real goals are! They think up stuff in their heads, and assume that because they thought it, they can bring it to fruition. But every time we depart from the stuff God gave us, we err and produce the opposite of the results any level headed human would want. There's a lesson in all this somewhere, I think?

08-14-2019, 04:37 PM
This is what's lacking in so many, many parents today. They simply don't TEACH their children, and most don't set much of an example, really, for them either. Is it any wonder then, leaving them to basically raise themselves, and without religious or even moral training, that they've turned into "snowflakes" and other unruly, uneducated, willful malcontents? I believe that when we're born, we have instilled in us somehow, an innate desire and need for good parenting. Have you ever observed how parents who give their children little to no supervision or discipline, tend to have kids that seem to hate them? And how those parents who scrupulously raise their children in the church and teach and model morality to them, tend to love their parents, and honor them? That cannot possibly be a mere accident! All the liberal theology of parenting (NOT parenting, but trying to be a "friend" and a provider) has shown, over time, to produce the OPPOSITE of what they SAY their real goals are! They think up stuff in their heads, and assume that because they thought it, they can bring it to fruition. But every time we depart from the stuff God gave us, we err and produce the opposite of the results any level headed human would want. There's a lesson in all this somewhere, I think?

Dennis, it is not necessary to have God or religion in a home to raise good kids. I see many examples.

Parenting demands providing a good example, establishing expectations, setting boundaries and follow through.

I have seen children raised in "religious" homes that are next to worthless but most are good kids...on that I agree with you.

08-15-2019, 08:14 AM
Thanks Charlie....many many parents are not performing this necessary action!

Wayne Smith
08-16-2019, 07:41 AM
We did, and now our kids are passing this on to our grandchildren. It works. His word never returns void.

08-16-2019, 09:13 AM
my parents did not teach me. I was still found, but it sure would have helped me keep from stumbling around in the dark and in Self...