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View Full Version : Uploading Pictures

Petrol & Powder
08-04-2019, 11:03 AM
For some unknown reason I cannot upload pictures. It appears I have plenty of space available but the upload fails on every attempt.

Anyone have suggestions or ideas?

08-04-2019, 11:13 AM
Might wanna try converting to a different file format, or link to a repository like imgur if that doesn't fix it.

Larry Gibson
08-04-2019, 11:13 AM
Most of the pictures I take have megapixels (?) in the "MB" size as seen when the "properties" are checked. I've found they need to be under 200+/- "KB"s in size (not sure of the actual size...maybe No_1 can say?) to upload on the program here. I open the picture in Micro Office Picture manager and then clicking on "export" can change the MB size down to KB size. Maybe there's an easier way but that works for me.

08-04-2019, 12:49 PM
Larry's right, practically all modern picture-taking devices now take ginormous pictures that hog resources on the web sites. CB has a size limit I believe it's around 200 KB per picture. If the pics are too large they won't upload

I switched to IMGUR over 10,000 pictures ago and am happy with it


Petrol & Powder
08-04-2019, 03:35 PM
Thanks to all.

I didn't have a problem in the past but I do now. I'll see if I can fix it.

08-06-2019, 08:11 PM
200 kB seems about right.

Most of the pictures I take have megapixels (?) in the "MB" size as seen when the "properties" are checked. I've found they need to be under 200+/- "KB"s in size (not sure of the actual size...maybe No_1 can say?) to upload on the program here. I open the picture in Micro Office Picture manager and then clicking on "export" can change the MB size down to KB size. Maybe there's an easier way but that works for me.