View Full Version : Arthritis...

08-04-2019, 10:37 AM
Anybody else afflicted with this accursed malady?
I have had severe arthritis in my neck for about 7 years ever since my bout with salivary gland cancer and the resultant surgeries and radiation treatments.
My neck vertebrae have been afflicted with radiation induced arthritis ever since. It wasn't to bad until I had Burkitt's like Lymphoma in 2016 and underwent some additional radiation treatments and chemotherapy for a metastasized brain tumor.

The arthritis in my neck has gotten steadily worse. Most days after a hot shower, some stretching exercises and Advil it quiets down to the point that I can do pretty much whatever I want.

Until today...the pain simply won't ease off. I was supposed to go to the gun club with my son but I simply can't hold my head up for more than a few minutes without needing to support it.

Any suggestions that might ameliorate the situation would've greatly appreciated.

08-04-2019, 10:55 AM
Heat and massage helps me.

08-04-2019, 11:05 AM
Appreciate the response...
I have a neck massager...so distracted by the arthritis I had forgotten about it.
Thanks for the reminder.

08-04-2019, 11:23 AM
I use a tens unit,for my neck as well with heat works best for me.

08-04-2019, 11:48 AM
Arthritis is one of those things like back pain till you've got it you don't realise how bad it can be .

Gray Fox
08-04-2019, 11:53 AM
500 mg turmeric capsules three times a day. This is what a young male nurse with congenital arthritis described that he now uses after lots of research. He told me this while I was in the hospital after passing 6 units of blood due to too much Advil/ibuprofen that shredded my large intestines. They did both upper and lower scopes and found no hint of cancer. Hope it helps. GF

08-04-2019, 12:34 PM
500 mg turmeric capsules three times a day. This is what a young male nurse with congenital arthritis described that he now uses after lots of research. He told me this while I was in the hospital after passing 6 units of blood due to too much Advil/ibuprofen that shredded my large intestines. They did both upper and lower scopes and found no hint of cancer. Hope it helps. GF

I will look into the turmeric.
Thank you

08-04-2019, 12:36 PM
Coincidentally we’re at arthritis camp this weekend. My son has had polyarticular juvenile arthritis since he was three. It’s so bad for him that we control it with expensive medication.

I have some fairly minor issues with my feet, and can attest that turmeric and glucosamine are very helpful.

08-04-2019, 01:42 PM
I had bad arthritis in my neck and can't take NSAIDS because I am on blood thinners. I had a nerve ablation for the pain and have been pain free in my neck for three years. I had 2 of them in my lower back, but the disc and vertebrae in my lower back are now so bad that I will probably be having my third lower back surgery in a couple of months.

08-04-2019, 04:18 PM
I have gout, which is a form of arthritis.
Also have arthritis in my hands.
Most of the time, it's not bad.
When it acts up, they get stiff and a little sore.
I've tried all kind of over the counter, and holistic medication.
Nothing really had any long term results.
I'm guessing I'm just going to have to get use to it.
Just getting old.

08-04-2019, 04:55 PM
I take turmeric 3 times a day and a shot of apple cider vinegar. I can tell the difference when I don't take them.
I have it in my hands and right shoulder.
it is old injuries coming back to haunt me.

08-04-2019, 04:58 PM
My mom suffered badly in her hands and feet. No real relief for a long time. I'm getting it in my lower back and in both hands. I wake up and can't move my fingers without pain. Hot shower first thing loosens things up, but still hangs around. Part of getting old I guess. I've heard about the tumeric, one short study had it working as good as tylenol.... that ain't sayin much as tylenol does nothing to relieve mine.
Ibuprofien, but only one in a while when it is bad. Stomach issues I don't need.

08-04-2019, 05:13 PM
Arthritis is one of those things like back pain till you've got it you don't realise how bad it can be .

Lucky me.
I have had back pain for 35+ years now my Doc informs me that I have developed rheumatoid arthritis in my lower back as well.
Now, I know why my back been killing me for the last couple of years.

08-04-2019, 07:23 PM
I know the high-power, high dollar medication isn't what most of us need or want, but there are some very effective options now. My son is on Humera, and it completely controls all the symptoms. Without it he's effectively crippled. We just attended a session with the doctors a couple hours ago, and found out that there are some new drugs in the pipeline, working through clinical trials and government approval. They said it appears to be both safer and more effective than the current biologic "miracle drugs".

lefty o
08-04-2019, 07:37 PM
work with a good rheumatologist, and hope you find something that works for you. i live on humira injecitons, and meloxicam. not totally effective, but way way way better than without. one thing is for certain, you must get arthritis under control, or it will get worse.

08-04-2019, 08:22 PM
The warmer temps of Arizona seem to be helping me. I take my share of Equate which contains acetaminophen (NSAID). I alternate between that and Nabumetone.

08-04-2019, 08:28 PM
I have gout, which is a form of arthritis.
Also have arthritis in my hands.
Most of the time, it's not bad.
When it acts up, they get stiff and a little sore.
I've tried all kind of over the counter, and holistic medication.
Nothing really had any long term results.
I'm guessing I'm just going to have to get use to it.
Just getting old.

I also have Gout and take allopurinol and Colchicine for it. Once they got the Allopurnol dosage regulated I haven't had a Gout outbreak since. I have arthritis in my hands, feet, and shoulders so I know how you feel.

