View Full Version : Sunday Morning Song

08-13-2019, 10:25 PM
The family whose ancestors founded the Church I Pastor came Sunday for their Bi-Annual Reunion. Most were from Florida & North Carolina. They blessed us with a few songs.


08-14-2019, 05:48 AM
That is purely wonderful, it shows they love Christ.

08-14-2019, 07:11 AM
Thank you LAH !

08-14-2019, 01:30 PM
Thanks LAH. My roots include going to church when I was young, where there was an old lady who'd had a pretty rough life, and had always just eked by, and never knew much about "plenty" or anything but hard work. But she loved the Lord, and could never have been reversed on that. She always sang in the choir, and loved doing that. Her voice was OK, and she sang as loudly as she could, because of her love of the Lord. The only problem is that she'd often drift off key. That was usually when she laid her head back, closed her eyes, and communed with her Savior. And you know, I'd give a golden dime to see and hear her sing again. Her son wasn't the inspiration, it was watching her and hearing the extreme earnestness and love in that voice of hers. She was a large inspiration, and all we had to do was just see all of what was before our eyes, and hear the best part of her voice, and forget anything that wasn't up to par. A righteous person shouldn't have any trouble doing those things, and my innocence helped me see it as I think God would have had me see it.

But the really good singers also inspire. We had another lady, who was older as well, who'd converted from Catholocism. She had an awesome soprano voice, that could penetrate even the dullest soul! I always thought it a real treat, and worth going to church if there had been nothing else there. She's pretty physically challenged now, and seldom gets to church. I baked her a pecan pie and took it to her a while back. She's just as smiling (her face just lights up) and loving as ever .... especially if you bring her a pecan pie.

And there are others, but these two kind'a represent both ends of the spectrum of church singing. Actually, I wish us white folks sang a little more like many black churches. Those folks REALLY put their all into their gospel singing! And I love hearing it, too. Songs and singing are wondrous things. We need to do more of it. Modern thought seems to regard any but the professionals as being in bad taste. I simply love the genuineness and depth of sincerity of anyone who'll put that into their singing. Being "mousey" about our singing, and not doing it loudly or proudly or thankfully enough, just diminishes the service. Belting it out (within reason, of course) is the way to go IMHO. It's so inspiring, both to see and watch.

08-14-2019, 10:12 PM
Thanks for sharing that Blackwater.