View Full Version : Need a ball detent.

08-03-2019, 06:31 PM
Now I feel dumb. I originally put .038 as the needed size but I need a .138 size.

I got a craftsman ratchet that I disassembled and lost the ball detent. I got another ratchet that is the same, so I disassembled it and measured the ball. It is .138 diameter I'm sure anything .135-.145 would work. No place I'm aware of I can buy just one ball.

I don't want to return the ratchet, even though it's a newer one, if I can repair it myself.
Suggestions or donation of a ball would be appreciated.


Winger Ed.
08-03-2019, 06:45 PM
The hardware store may have them, or maybe a check ball left over from a old carberator rebuild kit might fit.
Old mechanics tend to have them floating around in the bottom of a tool drawer.

08-03-2019, 07:09 PM
I checked ace and they don't have one small enough.

Winger Ed.
08-03-2019, 07:25 PM
There's places on line that sell them, but they're just stupid expensive.

I'd just take it back.

08-03-2019, 07:57 PM
I looked online, I don't need a 100. That's why I'm asking here. I'm hoping someone has a few rolling around in a jar and wouldn't mind sending it my way. Should go in an envelope for a stamp.

country gent
08-03-2019, 07:57 PM
You might look at some ball bearings. You would have to cut the outer race apart to get to them though. I always saved a few old bearing for this reason. I don't have any that small on hand. You might check on line metals they might have them. A search online might turn something up.

08-03-2019, 08:34 PM
I ruled out finding anything online because of cost. Places generally want to charge 6-7 for shipping. I want to scavenge one for free and or for a dollar shipped.

I ain't thought of cutting a bearing apart. I got a couple if the balls are right sized.

08-03-2019, 09:27 PM
Sent a PM Bazoo.

08-03-2019, 10:55 PM
Went out to the shop and noticed welding rubble by the side of the vise. Little small steel balls lying there. Micrometer settled on .038 on one. These may be hard enough to work for a while. A file will cut them.

08-03-2019, 11:02 PM
Replies to the pm OBH. Thank you for takin the time to look. I think mild steel will be okay as it's not the best quality ratchet anyways.

08-04-2019, 12:12 AM
try a bike shop- they stock all different sizes of bearings- not that I've lost any while disassembling things....

08-10-2019, 03:07 AM
Okay. Sorry for the confusion. Totally my fault. I need a .138 or thereabouts. A BB is too large.

Thank you again for all your effort OBH.

08-10-2019, 01:45 PM
Take a pellet out of a #4 steel shotshell....#4 shot is .130 nominal, #3 is .140 and #2 is .150. Cheapest I can think of to supply your need.

08-10-2019, 01:48 PM
Not a bad idea. Thanks. I don't happen to have any shotshells that have larger shot at present. But I'll keep my eyes open for one.

08-10-2019, 03:29 PM
If I ciphered it correctly, that's 3.5mm. It just happens some moron jambed up his Dewalt impact driver and disassembled it. Yep, ball rolled out and I assumed it to be lost forever. Ordered 20 of the devils from EvilBay, in the meantime I managed to find the lost one. PM me your address and I'll stick a couple in an envelope. It said they were G10 chrome steel, if I recall that was fairly hard.

08-10-2019, 04:51 PM
Sweet, I computered it and it says its right on it.

08-16-2019, 06:17 PM
I received the ball from phychodad and it's perfect. It measured .137 with my calipers and thumb. Glad to get it resolved.

Thank you again.