08-04-2019, 08:36 PM
I was taking glucosamine and turmeric. I don't think the tuneric is helping. I also started taking Collagen types 1,2, and 3. Get mine from Costco now. My arthritis was so bad in my left knee I had an MRI done and was basically told it is arthritis and learn to deal with it. My Uncle told me about the collagen. After about one to two weeks my knee was vastly improved and I even got it to "pop". I now will only get occasional twinges of pain from it. I also have a messed up neck and back so hear ya on pain. Good luck.

08-04-2019, 08:45 PM
Diclofenac is an nsaid that has helped me. I have arthritis from head to toe so to speak. Ice helps mine much better than does heat. Heat increases inflammation in my case. The local druggist may have suggestions. I have used chiropractors but if I were you, I would not let one twist my neck. I would allow a massage therapist to work it. Tense shoulder and neck muscles may make your pain worse.

08-04-2019, 11:27 PM
I would look into an anti-inflammatory diet. That is also the best diet for cancer.

08-07-2019, 10:00 AM
If your arthritis pain is due to inflammation, which I think the majority of arthritis pain is, then as Piedmont mentions, look into "anti-inflammatory diet". BTW, the reason Turmeric is mentioned, is because it's a known anti-inflammatory. When I learned that, I started using the spice liberally in my cooking...and I like the flavor/color it adds to some food, especially chicken.

Lastly, I will add this, CBD oil is a known anti-inflammatory. I use it regularly for the arthritis pain in my Knees and I find it works as good or better than OTC pain meds...PLUS I don't like to take OTC pain meds regularly. I realize to some this product is controversial and I will not argue about it, I will only state my personal experience...and that it is legal in all 50 states thanks to the US Farm Bill, that was passed in 2018.

08-07-2019, 11:16 PM
What JonB said about cbd oil (from hemp) ..wife who was all but beyond able to climb step started the cbd oil 6 months ago (out of desperation) and the results have been extremely gratifying ..she just takes an eye dropper's worth under her tongue once a day

If your hurting ..anything is worth a try

Good Luck

08-08-2019, 04:15 PM
Appreciate all the responses and suggestions...
Thank you!

08-08-2019, 07:15 PM
My dad uses the CBD oil and swears by it. I give it to my old dog and he has gotten much better on it.

Guy I worked with years ago was afflicted and swore by cherries. Said it could be anything from fresh cherries to a cherry pie and eating it greatly relieved the pain.

08-09-2019, 11:15 PM
I was under a rented wood chipper a customer who was hammered- drunk brought back after plugging it. Of course, the idiot lunged into the clutch over and over ruining the drive belt between the engine and the machine. So I was replacing it. I was on my hands and knees when the blower chute landed on my back ruining my shoulder, ribs and neck. That was is 2001.
I have been on the dreaded pain meds for most of 17 years. I can't make it without them. Luckily, I am one of those people with no addiction difficulties. I also take four aspirins at a time with food alternating with four Ibu.
I am very, very lucky since I have a twisted personality that insists on pushing myself as hard as I can possibly manage which also puts me in some pain. If I don't exercise every day as often as possible I am in trouble. Which is a very, very good thing. One hears horror stories of people who just give up, quit living and then there's me. My physical therapists just stare at me when i tell them what I do- in winter I ride my exercise bike for an hour (over a day) and then go out with my snowshoes and plow around in circles around the home place being careful I don't get too far from home if the spasms take hold.
The pain psychologist hears my story and can't believe it. He says he has patients that say everything they do hurts and are completely inactive. He says while they talk he looks at them and they have completely lost their conditioning- they've given up. He has said if he can get a therapy group going he wants me to come in and talk to them. People don't listen to someone who hasn't gone through what they are. They think the therapist or medical person has read about it in books. It's kind of like a guy I knew in Ky who saw a social worker the court had required he see after a drunk driving arrest. He told he wouldn't listen to her. He didn't have a drinking problem. He had a getting caught problem and shut down. He needed a reformed drunk to lay the lash to him.
Anyway, I do exercise. I do ice, ice is my friend. I have to lay down several times a day to stop back and neck spasms. That was a very difficult thing to accept- men don't rest no matter how bad they are hurt.
But every morning, and it has been into 17 years, when things are pretty sore I say to myself: Look at me getting up. Look at me going to the bathroom. Look at me making coffee. Look at me able to put my shoes on. Every day pain reminds me I could be a paraplegic waiting for someone to come around and wipe the spit off my face because I can't lift my arms to do it myself.

08-10-2019, 12:27 AM
I’ve been taking Celebrex or a generic brand every morning for over fifteen years. I swear by it. I’ve even started giving it to my old dog and it helps her a lot too.

08-10-2019, 06:34 PM
Well like so many others I have arthritis in all my joints and spine. Some days are ok and others wished I wasn't here. I take turmeric and it settles it to the point I can do somethings. Just another way of reminding me when I was young I took to many things for granted. Most likely didn't help being in the Army and working on road construction for a couple of decades in all kinds of weather. Ha Ha wished I had know when I was younger.

08-10-2019, 11:24 PM
I have had better result with Aleve for mine but it is not as serious as yours.

08-11-2019, 01:42 PM
Osteoarthritis has been my daily companion for about 40 years. I have been through various prescription meds that worked for a while and then didn't work. I have seen various Drs. and taken various NSAIDs. NSAIDs will kill your kidneys after a time. A couple of years ago I quit all such drugs and learned to live with the pain. I was suprised that after a month or two the pain was the same as it was when I took the drugs. I will take a couple of Tylenol to go to sleep. Pain is a part of life, it means you didn't die young.