View Full Version : 59 years ago today

Art in Colorado
08-10-2019, 11:43 AM
On August 10, 1965 I was inducted into the United States Air Force. We all served back then if we were physicaly fit. At that time it seemed the four year enlistment was a very long period of time. Today it seems like just a long vacation. They were some of the best years of my life. I wonder what it would it would have been if I made it a career.
However, I have no complaints. Married for 51 years and did have great career.

Sorry to take up time but an feeling a bit nostalgic today.

08-10-2019, 02:08 PM
Thank you for your service.
As the years pass, your perspective changes. There are undoubtedly other things in your life you look at differently now than you did at the time.

08-10-2019, 06:05 PM
Thanks for your service, the scary part of your post mentioned 59 years ago, in 1965. I joined in 1963

08-10-2019, 06:23 PM
On August 10, 1965 I was inducted into the United States Air Force. We all served back then if we were physicaly fit. At that time it seemed the four year enlistment was a very long period of time. Today it seems like just a long vacation. They were some of the best years of my life. I wonder what it would it would have been if I made it a career.
However, I have no complaints. Married for 51 years and did have great career.

Sorry to take up time but an feeling a bit nostalgic today. Are you a pilot?

08-10-2019, 07:07 PM
just a wing nut!

08-10-2019, 07:43 PM
Congrats and all, but I was born in 1965 and I'm not 59 years old. :shock:

Chill Wills
08-10-2019, 07:45 PM
On August 10, 1965 I was inducted into the United States Air Force.
Sorry to take up time but an feeling a bit nostalgic today.

Am I missing something or is 59 years ago 1960?

Art, thank you for stepping up and serving. It would be good if more young people today did.

08-10-2019, 08:30 PM
That's 54 years by my count!

08-10-2019, 11:26 PM
I enlisted in '64 in the navy. Had no job prospects and decided the navy was the better choice. Have no regrets with that choice. Got out in '67 and started a job that lasted for 30 years. Outside of an ashtray made out of a brass 5"54 shell casing,a brass copy of the ships plaque and some pics all I have now are memories. At the ripe old age of 21 I was a vet. Dad had to sign the enlistment papers as I was 17 at the time. To this day I think he didn't really know what he was signing. Frank

08-11-2019, 09:15 AM
A big "thank you" for your service Art. As taxman points out . . . the years certainly have a way of changing your perspective on things. Funny . . . as much turmoil as there was in those years, there are so many times I look back at that time and wish we were there again - minus loss of friends. No internet, no cell phones, no social media . . . and people actually interacted with each other and could "discuss" their differences for the most part. Now . . .we've become our parents . . . or grandparents and we never thought we'd be that old. So many good memories for the most part and like my Dad always told me . . "never live your life with regret of the things you didn't do, live for today, appreciate your fond memories and be thankful for the blessings of family and friends."

And guys . . . don't be too hard on Art for his "miscalculation" - I'm guessing he hit the wrong key! Heck . . . I sometimes can't even remember what I did yesterday let alone how long ago it was that I did anything else! :-)

08-11-2019, 12:48 PM
My USAF induction was Aug 31, 1965 so we were at Lackland at the same time.

08-11-2019, 03:50 PM
So you will know how crazy I am, I volunteered for the draft in 66. My hobby back then was shooting so the Army made me a medic. Spent a few months "in country" helping set up the 29th evac hospital in Cu Chi. Never fired a shot.

Der Gebirgsjager
08-11-2019, 06:39 PM
Hmmm...I enlisted for 3 years in the Army in Jan., 1961. Infantry, stationed in Germany. Troop ship both ways. Glad I did it once. I think we all wonder "What if..." What if I would have stayed in, and how vastly different our lives would have been. My brother made a career of the USAF and retired as a SMSGT. Married a Korean lady. I went into law enforcement and married a beautiful Louisiana belle, who's father was a career Army guy, MSGT. December will be 50 for us.

Thank you, and God Bless to all who have served and are serving.


Larry Gibson
08-11-2019, 08:08 PM
Coming up on 55 years (4 November '64) since I enlisted in the Army as airborne unassigned because I wanted to volunteer for Special Forces. Having completed Basic Training, Infantry Training and just completing my 5th jump at airborne school I ran over to the SF recruiting office main post Fort Benning. The MSG there told me why I couldn't volunteer yet.....the last thing he said was "Besides, you're too young to go to Viet Nam and die...." I had just turned 18 in Airborne School. Crestfallen I went back the barracks and a few days later was enroute to the 173rd Airborne Brigade on Okinawa. Seven days after arriving there I was a scout in the 1/503rd Infantry Rgmt Recon section and on a C130 headed to Viet Nam ....... something seemed wrong with that picture.......

Made it through 13+ months there and was fortunate enough to learn from and serve with some real heroes. I spent a total of 42 years in the Army with 22 1/2 active and the rest USAR and NG. Yes, I did make it too Special forces and spent 22 years being all I could be there. I also served as a scout in the 101st and the Armored Cavalry. Spent my last years as in operations and training at battalion and brigade level. Made it to two wars and a whole lot of other bad places in between.......genuinely have been to three county fairs, two hay rides and a hog killin'...... spent three years after retirement contracting to train Soldiers, Marines and CBs all across the country, Alaska and Hawaii passing on what I had learned. Was my pleasure to serve but now am happily retired just "livin the dream".......

Art in Colorado
08-12-2019, 10:26 AM
My USAF induction was Aug 31, 1965 so we were at Lackland at the same time.

Really hot at that time. I arrived in a bus and saw all of these troops wearing Pith Helmets and wondered why. Soon found out.

Art in Colorado
08-12-2019, 10:28 AM
Yeah I calculated wrong. 54 years. Ha Ha I guess I not as old as I thought.

Art in Colorado
08-12-2019, 10:34 AM
Are you a pilot?
No not a Pilot but the B-52's and F-4's at Shephard AFB did some damage to my ears. I was assigned to the SAC Wing for some time and witnessed several practice alerts. What a sight. The sound, the ground shaking and the smell of jet fuel.

08-15-2019, 12:35 PM
Wow, I'm young then! I went to Lackland in 84 and eventually went to Eglin. Just 4 busy years for me then on to another guvmint job. Like others have stated, I wouldn't change a thing. Proud to have served!

I also understand the nostalgia even though it doesn't hit too often.

08-16-2019, 08:19 PM
Thanks for your service!